Karma pay back pirate style

  • On at least two occasions this weekend I found myself having to deal with aggressive pvp peeps. On one occasion I was solo on a brig, waiting for friends to come along, stocking the ship to get a head start on the days adventures. The first adventure I was out and about, finding every sunken ship and fort I could to stock up, when I notice a brig approaching fast. They had the make friends (alliance) flag up, so I watched cautiously, but ready to move if needed (my anchor is always up). As they got closer they were clearly angling themselves to have their cannons on me. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, after all they could have been just as gun shy as I felt, I sat waiting next to my drop cord for the sails. I tried calling out over the megaphone, but not answer. Sure enough, they fired as soon as they were in range, they fired continuously. Because I was prepared I dropped the first sail, spun the wheel some to get my ship in a direction to gain distance, dropped the second sail then repaired the ship. As soon as I got the ship repaired my first friend joined me. I had some loot on the ship from the ship wrecks, but being at a 3-2 disadvantage, and not real strong in pvp, we decided to do the best we could to maintain distance and simply sail by outposts, one person jumping off to sell while the other continued on. I really didn't want to lose a stocked ship. Soon after we sold our last bit of loot our third player joined. Now it was a fair fight. Having heard what was going on through party chat while he waited to join, he knew the situation as soon as he spawned on our ship. Without even saying a word he jumped from our ship to engage the other brig. Dropping their anchor and killing one of them before being dispatched himself we changed the dynamic of this encounter. We turned our ship and engaged in naval combat, landing many more solid hits on them then they were getting on us. Through the course of the battle they did manage to board our ship, but we killed them easily before they could drop our anchor or cause any other mischief on our ship. During this battle, meg showed up, and for once, decided the other brig was more tasty than ours. Once again we boarded their ship and killed them all before they finally killed us upon re-spawn. However, meg chomped their boat while they were re-spawning. Having to fight us off for a few minutes made the difference and they quickly sunk. We did not see their ship again after that.

    The second occasion we had a brig with two of us on the ship. We were getting some gold chests off an island when my friend tells me a galleon is approaching. They have no flag up. So I run back to the ship with the chest I had just dug up. I get back on the brig and as soon as I do, the galleon is lighting us up. We are taking heavy damage, but I manage to pull the sails and we are off. We quickly patch the holes and get water out. The galleon then chases us in a cat an mouse chase for over an hour. We speed by outposts dropping loot, and do our best to stay away from the galleon. Sailing against the wind more often than I care to, while the galleon in chase has the advantage of angles to shorten its distance to us and get slightly better winds. The chase is intense. My friend and I take turns trying to board their ship to drop the anchor and are successful on one occasion. During which the other crew tell my shipmate they won't stop chasing us until they have sunk and killed us, before killer her off. Shortly after that, the skull fort pops up and the galleon decides chasing us had been pointless and they peel off to go the the fort. We then are able to finally stop at an outpost and sell the remainder of our booty. Suddenly, our friend shows up in game. Not being a strong pvp player, and generally one that tries to avoid it unless I have no other option, I make a bold declaration. Lets go have some fun at that galleons expense. So we sail towards the fort, sure enough, there is the same galleon there, already engaged. Of course, the forts cannons start firing at us, giving any attempt at a surprise attack away, but we continue on any ways. They try to angle their galleon so cannons are on us, but they can't seem to hit us with a single shot, meanwhile we are peppering them solidly. Now, because the skellies in the gun towers respawned, and the galleon was in a bad position, they were also getting hit by the fort. Forced to move away we begin an intense naval battle, of which they seem to be very much outmatched by our now fully manned brig. We sail around the fort, exchanging cannon fire. With our brig connecting on a far greater percentage of shots then they are able to connect on us. Eventually we pull away, mostly because of the damage from the fort and one of our peeps needed a short break. During that time the galleon once again pulls back to the fort. After our short break we go back, this time we want to gun powder them, so we sail in close, they apparently want to do the same to us, but we got so close to their ship, that when they hit our ship with the gp, they also take heavy damage. Now we are fully enganged in sword fighting. Our crew gives a good fight, killing 3 of their 4 before ending up on the ferry ourselves. Knowing our ship was going down, and theirs too, we figured we would spawn to a new ship, but myself and one other spawn back at our sinking ship (gong sound for sunken ship sounds as soon as we spawn). The galleon was already under water too. We see two of their crew on the skull fort. So we approach, and with the help of the final wave of the skellies, we kill the first one. The second one of their crew kills the captain and tries to run off with the key, but we quickly dispatch him. Our other ship mate is already sailing towards us now, and for the first time that I can remember, spawned on the island closest to the fort. We quickly raid the loot and set off to sell. Not sure if the crew from the galleon even tried, but we didn't see them again.

    Long story short, it felt good to finally turn the tables against people that really are only on the game to make other people miserable. I am sure this will not be the end results all of the time, but for now it truly felt good.

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  • @nofears-fun good work! add me up if you like, you and your friends sound like great sailors.

    its always nice to turn the tables. people get cocky. its our job to knock them down a peg haha. still.. strange as it may sound, i wouldnt change it. they add to the world and can cause such wonderful stories like this even if they are a pain typically haha. i really cant stand the fools that say things like 'we are gona hunt you and kill you' or 'we will not stop til we sink you' so silly and typically give up or get killed long before such a thing happens haha. i had one sloop duo attack me as a solo and while i fought them off they said something like ' come on just die,, dont make this harder than it has to be' lol as if id just roll over for anyone. i didnt steal my treasure back from them but i did kill them enough to manage to toss it all overboard and have it be lost to us all haha. close enough!

  • @nofears-fun Great work! But just so you know, not everyone who enjoys PvP "are only on the game to make other people miserable". They're on the game to play it the way they like, as you are. Their goal is to have fun, not to make you miserable. Most of the time anyway. :)

  • @MortarChelle Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that all PvP players are there to make life miserable for others. But certainly many are. And honestly, if I turn and run because I have crates I don't want to lose, or a fully stocked boat that I don't want to lose, then why continue to chase me down unless your only gratification is to make me miserable. LOL. I understand the fun of PvP. The few times I have done it I have enjoyed it. But chasing someone around that clearly wants no part of it for over an hour, or just chasing them in general, where is the challenge in that. That is not true PvP. PvP is fighting someone that will fight back and make it a challenge (whether they are good at PvP or not). I have had many occasion where I simply announced I wasn't there for PvP today to the other ship and they backed off. But I have had just as many if not more where the reply is, we just don't care, we are gonna sink/kill you anyways. But to your point, you are right, not all PvP peeps are there to make someone else's game experience bad.

    Honestly, the PvP does add some excitement sometimes and if there were a way to make it so that you could recover your crates or buy a fully stocked ship (the time it takes to stock a ship is what makes risking a sunken ship suck) then I would run away a lot less.

  • @MortarChelle

    If a galleon-crew blows up a solo-brig for no reason despite surrendering without even taking the chests inside, then I'm pretty sure that they just want to ruin the solo-players day...

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