Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd

  • I don't have problems with reskins really. I am a bit sad that they added a ship which looks almost the same as legendary hull and sails. Maybe it even looks even better, but that doesn't mean the specialty the legendary ship has at this moment. I mean you spend your time grinding your way to Pirate Legend get 900k for the ship and then p**f a similar ship so only the legend figurehead is special and the other ones are even cheaper and slightly better looking. I wish they remove that reskin from the players who have bought it and refund the gold spent. No offence but I ought that Legendary Items including ships and clothing should stand out from pre-Legend items. The hard work should be rewarded in a way. Everyone can buy the ghost outfit already. Now with that ship, only the standard free Legend outfit and the figurehead is special. Nothing much really to look out to since Legendary voyages can take a long time and the rep long time to level. I know the focus is on people who aren't legend yet, but don't erase the privilege of Pirate Legend with it.

  • Unfortunately this is indicative of where Rare are at atm. In a bit of a mess. Everything feels rushed and mistakes are being made.

    Fair play to them for admitting these cosmetics were a mistake. Disappointed they’ve chosen to rectify this however over a thousand other things they could be doing right now.

  • @ellundel-psn I though one gold simply because they are so similar and they're being removed it wouldn't make much difference. What I'm concerned is they haven't said they'll be replaced just removed. If that's the case we will be better off keeping them in game. Considering cosmetics are the only 'real' things you can buy you'd think a bit more effort would/is going to be put into it. The only way this will happen is if the community voices this in the forums and on social media this way Rare will know this is how its player base feels and will begin to implement changes. Despite all this the one thing that bugs me is the exclusive items. I pre-ordered this game and got the black dog pack but only half the set the other half I can only get by buying cooking from America as they don't sell them in the UK. Other items include a mercenary pack which you get for purchasing 3months gold even though I have a yearly subscription I wont get it plus PC players are unable to get it full stop. This doesn't include the other stuff such as the controller cosmetics, hard drive cosmetics and the other stuff that they gave away ages ago on twitch.

  • If you think about it in a different light...Technically if you have bought these before the removal date, you still get to keep them. So wouldnt that make these items extremely Rare because you will never be able to buy them again.

    Runs to check gold funds

  • Hmmmmm.... Makes me want to buy all of them now so that I have them in my collection before they are removed forever. So some players will have them and some will never be able to get them. Don't know how I feel about that.

  • @mattydove74 I be not advising hiring people based off of a suggestion.

  • @rorenxbox said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @mattydove74 I be not advising hiring people based off of a suggestion.

    Hire this guy too, he's pretty serious.

  • I really hope Rare decides to make these items discounted/free/easier to obtain.

    I'm literally mad scrambling to farm gold because I don't want to miss out on 'timed exclusives' that shouldn't be leaving the game at all.

  • If we have a disposition a system of dyes and paints which with we would be able to repaint as we please ours outfits and ours ship parts there will be no need for recolors.

    Maybe the various color would be unlocked with the guilds progression and other were legendary status will be reached.

    Take this thing in consideration, would be add more variaty and more uniqueness between the various pirates and the various ships.

  • To me, there are no concerns with the fact that they are removing some objects which only had small changes in colors because i would like them to downright add either a dye's store or some sort of new reputation that would revolve around dyes. I thought maybe something like herbalism would be fun to add. They could add a bunch of flowers, like primary color flowers you would be able to find in every islands, maybe even associate colors scheme to the differents biome or mixing primary colors together to obtain the shade you want (for exemple you give the faction npc a blue and a red flower and you can exchange them for a dye made off them by the npc (would be nice to see him turn the flowers into some pretty bottle of dye with some kind a short animation trick) you could then pick from a large choice of fials the purple shade you like, from the most bleue one to the most red one etc. These dyes should be able to dye anything cosmetic in the game such as weapons, clothes, veils, lanterns, boats…
    If anyone wanted their ship to look like One piece Big Mom's one and dye everthing pink then this system would allow them to make it and have something really to their personal taste, that way everyone could be very different and you wouldn't see much people looking the same as you in the game. I think that addind diversity is important but the way they add it is even more important. Adding something that you can get in a fun way rather than picking the easy way by just puting some dyes you can buy in the regular existing shops is the best way to go in my opinion.

  • What the heck is Rare doing?

  • @jesus-cane Listening to the loudest voices.... not always the best thing to do!

  • @musicmee Exactly... No reason to remove at all. Just make better items in future.

  • @personalc0ffee Likewise! And today matey, you have been doing us old salts proud... never be afraid to speak your mind even if it does sometimes feel like 90% of people disagree with you.

    The light will return here one day, the saltiness will disappear, the trolls will descend and good, open, honest discussion will run freely without being shot down or called a fan boy.

    To quote Star Wars...
    "We are the spark that'll light the fire that'll burn the First Order down"

  • @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Cosmetics were handled and are still being handled like trash. Their decisions are so arbitrary and random.

    1. Remove cosmetics because RARE wasnt prepared, with clearly no cosmetics path design.

    2. Launch game with no cosmetics.

    3. Recolor cosmetics to make it seem like you have more

    4. Split up black dog set into several promotions when they were clearly designed at once

    5. No account wide cosmetics for players

    6. Awful purchase page with equally awful preview.

    7. No favorite settings?? I can't make a set piece of favorite clothings?

    A game designed for cosmetics with no cosmetic variety is the one thing I'll never understand.

    How about instead of removing them you put them behind that cosmetic piece? As in, the player clicks the sword he wants, it opens the different colored skins of that sword and you pick what color you want.

    Come on RARE, what are you doing?

    Rare seriously just need to implement a dye system and make new items that look different in shops.

    players felt weren’t visually distinct enough I hope rare know's mostly every cosmetic look almost the same.

  • @theunknownd I always thought this was going to be the case... the clothes shop has posts of color outside it, always thought that was a hint of being able to choose your own colors.

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @theunknownd I always thought this was going to be the case... the clothes shop has posts of color outside it, always thought that was a hint of being able to choose your own colors.

    Same, I really truly wanted a dye shop or barber shop in the game right now but instead we got some items that look almost the same in shops and this is there response that the items are "Too similar to each other"

    RARE Might as well remove every item that's "Similar to each other" And implement a dye shop.

  • @theunknownd We are definitely in need of a barber and tattoo shop... If the tattooist worked like buying titles from the clothing shop I would be very happy indeed!

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @theunknownd We are definitely in need of a barber and tattoo shop... If the tattooist worked like buying titles from the clothing shop I would be very happy indeed!


    But instead of them being in the clothing shop it's in the barber shop and the titles should be bought at the merchants imo and clothing shop should only have "Clothes" Which is why it's called a clothing shop. :P

    Don't want to sound mean but, The community has better ideas than rare themselves and that's true.

  • @personalc0ffee Decor?

    Like wallpaper for my captains' cabin? You mean I can finally get that elaborate chandelier?

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @personalc0ffee Decor?

    Like wallpaper for my captains' cabin? You mean I can finally get that elaborate chandelier?

    furnishing and decoration of a room.

    So yes! :D We suggested that so long ago and we have never gotten any ship customization, I hope rare is making it right now, We never gotten a response from rare about it. I hope They need to tell us what they're going to implement in future updates and see if they're going to add our suggestions that would make the game better.

    RARE is quiet and it feels like they don't respond to us, They seem to only respond to posts telling players to behave and that's it.

  • @personalc0ffee Hehehe! You and me both... I have the place measured out and removal guys booked!


    Please look, Rare.

  • @steelroots55 said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    1. Split up black dog set into several promotions when they were clearly designed at once

    So glad someone else noticed this. It's the first thing I noticed after a fellow Pirate showed me their Chips Ahoy equipment. I've mentioned it to a few players and nobody agreed with me.

    They sound like they are in denial. I personally was frustrated that I would have had to watch a stream to get the pistol to the set I was wearing, buy an $80 hard drive for the shotgun, a bunch of cookies for the 4 items there and I still don't have the full set.

  • @noruas should of thought about that before hitting accept, it says right before that you can’t change your pirate afterwards.

  • @get-sm0ked420 said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas should of thought about that before hitting accept, it says right before that you can’t change your pirate afterwards.

  • text alternatif

  • @apollolegacy01

  • "We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!"

    Does that mean you are going to replace the ones that you are removing? Or just add new items?

    Because if the current ones won't have any replacements, it would mean that you have added incomplete weapon sets and ship skins. You'll have the sails, paint but no matching figurehead for example.

  • Rare is handling this completely wrong. Your punishing players within a set time to buy the items ( which are not lowered in price yet) in 10 days...

    Why not just keep the items in-game and lower their price immediately?

  • @crusader-zorro said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Rare is handling this completely wrong. Your punishing players within a set time to buy the items ( which are not lowered in price yet) in 10 days...

    Why not just keep the items in-game and lower their price immediately?

    I think you may be confused, it's two separate issues. 8 of the items are being removed because they are too similar, visually, to other items already in the game. Other items have been priced incorrectly, and players will be reimbursed for those prices when the next patch comes.

  • @opticalmatrix

    Here's the thing, really there should just be one figurehead but with a paintjob alternative available.

    So, purchase Sea Dog figurehead - 70,000.
    Paint job alternatives - 35,000.

    That way a player can purchase 1 figurehead and then cycle through alternative skins when they apply it to their ship.

    Would be a far more simpler system then 4 of the same figurehead in the shop.

  • Why get rid of the items if players can keep them afterwards? It would make way more sense to just replace the designs with newer more interesting designs.

  • @shamanmclamie said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Why get rid of the items if players can keep them afterwards? It would make way more sense to just replace the designs with newer more interesting designs.

    Exactly, it just sounds like Rare is trying to shaft their playerbase by taking the easier more ‘half a***d’ route

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    To quote Star Wars...
    "We are the spark that'll light the fire that'll burn the First Order down"

    Ahhhhhh! At least quote from one of the good ones! :P

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