World Snake Day 16th July 2018 (Competition)

  • Happy World Snake Day Everyone!

    Now I know everyone loves the snakes in SoT as much as I do, so to celebrate World Snake Day 2018 I’m going to run a wee competition.

    It’s pretty simple; just post your best picture from SoT that includes a snake(s).

    Only one entry per pirate. If you change your mind please edit your original post, rather than creating a new one, before the competition closes.

    I’ll lock this thread at midday Friday 20th July (BST)* to give you some time to get that perfect image before I getting some dirty pirates to judge.

    I aim to announce the winner over the weekend and will post the winning GT here.

    Oh ... and for a wee bit of motivation, the winner will receive a t-shirt of their choosing from the Sea of Thieves store. Subject to store availability / inc. pre-orders.

    So grab your instrument** of choice and happy snapping.

    *or soon after depending on my memory web access at the time.

    ** I won't be held responsible for any bites, you take part it this competition at your own risk.

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  • . (To find again)

  • @tartansnake-8

    Well.. as ye well knows, I'm not a fan o' snakes but I'm happy to celebrate World Snake Day!

    Here be my shot... it's not the best, but I be callin' it The Perils of Snake Sitting.

  • Danger Noodles just got weirder.

  • @katttruewalker you taking the pssssssssssssss lol

  • Better competition? :D

  • Snake God!

  • This little guy just needed a hug :)

  • @tartansnake-8 said

    Now I know everyone loves the snakes in SoT as much as I do...

    Yeah right. Weirdo. lol :o)

    @triheadedmonkey Where do I sign up, mate?

  • @Pliskon - I'm guessing your post is a place holder for the amazing image you're working on :P

    @KattTruewalker - I like experimenting this effect in different lights, probably the only person missing the double snake bite.

    @Hynieth - Love the extra-long candy cane danger noodle. Gives me an idea for a Christmas decoration.

    @PersonalC0ffee - Where there's a will there's a way!

    @triheadedmonkey - Seems you got your days mixed up, I believe Whacking Snake Killer day is on 10th May.

    @KHARITES - Awesome capture! I'd love to see an event where the statue comes alive. Could be a quest that requires you to provide an offering to the God but if you get it wrong he comes alive and smites you!

    @stacky-a - Snakes need love too!

    @Admiral-RRRSole - I know you love them really, otherwise you wouldn't keep inviting them over :)

  • @tartansnake-8 said

    @Admiral-RRRSole - I know you love them really, otherwise you wouldn't keep inviting them over :)

    lol No formal invites. They're abusing my "open house" policy. :o)

  • That would totally make me jump out of my seat if the Snake God came to life!

    @KHARITES - Awesome capture! I'd love to see an event where the statue comes alive. Could be a quest that requires you to provide an offering to the God but if you get it wrong he comes alive and smites you!

  • Finally the dirty pirates sobered up and cast their votes. For the winning image, they chose the golden tree snake by @personalc0ffee.

    Congrats Matey & I'll be in touch to sort out your prize.

    Thanks to those who entered, until next year .... happy slithering!

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