Cursed sails & Forsaken shores!

  • So what do you guys think about the trailer, forsaken shores looks to be a biome of fire and death volcanic activity perhaps?. Cursed sails seems to be a new AI skeleton ship roaming the seas, and i think i saw a rowboat aswell. And that's the second time I've seen that Crab!!!!.

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  • @bl00d-thirty-99 I can't find a trailer for it on YouTube. Got a link?

  • @fantome-of-blue

  • @bl00d-thirty-99 Well, I'm still re-readin' Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth And I recently finished Brian Lumley's Rising with Surtsey so I'm hoping for some Lovecraftian horror tale, challenging our established beliefs about Sea of Thieves, and introducing us to bold new worlds, and foes!

    Or just, you know, lava and fiery skeletons...

  • @bl00d-thirty-99 That new region isn't a perhaps. Not a lot of places produce fire and ash like volcanoes. And it is pretty explicit in the trailer that there will be eruptions with magma, volcanic bombs, and so on.

    So a new region that is going to be largely volcanic. Can't really think of another way to describe a forsaken region than choking ash clouds and flying debris.

  • Might I add that cursed sails might also see the introduction of cursed cannonballs? It was mentioned by Joe a long time ago and hasn't been mentioned since...

  • @xcalypt0x Very cool, thanks. I brought up the concept of volcanic islands, but someone else did so before me, either way it's cool to see the idea put into the game. I look forward to it.

  • @assassinsking98 One can only hope, i do remember some talk about that but nothing since.

  • Looks like the upcoming ship is a frigate, at 1:20 theres a ship with only two masts fighting the skeleton ship, im glad that there will be a middle ship between sloops and gals

  • In this trailer I've spotted:

    1. That blasted crab again! What are you teasing Rare?
    2. A Rowboat. This could just be for this trailer but I've been noticing the rowboats on certain islands are beginning to look a lot more like a smashed up standard model as opposed to some planks strewn about.
    3. Vulcanic islands with fire and death! (maybe you need the rowboats to get to these because your ship cant park there?)
    4. Skeleton ships spawning right next to you to attack you (pretty cool)
    5. A new ship!!! The Skeleton ship pulls up right next to a new ship type and fires at it. Awesome!
    6. Skeleton lord sadly doesnt look like flameheart.

    Edited because I triggered the profanity filter with a mild word. (also used in game for the place where you go after you die so I still don't know why it's in the filter)

  • These both look amazing! I honestly don't care if these expansions are not everything I hope them to be - I'm sure they won't be, in fact, as I have way too much "wouldn't it be cool if" stuff buzzing round my head these days. But I'm certain they'll still be great additions - everything they add that's new just enriches the game, even if it's only minor.

    But in the interest of being constructive it would be really cool to see the following:

    Cursed Sails
    Skeleton crews encountered in the wild, not just triggered events

    Loot on skeleton ships, not just enemies to fight

    Some sort of curse that affects players - e.g. turns you into a skeleton yourself until you break the curse somehow (I've been wanting this since reading the Tales book)


    Forsaken Shores
    A considerable, complex mystery to solve to unlock the new world

    Completely new, unique AI enemies, not just variations on existing ones

    New loot with new mechanics

    A new type of quest, possibly exploration-based

    Rare are doing some great work on the trailers too - I could easily imagine an in-engine spin-off animated series... in fact I would kind of love that...

  • @bl00d-thirty-99 Lots of discussion in this thread too -

  • It looks like npc-ships are comming.

    But it could also be that a cursed cannonball makes a crew and their boat cursed and hunted. I do hope so because npc-ships (were everybody is so hyped about) isn't cool at all.

    I know for a fact that if they implement npc-ships it wouldn't be long ppl spamming the forums how bad thy behave and how poor their AI is. How repetative their attacks, and once you know how to counter them they can be killed waaaay to easy! It's a waist of time and you only get one captainscest etc, etc, etc. Blah blah toxit toxit blah!!!!

    Nothing can beat a humun ship because you never know what tactics they use!

    Be smart ppl, believe me you don't want npc-ships!

  • I want npc ships, i need more targets to fire cannonballs at.

  • One of the things I really like about Sea of Thieves is the expansive "world" that you can explore.

    As such I'm really looking forward to new areas of the map added to the game. To me that's more than half of what this game is all about, just experiencing the really vast oceanic world rendered on the computer, and discovering things.

    I hope more stuff will keep coming.

  • Achievemeant ramajam ram into other ship [Mod Edit - Personal info]

  • @Deckhands

  • Edited out random personal info, and locked thread because it's a resurrected old one.

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