Hopefully this will help you learn something.

  • @whenkoalasattak

    "Either steal their loot, supplies, or both, but don't sit there throwing slurs and telling people how bad they are while doing nothing but ruining someone's fun."

    Btw, that still isn't griefing... Because there's a ton of things you can do to prevent that from happening, which Xultanis has already mentioned... In addition to just muting other crews for a while.

    Griefing isn't defined by profanity... End of story. I believe profanity breaks the rules, so you can report them to Rare... But it isn't griefing. :P

    "but sitting on a non-sinking ship for no other purpose than to troll the player is griefing and shouldn't be in the game."

    It can't be griefing, because the victim in this case is given SEVERAL tools to get out of that situation before it starte frustrating or angering ANYONE.

    SCUTTLE SHIP, mate... Th existence of that feature, ALONE, means griefing other crews in this game, is impossible by DEFINITION.

    You can call it griefing all you like, it will STILL be an incorrect use of the word, because ignoring FACTS, does not cause FACTS to cease. Facts, do not ever, cease.

  • @dekeita said in Hopefully this will help you learn something.:

    @xultanis-dragon ok but still I need a word to describe people, who in this game, chose to force people to scuttle for the fun of it. The words that come to mind would be filtered out or A mod would chastise me. I was just hoping you could come up with one.

    Trolls... Dominators... Scrooge's ('cus they are stingy about using resources to sink you)...

    Take your pick.

  • @whenkoalasattak

    "CoD is an FPS and this game is an SWAG (Shared World Adventure Game). They have nothing in common."

    Sea of Thieves is very much a First Person Shooter, dude... You play the game in First Person, and you can shoot things, guns, cannons, etc... That's literally the definition of FPS games. Yes SoT is also a SWAG ontop of also being an FPS... It's both.

    Whereas CoD is FPSPvP only.

    "The griefing player can absolutely leave the boat at any point. They don't get "points" or whatever they want by staying on a boat camping someone."

    No, but they DO open themselves up to be attacked by the enemy if they do that... Which is precisely why they DON'T do that. In addition, the longer you DON'T scuttle, the more of your ships supplies they load into their own ship, like cannonballs, planks, and food.

    Or maybe they need the practice! : /

    Bro your reasoning is way off the mark here, you aren't making any logical points. o_o

    "If you honestly believe there is nothing wrong with the behavior of camping a non-sinking ship for no reward other than trolling someone and ruining their experience then you are the one in need of a re-evaluation."

    Have you considered the possibility that encountering these people are, in fact, PART OF THE EXPERIENCE?! Encounters like that should instill a kind of fear that makes you take precautions against people like that in the future. You're supposed to learn from the experience, and become a smarter, and wiser pirate, a better pirate.

    Smart and wise enough to use the scuttle function the very second you realize you can't reclaim your ship, or that reclaiming your ship is no longer worth the effort.

    It's a game, games are entertainment through learning and action... Entertainment through challenge. If you fail the challenge, accept your loss, and scuttle... That's part of the entertainment, losing, specifically the learning part.

    "These kinds of players are not skillful nor should they be proud."

    They most likely don't think that about themselves at all, because their motivations are far simpler than that... Like for isntance, camping you long enough to load all your ships supplies into their ship, or as much as they can, before you scuttle.

    Or maybe they just do it, because they find it fun... I don't play games because they make me feel skillful, or prideful, i play games because i find it fun.

    Here's my question for you, though... Why did you bring skill or pride into this? It's hardly relevant to the topic. I am detecting some emotional bias in your words.

    "This game is not some sort of PvP deathmatch battle royale."

    Sure, but it IS a kind of PvEvP battle royale...

    "But, just because you can spawnkill doesn't mean you should."

    Just because you disapprove of a strategy, doesn't mean people shouldn't occasionally do it in situations where said strategy is necessary.

    Because that's all it is, a strategy.

  • @iamwilliamb

    "A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game."

    Incorrect... That's what an internet troll is.

    A griefer is someone that prevents other players from progressing, or playing the game, by abusing bugs/glitches or regular game features in unintended ways that other players are HELPLESS to prevent.

    The key word here, is HELPLESS.

    "A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities."

    Still describing an internet troll. :o

    "I do feel that camping a ship with no loot to spawn kill is griefing."

    ... You FEEL that this is griefing? I didn't realize that we were defining words with our own, subjective feelings.

  • How in the world did you end up finding this dusty thread to resurrect?

  • @nunoazuldimeter still youre abusing a flaw im the system to force someone to scuttle. The scuttle option isnt an appropriate solution to this form of gameplay. Spawns need to be more sparatic on the ship as well as some way to not be able to be killed while still spawning.

  • @genuine-heather this is what he does he lays down what he says as law and tries to force his opinion as the rules. Its the bulk of what he says he is a god and no one is allowed to argue with him.

  • alt text

  • @xultanis-dragon link text

  • @xultanis-dragon actually by the definition on wikipedia it is

  • This is a very very old post. A year old.

    Mods will be here soon to lock it.

    Before that happens let me go ahead and say when I created this post I had some views towards the game that have changed since then.

    In the later parts of the thread you'll notice that I advocated that PvP was the main driving force of the game. I believed that at the time due to the fact of the lack of PvE content in the game. However, even with the new content in the game, I believe that my earlier views were in haste and were in bad judgement.

    PvP was never the driving force and neither is PvE. They both worked in tandem since the beginning of the games launch. I apologize to everyone with how hard headed I was. I'm still just as head headed, but I'm apologizing for being so hard headed about this particular subject.

    This is a share world and both are equally important. Sea of Thieves is a PvPvE and a PvEvP game depending on who you ask and both are the right answer.

    SIDE NOTE I still completely agree with the original post of the thread. There is no greifing from other players, only crew mates.

    SIDE NOTE This got necro'd because it was my fault. I was reading some of the earlier stuff way back when and I realized I never up voted some of the posts players had posted. So I upvoted and then realized that my actions might cause a necro and then stopped. Well no harm now, guess I'll go through all the replies.


    Are you going back to this? The accusations and the name calling? sigh fine whatever man thought you learned from last time.

    I was there when greifing was created and I know exactly for what it was created for.

    Greifing got turned into a blanket term. Just because you are unhappy does not mean you are being greifed, just because someone is killing you does not mean you are being greifed.

    Here is a real easy way to know if you are being greifed. Can you avoid the situation easily without any negative standings?? Yes?? Then you aren't being greifed.

    You being spawn camped is you choosing the be spawn camped. It ends when you scuttle. Swallow your pride, ego, bury that vanity, and scuttle your boat.

  • All this has already been said by many in various places, but not yet by everyone. It has not changed anything. Therefore I thank you for the summary and our further efforts must not diminish.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Hopefully this will help you learn something.:

    @genuine-heather this is what he does he lays down what he says as law and tries to force his opinion as the rules. Its the bulk of what he says he is a god and no one is allowed to argue with him.

    @Xultanis-Dragon and I merely disagreed on the definition of “griefing.” I respect his opinion and we see eye-to-eye on many issues. I’m sure it’s fair to say both of our views have evolved over the past twelve months. There’s no need for insults.

  • @genuine-heather not insulting him im just saying this is based off God complex is all. I am merely pointing out this God complex

  • @genuine-heather im just arguing his statements are based only on this so called God complex which is why he freely created a definition for griefing and is applying it as a law the community must abide by and accept. Its easier to explain that what he is saying is flawed based on his mindset

  • Its more realistic to state that the game is designed with griefing as part of acceptable gameplay. Instead of taking the authority he doesnt have to redefine griefing

  • The title of this post alone is him basically stating im correct my word is law so I have to teach everyone. This who thing is another attempt to talk down to the community like he is better than everyone else

  • @blatantwalk4260 Wow dude chill, do you not realise that complaining about his "God Complex" is actually insulting.

    Take a walk, have a smoke and relax. Sail the seas feel see the sun on your face.

  • @blatantwalk4260

    I'm not redefining greifing. Greifing got redefined to be used as a blanket term.

    The game wasn't created with greifing allowed. If you are being spawn camped, scuttle. If you are being chased turn around and fight back. If you lose, then you lose. If you win, then you win.

    The game is a good game because it allows us the freedom to play. Yes some players choose to go a little more aggressive then others but who are we to say they shouldn't?

    Why is it that according to you every opinion I have is me talking down to someone. Why is it that every time I state some statistics, I need to provide proof but no one else does??

    Broski for someone who called me a stalker before, you have some serious animosity for me. I'd suggest just taking a breather. Watch or read something to calm down and edit your posts before mods see. I have nothing against you, so I'd rather you not get in trouble.

  • @xultanis-dragon yet in the OP you basically form your own definition and use that definition to form a rule that you are using the forums to try to enforce by down talking the community.

    Im pointing out this thing that constantly happens that you make posts on here to belittle the community is all. You can never be polite to anyone or respect anyone on here the goal of this post was to disrespect people with evidence in the title alone

  • @xultanis-dragon I just believe for as much as you try to hurt people on these forums you get away with a lot of disrespecting half of the community and I find it odd you break forum rule after rule and are still here

  • @xultanis-dragon ive already sent you the wikipedia definition of griefing which is more credible than you and by that definition spawn killing on a ship is griefing. Since wikipedia is a larger name and more reliable for facts than yourself you are well wrong on what you are saying.

    If you also made posts with the intention to be part of the community and not to attack them these discussion would go better

  • Please stop the madness.

  • @genuine-heather fair enough for now on im just flagging anypost that I see as user abuse that he posts

  • @genuine-heather no more responses just flagging them so I will be monitoring every attack he makes at the community

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Hopefully this will help you learn something.:

    @xultanis-dragon ive already sent you the wikipedia definition of griefing which is more credible than you and by that definition spawn killing on a ship is griefing. Since wikipedia is a larger name and more reliable for facts than yourself you are well wrong on what you are saying.

    If you also made posts with the intention to be part of the community and not to attack them these discussion would go better

    Did you even read the wiki post, or did you just read one single part and go "yup this makes me right"???

    Camping at a corpse or spawn area to repeatedly kill players as they respawn (when players have no method of recourse to prevent getting killed), preventing them from being able to play. Camping can also refer to continuously waiting in a tactically advantageous position for others to come to them; this is sometimes considered griefing because if all players do it, the game stalls, but this is now more commonly considered a game design issue.

    This is from your wiki. See where it says "when players have no method of recourse to prevent from getting killed".

    Scuttle your boat, its not greifing.

  • Ahoy maties!

    As this thread was...

    12 months old (A full year)

    And revived today, it will now be locked. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this topic!

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our forum rules.

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