Microsoft Rare Games at E3 2018 - Spur Creative making the props!

  • Spur Creative

    For the fourth year in a row we were asked to make various props, made famous from Microsoft Rare's game Sea of Thieves, so that the team could take them to the E3 Games expo in L.A. We had a very short amount of time to make them all and they had to be very durable as members of the public would be allowed to handle them. Because we've worked with Rare Games on many occasions now, we know exactly what they like and because we love what we do, all went to plan.

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  • I love the props SpurCreative make for Rare! Awesome! More clever peeps! Omg they made things I’ve made!

  • Wish I was as talented as spurcreative or our very own @lizalaroo , love the props everyone makes.

  • @get-sm0ked420 Likewise Mister! :D

  • Wow! These props are amazing!

  • @katttruewalker - Rare should start stocking these items in the store, they'd make a mint!

  • What an incredible video! How did I miss this! :-D

    I am in awe of folks who have this type of practical modeling talent...well done...indeed!

    I have no less than a half dozen projects in the works at the many Sea of Thieves props and so little time!

    I've still got the Order of Souls Brazier, Skull Candle, Boar Skull Plaque, Legendary Ghost Pirate Necklace, and Holy Grail...the Fish Skeleton are all in various stages of incompletness :-D

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