My first ever fort skull, hand delivered! Thanks, stranger!

  • I was solo slooping last night and decided to check out a skull fort for galleons to plonk with cannonballs. On the way the skull vanished, so I went to the nearest outpost to it, Daggertooth.

    Upon looking north after arriving, I saw a galleon. To the east, another galleon, traveling at-speed to the north. "Aha!" I say, assuming correctly which galleon held the loot, so I head north. After a bit of a chase, the galleon was stopped by the ever so helpful Kraken! This gives me time to get close and I manage to hit the galleon with two shots before they free themselves and high tail it away from me, in to the wind, towards Galleon's Grave.

    By now, the two galleons have far outpaced me. There's no way I'll be able to catch them. I decide to hop off on Galleon's Grave on the slim chance they'll turn back. After approaching the gold hoarders tent, someone jumps out of the bushes and attacks! C**p! They sent a scout to the island!

    After a few hits exchanged, the other person says "I'm not with that other galleon! I'm waiting for them! Help me and we'll split the loot!" Now, I'm not one to kill folks without reason, and considering I had nothing to lose I figure I'll extend some trust. We wait.

    The galleon approaches as we hoped.

    "They're ashore!" my new friend says, and we engage the first person, whose carrying the stronghold chest. He goes down in a flurry of sword swipes, my partner grabs the chest and turns it in. We're probably 20 ft from the tent.

    "There's the skull!" he tells me, and the woman carrying it is trying to make a bee line to the order of skulls. She almost makes it.

    When I say almost, I mean the skull dropped at the foot of the counter in the tent. Right. There. I wish i could have taken a screen shot, but it might have given my new friend time to steal it. My trust only goes so far. xD

    It turns out the other player was running a solo galleon for funsies, and it was impressive how close he was keeping to our target.

    Anyway, I had to go almost immediately so I don't know how much they actually had on their ship, but we got the goodies and I'm content with that. Thank you, mysterious solo galleon-er, and thank you, fort clearing galleon crew for delivering. If I got to the fort I probably would have helped you, but you were too efficient!

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  • @themastashonuff surprised that they didn't call you a griefer after

  • Great story. Excellent ninja tactics. This is why you always send a scout with a low tier item first after a fort lol.

  • @omega-131313 No doubt they were in an xbox party, angrily yelling. I had the entire contents of my first fort stolen from me, not just the big stuff. I feel very little pity for the crew who brought it to us, but I can totally empathize with them.

  • @warspyder said in My first ever fort skull, hand delivered! Thanks, stranger!:

    Great story. Excellent ninja tactics. This is why you always send a scout with a low tier item first after a fort lol.

    Thank you! I gotta give massive props to the mysterious stranger for calling for our cease fire. Without his extension of trust I doubt either of us would have profited.

    My girlfriend came in the room while this was going on because I was cackling so hard.

  • @themastashonuff Honestly I have a hard time trusting anyone that isn't in my party. I probably would've taken him out as well lol.

  • @themastashonuff I just wanted to say your screen name cracked me up. That's a blast from the past.

  • @warspyder Its actually the second time this week I've worked alongside a random stranger to good profits. Here's the other time.

  • @gatorwocky said in My first ever fort skull, hand delivered! Thanks, stranger!:

    @themastashonuff I just wanted to say your screen name cracked me up. That's a blast from the past.

    You got the glow!

  • @themastashonuff Awesome! I hate to say I'm old enough that I saw that in the theater.

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