Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1

  • @leanlicense4814 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    is anyone's bucket not showing the water coming out the bucket its shows the water in the bucket but wen u throw it over board the is no animation

    That was happening to me last night. I thought it was just me.

  • It is no longer possible to accidentally select a pirate whilst watching the intro animation.

    considering this, can we get a one time pirate look switcheroo.. as weird as it sounds I don't want to be a big buff muscle pirate.. I would rather my pirate look more like myself! lol

  • @leanlicense4814 @Genuine-Heather

    That is odd, this isn't happening to me... it's well worth reporting that bug officially so someone can take a look a the this and see what is happening.

    Contact Support

  • Late to comment and I'm sure it's been expressed a ton already, but I join with everyone when I can't contain how excited I am about the return of loot washed ashore! One of my favorite things to do is sweep the islands. And that rush you get while zooming by an island but something catches your eye, you scream "SHINY!!" and proceed to just throw yourself overboard with abandon in l**t after the precious, never mind that you've just recklessly left your crew on a ship going full speed?


  • @lefaux2
    I've noticed the decrease as well even on Xbox. I remember when I was able to see details of islands from much further away, and these days, everything appears as blobs for so much longer.

  • @johneym1974 Thought it was just me being clumsy...glad to see it wasn't.

  • Strangely had the opposite tonight islands seemed to be crisper and the rendering was spot on... even @lizalaroo could spot a shipwreck 100 mile away... so something has got to have changed there!

  • @musicmee I had 20/20 vision this eve! Must've had me good eye in :D

  • Lol. Fairwell infinite resource bug. I will miss cleaning out unsuspecting gallions trying to do the megaladon quest ;)

  • @schwammlgott because it causes us to make an extra stop before setting out. The simple solution is to apply whatever shipwright items the capt has equipped. Since one will always be randomly selected before setting shouldnt be a problem to impliment..

    Its nicer to see 'your' ship on spawn....not the noobie basic version...du..

  • @khaleesibot Thanks for the update! I definitely appreciate the re-enabling of washed ashore items. The feeling of discovery is very important to creating unique and repeatable play sessions in Sea of Thieves.

  • Thank you for bringing the items on the shore back!!!

  • First cannon shot with the new patch and fired completely in the wrong direction. lol

    Still needs fixing

  • My frame rate seems to have dropped (vanilla Xbox). Anyone else?

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    Strangely had the opposite tonight islands seemed to be crisper and the rendering was spot on... even @lizalaroo could spot a shipwreck 100 mile away... so something has got to have changed there!

    Was that XBOX or PC?
    We had an entirely blobby island (Canon Cove) become what I'd consider "well rendered" via a polygon pop in yesterday.
    I wonder what Rare means by "Island streaming". The closer I get, the more rendering data is streamed from where... the server?
    If so, please Rare, crank up the graphics because the bottleneck would then be the users' internet connection :D

  • @gerinako86 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    First cannon shot with the new patch and fired completely in the wrong direction. lol

    Still needs fixing

    You mean shooting a pirate?
    If so, yeah, we felt like it occurred more frequently.
    OTOH it's a gut feeling, so who knows.

  • @lefaux2 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @gerinako86 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    First cannon shot with the new patch and fired completely in the wrong direction. lol

    Still needs fixing

    You mean shooting a pirate?
    If so, yeah, we felt like it occurred more frequently.
    OTOH it's a gut feeling, so who knows.

    Yep - cannoning off to an island - aiming right for it.
    Get in the cannon
    Shot high into the air and to the left

    I got someone else to aim me after that

  • @gerinako86 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    I got someone else to aim me after that

    I will test that tonight.
    Maybe "self-firing" works differently.

  • @lefaux2 Both I was playing on Xbox (One X) and @lizalaroo was on PC :)

  • The seafarers chest appearing during the Athena missions needs to go. Why would i continue to dig up low level chests on higher legendary missions and fight off six (initially spawned skellies not counting the other 3-4 randoms that pop up after those are killed) for a low level reward. This needs to be addressed otherwise other pirates are going to start finding lots of left seafarers chests on beaches all over the world.

  • Hi Team,

    Even though I have read all the patch notes, it is not clear to me:

    Patch 1.1.0 Realease Notes
    Item Colour Variants - Purchased the Grand Admiral, Castaway Bilge Rat, Ruffian Sea Dog or Imperial Sovereign clothing sets but want matching items? Now they are here! Shipments have arrived at the equipment shops on outposts.

    Patch 1.1.1 Realease Notes
    Nothing mentioned about the 8 figureheads / cutglasess deleted.

    Does this mean that the eight deleted items (figureheads / cutglasses) are or will be back?

    Please could anyone clarify this topic?

    Thank you very much for the big effort hand hope that Ruffian Sea Dog and the other outfits are back with their related figureheads / cutglasses in order to be bought, as many players were trying to save enough money before they were removed.

  • So about those washed up items... Where are they? Haven't found a single one yet, and I've been actively looking for them each island I land on.

  • @sappyelephante We found loads last night! Mostly on small islands we were sailing by. There seemed to be an abundance of them on the server @Musicmee and I were on. Fab to see them in game again. I have missed them :D

  • @SappyElephante It is definitely a random thing...first day after washed ashore items were reinstated I could not set foot on an island without finding a bottle...2nd day it was about 50/50 but they were still there offset by an occasional washed up crate of tea or silks. But there were at least a couple islands that were bare. Truly a toss of the dice. I have not been in-world as of yet today to see how I fare...but soon I hope :-D

    Oh...and @lizalaroo I 'always' hit the small islands almost exclusively. The added benefit is to be able to scan the whole island with the spyglass for that sought after glint of a shiney! As a solo slooper it allows me to keep a weather eye on the horizon and to also keep a watchful eye on my sloop. Had it 'sail' off on me once while on a larger island...can't imagine how that happened ;-)

  • After this update, my entire 4 man crew (on PC and Xbox) kept freezing and getting kicked time after time. While trying to join back in, we were kicked again for inactivity. Restarting our consoles and games didn't fix anything. It was worse than I have ever seen before. Then, new bugs appeared like being locked in the brig when joining a session, not seeing my hands, and last but certainly not least, when shooting my blunderbuss, it was COMPLETELY off kilter, like up to the top left of my screen is where it aimed. Hope this feedback helps you guys fix whatever went wrong! Thanks for being such a proactive crew nonetheless! Cheers :)

  • @drgiggles42069 Ahoy matey!

    That doesn't sound too good. Make sure you submit an official support ticket using the link below so someone can take a look and hopefully fix your issues for a future build.

    Contact Support

  • @drgiggles42069

    Ahoy mate, we tend to recommend raising a ticket with Support and more than one if you're encountering multiple issues - this way the information can be passed directly to the relevant team.

  • @musicmee I appreciate the redirection! :)

  • @khaleesibot when do you Guys bring Some new things out or weekly stuff

  • @zi-edelweizs-iz NEXT TUESDAY * 1st Weekly Event * "Skeleton Thrones". I havent heard or seen anything about the following weeks, either way im excited . See you on the seas! ProtectYerBooty!

  • @capnroguebeard Good shout!

    @zi-edelweizs-iz there will then be weekly events up until the next content update! So things are just about to get exciting!

  • @sappyelephante I felt the same way for the first 30 minutes yesterday, didn't even find a washed up plank. But then i got lucky and found skulls, relics, coops, consumables and messages in bottles all the time.

  • @khaleesibot Another great patch. Thank you!

  • @urihamrayne I spawned into the tavern at Dagger tooth outpost with one other random player in a fresh galleon with this glitch last night.

  • Anyone else feel like the skeleton spawns Now are +10 to hostility, +10 to homicidal, +10 to serial Killer, and +10 to my frustration level. 4 of us on high level gold hoarders and every time we get one bunch killed another 50 on us. I love this game, but i really have a callous on my right trigger finger now... Gotta tape up your hands like a boxer to do gold and OOS missions these days. Other than that. Keep up the great work guys. I appreciate all you do.

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