Coconuts & Talking Parrots

  • What tropical island story doesn't have coconuts.

    It's another food source and would add to merchant products. Here are some ideas as to how they might work.

    1. 5 or 6 to a crate/barrel.

    2. They can be found in palm trees.

    3. Tree needs to be hit a few times to dislodge them so they fall down, or pirate can climb and pick them.

    4. They need to be broken with a few blows against a hard object before being consumed.

    5. They could be used as cannon balls

    6. Something to eat other than bananas

    And how about some talking parrots. I mean, come on...

    You can't have a pirate story/game without talking parrots. Would be hysterical. They could sit on our shoulders and follow us around, cackling and saying things to annoy us or make us laugh. Great fun.

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  • I wanna see coconut grenades (like from Bio-Dome if anyone remembers that movie)

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