[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Sea of Thieves Huntress Figurehead code giveaway!

  • Ahoy!

    We’re pleased to announce another Forum giveaway! About time, right?

    Two lucky pirates will win this outstanding Huntress Figurehead, so make sure you don’t miss this chance!

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    All you need to do to enter is answer this question:

    Which feature from the upcoming Cursed Sails campaign are you most excited about: skeleton ships, Brigantine or Alliances?

    Winners will be picked randomly and announced at 5PM BST tomorrow. Best of luck!

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  • @old-salt-gorg Skeleton AI SHIPS ! no Question.

  • @old-salt-gorg

    Brig, gimme that new ship

  • Alliances. Better to work together for mutual gain than destroy each other.

  • The chest on the skelly ships...

  • @old-salt-gorg I would have to say alliances (although skeleton ships come a very close second).

  • @old-salt-gorg AI ships. Going to be fun trying to sink somthing that can sail like a sub! Argh!

  • Skeleton ships!

  • Skeleton ships.

  • The brigantine!

  • Brigantine! I'm often playing a man down on a galleon, do wish there was freedom to switch ships without switching server though...

  • i feel the skeleton ships will be the best. the seas seem so empty atm in regards to no merchant ships or royals ships to raid or plunder. its just a step in the right direction imo

  • Battling skeletons and ridding the seas of their curse.

  • Brigantine! But close second are the Skeleton ships

  • I'm most excited for the Brigantine! For too long has our three man galleon been bested by a fully crewed one! It's time we fight back with all out might in our new brigantine! Aaarrgghh!!

  • Brigantine, because I love making the bigger ships lose their minds chasing me and the more of them there are the better.

  • skeleton ships - I always feel bad attacking players - at least I'll be attacking bad guys for sure!

  • Skeleton ships!!!

  • Brigantine for the most part due having 3 friends that are always on at the same time isn’t always feasible. Skeleton ships are the next things for me.

  • @old-salt-gorg Definitely the Skeleton Ships. Will really help make the sea feel more alive!

  • @old-salt-gorg I am SOOOO EXCITED FOR IT ALL! Most if I had to pick would be the Brig. It will be a wondrous addition for our crew as we mostly play 2-3 people and can switch on the fly without having to us a galleon for 2! This figure head would look great on the brig as a HUGE fan of perfect dark in my childhood this is a nostalgia overload!

  • Tough choice given this content release is packing in some great additions from what I can tell. Given the times I've had to run a 3 person galleon I've decided that my selection is:

    The new ship, the Brigantine, has been what I've been excited about since the first tease.

  • @old-salt-gorg I'm excited about the Brigantine. Learn to sail with it like a boss !

  • Brigantine, for sure. My crew is mostly a 3 man crew, so the galleon has been a bit too much ship for us. The brig will perfectly compliment our playstyle, making it the absolute most valuable asset coming from this update.

  • I'm looking forward to hunting some skeleton ships.

  • I'm excited about skeletons on rowboats!

    Well rowboats, and whatever cosmetics that are Cursed Sails exclusives.

  • Skelebrigances all the way!

  • @old-salt-gorg I'm most excited about the brigantine. I find it'll be much easier for a 3-man crew!

  • I am most interested in the brigantine, having a three man crew is a great improvement!

  • I am excited for alliances. To many times have people said ally ally ally and been the enemy. I know I have done it in the confusion of battle to take two crews down. Anyway I wish you all safe sails and much booty in your future.

  • @old-salt-gorg It has to be the Brigantine. I'm looking forward to them all, but that new ship smell is irresistible!

  • @old-salt-got Brigantine. I have 3 friends I like to play with and the gallon it is a bit cumbersome with 3.

  • that's a hard question. I'm looking forward to all of it, but if I had to choose, I'd probably say Alliances. That should be fun.

  • This is a hard question to answer, I'm excited for all three but if I had to choose I would have to go with the skeleton ships.

  • @old-salt-gorg
    Alliances ! Because they will add an interesting dynamic choice to the game!

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