About the Ghost hull/sails..

  • So, with such a steep price, I thought of a nice addition that could be added to the Ghost set:

    When a cannonball hits the Legend ship sporting the ghost set, the green paint could start to glow for a couple minutes.. would be a cool way to inform someone they just shot a Legend’s ship and would look pretty epic.

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  • @wolfe-larsen Something needs to make it look better a glow would be an awesome solution in my opinion. I like where your going from it's not worth the asking price I would be better off getting the hunter hull for a good looking hull that is black.alt text seen this on Reddit.

  • I think it should look alot better than it does, I thought it may of been designed similarly to the Ferry of the Damned. Cos 500k for each part is a little steep.
    Even if the 50k flag glowed in the dark.... Something that envisions legend anyway.
    I don't think I'm alone in this either.

  • @wolfe-larsen too expensive, requires a lot of grind yet is nothing special... And have the interior bugged on inside of the Sloop.

    After the last stairs the wood is brighter than it should... Turns everything uncomfortable and spotable down there.

  • You need to do more of a grind to get the 1500000 than you did to get to legend in the first place. So stupid.

  • @callum-19854 That pic is EXACTLY what I'd hoped for. I'm not gonna lie, if I saw that thing following behind my ship I would actually worry if I had anything of value on board.

    The other side of me says it looks like the perfect ship for throwing a pirate themed rave at Golden Sands.

  • Any news on whether this will be a thing?

  • @rapidursa Ahoy matey!

    No news on this yet I am affraid... but hopefully this is something we see soon.

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