Need a mentor

  • Hi all,
    I'm looking for an adult player who wants to mentor me in how to play. I have been slowly trying to learn the ropes, and have been searching the xbox community posts for new crews, but everyone wants high level experienced players. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • @derekuuda lets play!

  • @diizzymatrix666 awesome good job family

  • You should always find a willing crewmate here @Derekuuda!
    I hope you are a little more versed in the ways of the sea now a weeks on from the original post!

  • I can help too @Derekuuda ! Feel free to message me if you see me playing!

  • I'd say join a Discord.
    There are lots of people in lots of discords that can help you with this.

    In run a Dutch Discord but there are lage discords small discords discords for different languages and discords for different playstyles.

  • @derekuuda

    Also the official discord can be found here - let us know how you got on!

  • @derekuuda said in Need a mentor:

    Hi all,
    I'm looking for an adult player who wants to mentor me in how to play. I have been slowly trying to learn the ropes, and have been searching the xbox community posts for new crews, but everyone wants high level experienced players. Any help would be appreciated.

    Helps if you let people know what time zone you're in (what country) so locals can team up with you.
    Feel fee to add me on xbox - @McDoll
    Not mrmcdoll.

  • I'd be happy to show you the ropes


    Send me an invite. Gamertag is the same as my forum name.

  • @derekuuda Add me on XBox Live. My forum name is my gamer tag. I'll be happy to crew with you if we are on at the same time!

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