How much are skull forts worth?

  • Hi!
    Just a quick question: how much are skull forts worth in gold? Soloed one last night and got allmomdbearded just outside Sanctuary Outpost.
    The m*******t in me wants to know what I lost

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  • Should be between 10k and 14k

  • @schwammlgott said in How much are skull forts worth?:

    Should be between 10k and 14k

    in what planet

    last forts I did gave me 6k - 7k and really bad exp

  • @pixelhood didn't really look how much i got the last least before 1.0.7 it was ALWAYS over 10k

  • 7 is rough but probably possible. I've had 8.

    Expect 10-14. It can run up to 16 or more very very occasionally.

    There's definitely better ways to make money over level 30 or so.

  • @PixelHood 6-7k?! I I think you’re exaggerating a bit there mate. The stronghold chest and skull together have always been close to 6k JUST for those two items for me. I solo-ed a fort two nights ago and received over 4K for the stronghold skull alone..

  • @dismissedlamb said in How much are skull forts worth?:

    @PixelHood 6-7k?! I I think you’re exaggerating a bit there mate. The stronghold chest and skull together have always been close to 6k JUST for those two items for me. I solo-ed a fort two nights ago and received over 4K for the stronghold skull alone..

    I did a fort with a friend yesterday. For stronghold skull and stronghold chest we got around 5k.

    But usually when we turn everything in we get between 10-15k, depends on what's inside the vault.

  • well lets say 6-8k yes I agree skull fort skull/chest can get close to 5k but they are great rolls,

    The fort I did obviously had them but along with them had 2 teas 2 skulls 1 was disgracefull 1 bounty skull and about 3 small ornaments of and explosive barrels which are s**t in everyway.

    with bad rolls with selling that loot to and I aint joking useless fort are simple not worth it unless your low level I'm 47/46/47 and the exp is really bad and gold is also meh since high lvl voyages are now high roll tables...

    Unless the fort is what I call easy or free, easy meaning there is a lone sloop and I'm in a gallon with a crew.

  • @pixelhood I usually get around 12-14. I did have one really bad one that gave us like 8k 1 time.

  • Must of got unlucky twice in a row then :(

  • @personalc0ffee How are you a scrub? Looting a fort can be done wrong ? are you pro at looting a fort and selling items?.....

    The rewards from forts after having a 2+ hour PvP fight just simple arn't worth it

  • @dismissedlamb Well one time I got from a Stronghold around 7.5k gold. got a stronghold chest and skull sold for about 2.5k each.
    1 Villainous skull (sold for 820) 3 seafarer chest(500), 2 disgraced skulls(350) and 2 crates of suger(380) plus a couple low life relics.

  • Thanks for the response all.

    For the sake of the above conversation, it looks like I got quite a good roll. On top of the stronghold chest & skull, I also got 2 spices, 1 silk, 2 tea, 3 marauder chests, 2 disgraced skulls, a flagon and a chalice. Shame I wasn’t able to hand it in, sounds like it was on the high side of above estimates.
    That’s not bad money for 2 hours work imo

  • I honestly dont even bother with skull forts anymore. I can get an equal amount of gold from doing just one of my missions if not more, yeah its nice to get a fist full of every faction at once, but its not profitable if EVERYONE try's to get it

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