Captains log

  • I think that a captains log would be a fun piece to add to the ships.

    It will register (for example)

    • The Island you passed
    • The Island you stopped

    When you have stopped it will also register what you cargo bring on board, or off board.

    The captains log can be read at the map table, or when the ship is destroyed it will float to the surface of the sea for a short time. It then can be destroyed by it’s own crew or picked up by the winning crew.

    I for example stash booty somewhere out of sight when I am starting on my own, so when my buddies come online they can get the loot and experience. And when I get attacked when I am alone and I lose the fight, probably, I don’t lose all the treasure. When the crew that sunk me finds out that I stashed treasure they can go on a treasure hunt of a different kind.

    There are probably more things you can do with a captains log, but this is what came to mind

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  • @danish-crusader 😂😂

  • @cpt-aafies I always thought there should be a way to really hide or bury your treasure, and the addition of the log increases the stakes for getting sunk. I think its a great idea, but needs to be fleshed out with more details.

  • @fenderbendur said in Captains log:

    needs to be fleshed out with more details.

    I'm way to tired and read Flushed out and thought you were making a log pun lol.

  • @ve111a Oh dang, I totally missed that opportunity. I'm at work so my mind is normal and appropriate (lol). If I was posting at home, I would have been all over that log.

  • @fenderbendur said in Captains log:

    @ve111a Oh dang, I totally missed that opportunity. I'm at work so my mind is normal and appropriate (lol). If I was posting at home, I would have been all over that log.

    Lol. Work mode keeps me PC on the forums lol.

  • @ve111a A activity log isn't a bad idea. You could track the people who you engaged with as well.

  • @fenderbendur indead there should be a way to really hide your treasures.

    I allready do but hiding my treasure meens dumping them in the bushes on places I don't see a lot of pirates walk by.

    Now, adding in the log that i unload my treasure on Island X would create an awesome treasure hunt. Them looking for my treasure and me rushing back to secure them.

  • Would be interesting to have a "bury loot" option that generated a treasure map that could be accessed by a player so they could; continue a quest, avoid a total loss if being pursued, or create a quest for other players.

  • @danomite07 I posted about something like that a few weeks back. The only difference is I suggested that once you bury a chest they can appreciate in value, assuming you've left them buried for some time. Along with the captains log and the ability for people to get an "X marks the spot" could add for a really fun mechanic.
    Maybe if you end up stealing someone's chest, you get a wanted level. Then we could add pirate/bounty hunting to the factions?

  • @danomite07 so when the log states that there is burried treasure somewhere you tear out the page and it becomes a quest you can put on the table

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