Peaceful Mode

  • As I said, if the world is peaceful, why npc would give you quest to do things if they could do it ?

    The main purpose of having quest is because it's the "sea of thieves", a dangerous sea. So you have quest to help some outpost.

    And for me, the PvP help so much to have a very good PvE experience..

  • Dropping a my usual "Nope" on this topic.

    No way, thanks.

  • @celebritarian no it wouldn't be cool because then you'd farm rep way faster than people playing PVP mode. please stop with this idea, it's a pirate game, not a sailing game. you can have a peaceful time so long as you keep your eye out for other players and learn to be safe in the waters.

  • @celebritarian I would love to see this even if I don't really want to play peaceful mode myself. I don't think Rare gets how unbalanced the game is at this point. Any loser can basically force all the other people to play nothing but PVP by being a c****y player but there's no way for PVE to make other's play PVE or to get out of PVP if they aren't interested in that part. Giving people the choice would be the best of both worlds. Though you will no doubt hear from all the "git gud bru"s on here desperately trying to make sure their pool of victims doesn't dry up.

  • Peaceful mode already exists. Just unplug your computer or console and lock your room.

  • That would be a very welcome addition indeed

  • & when you hit 50/50/50 in your safe mode what do we call you?? chicken legends?

  • @spazthemax Exactly I feel the same way, peaceful mode would be super boring but since I don't have to choose that it doesn't effect me. I think the majority of the people so dead set against it are just worried that without the "peaceful type" players they won't be as much better than the other players and would have a smaller victim pool. Seems to me like they need to follow their own advice and git gud. lol

  • @celebritarian

    The game is as peaceful as I am diligent watching the horizon.


  • This should not and hopefully will not happen. It's not how this game is meant to be played. You're supposed to be scary of every sail on the horizon.

  • @celebritarian No. If you want to be peacefull, run away from other ships.

  • @misa-kitten said in Peaceful Mode:

    @welshvlad said in Peaceful Mode:


    While i agree with you.
    I have young kids that play and a private server so i could play with a load of mates and my kids without idiots swearing being racist or just generally idiotic behaviour would be awesome.

    I would buy a copy for each box i own in house and we could play away idiot free.

    This games full of ultra hard pirate wannabies.
    (kids and real life carebares)

    Who will tell you be more pirate.
    Its a pvp game. Your a carebare. Etc etc
    (ive yet to see one pre release video advertising total PVP gameplay. Please post link here prove me wrong)
    So get prepared.
    Be more pirate.
    You carebare. Lol
    You will be abused.
    Its not a nice forum.
    Rare must be so proud.
    shame a cute family oriented game is being ruined by pvp crowd.
    When pvp in game is so clunky its like its been tagged on after.
    no way its primary focus Is pvp.
    I think rare spent more time making treasure maps than making hit mechanics between players.

    And theres no private server option to play with large group of mates and family. Shame.

    Do you also buy them fps games and then demand the developers to add a mode where you don't shoot eachother and doesn't have weapons but just walk around playing hide and seek?

    Really if you want to play with your kids fine but maybe buy the game that offers what you want then instead of buying a game that doesn't and then demand they change it

    Im not demanding they change the game at all. Not one bit.
    I would just like to play it in a private server with between 10 and 16 mates off my friend list.
    People i know in the real world. cooperatively or skullduggery.
    However it goes. Not PVE.
    I would like private server that was invite only.
    Theres an awfull lot of games with this option.

    Make it so it only launches when theres over 10 people maybe?

    Would be a better laugh and non toxic environment.
    Because have you heard some of the total c**k people think is acceptable over xbox live chat in open?

  • @xmadxworldx said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @xmadxworldx said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @xmadxworldx said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost said in Peaceful Mode:

    @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost Oh, my bad I thought this was a place for suggestions. Thank you for your wisdom. I shall consult you on all of my future game purchases from this day forward.

    There is a difference between suggesting something and asking the game to make you a safespace where you can avoid all of the difficulty.

    What your asking for is to turn SOT into some PVE MMO because you don't want to deal with the fact that you have to pay attention and look out for other players.

    Thats like me buying Far Cry 5 and then asking for a mode where the enemies don't shoot me. Technically its a suggestion right?

    What a stupid reply. In far cry, you're not risking losing everything to your enemy, and fights are no where near as long. His suggestion is legitimate and you're in no position to tell people their suggestions are illegitimate. Read the forum rules again before you post.

    It's really not a legitimate suggestion though. It's asking Rare to make a completely different game. The reason you don't have any NPC ships out on the ocean because at the core of the game other players are an integral part of the game play. Taking that element out ruins the game and turns it into a sailing simulation

    No you aren't lol. It's not hard to make a PVE mode, where your main sea enemies are skeleton ships or something. It's the same game, just without the annoyance of player griefing and witch hunting.

    I'm glad you have extensive knowledge of game development and have deemed it so easy to completely change the foundation of the game. If you don't want to deal with pirates there is an incredibly simple solution. Stop playing a pirate game.

    I fully support a nerfed PVE only safe mode where the characters are locked to that mode and the Pirate Legend reputation system is removed. You're not a pirate in that mode, you're a merchant sailor.

    You don't need to be a game developer to know it's not hard to make a mode where there simply are not people to play on your server. 99 percent of online games offer offline play these days. If you think this is a costly request, you don't really know anything about game development. What makes you an expert lol?

    I've been playing online games since you were probably in diapers. It's fair to expect highly of a triple AAA game that is partners with Microsoft - you're just used to playing garbage produced by conmen so you have incredibly low game standards.

    Wow so your ideas are so incredibly garbage you now have to resort to insulting me? What a trash individual you are

    Lol, that's what you took away from that? I'm going to stop replying to you, cause it's pretty clear you're just trying to win an argument rather than create a discussion. The fact all you took from that is that I 'insulted' you is proof.

  • There is no way peaceful makes sense unless you can't level up at all. Maybe passive mode like GTA online and you can't get shot but voyages are paused.....there's no way you should be able to get the same progress as someone who is actually braving the seas.

  • @frunchtost said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @xmadxworldx said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost said in Peaceful Mode:

    @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost Oh, my bad I thought this was a place for suggestions. Thank you for your wisdom. I shall consult you on all of my future game purchases from this day forward.

    There is a difference between suggesting something and asking the game to make you a safespace where you can avoid all of the difficulty.

    What your asking for is to turn SOT into some PVE MMO because you don't want to deal with the fact that you have to pay attention and look out for other players.

    Thats like me buying Far Cry 5 and then asking for a mode where the enemies don't shoot me. Technically its a suggestion right?

    What a stupid reply. In far cry, you're not risking losing everything to your enemy, and fights are no where near as long. His suggestion is legitimate and you're in no position to tell people their suggestions are illegitimate. Read the forum rules again before you post.

    It's really not a legitimate suggestion though. It's asking Rare to make a completely different game. The reason you don't have any NPC ships out on the ocean because at the core of the game other players are an integral part of the game play. Taking that element out ruins the game and turns it into a sailing simulation

    No you aren't lol. It's not hard to make a PVE mode, where your main sea enemies are skeleton ships or something. It's the same game, just without the annoyance of player griefing and witch hunting.

    Yeah except that "annoyance" of pvp is the entire challenge of the game. It amazes me to see people like you who cannot handle other players.

    Other than the threat of players attacking you, what challenge is there? skeletons?

    In this so-called PVE server progression would have to be tuned off, people would have such a massive advantage and could get to "pirate legend" by being complete w*****s and not getting into one single fight quicker than the ones playing the game properly.

    The entire challenge of the game is PVP? People can get to pirate legend by being complete w*****s? Not playing the game properly?

    If your only reasoning is "they can get pirate legend easier" and "they don't have to fight me or other players for it" you're playing this game for the wrong reasons. This isn't a Battle Royale game, and your reasoning tells me you want this game to be one. Go play Fortnite or something if that's the kind of game you're looking for; all out war where everyone fends for themselves and tries to be the best.

    Seriously, why do you care so much if people don't want to fight other players? They're p*****s lol? I'll never understand this elitist machoman attitude over videogames, you're honestly pathetic.

  • @ecljpse No.

  • @celebritarian No need to be salty to those who respond to you, looks bad on ya. The point is clear here, it would go against what SoT was designed for. If anything, they could work for peaceful zones or pro-peaceful mechanics that rewards players. SoT wouldn't have the same adrenaline if there were peaceful only servers.

  • hear this:
    The game is for people who like killing and stealing from people like you. Letting you victims turn off the mean pirates would suck for everyone.
    Try to use it as a way to stop being the victim, it may help you in life.
    Until then, I will continue to murder and plunder your candy a*s.
    In real pirate days, people getting robbed by pirates also wished there was a peaceful mode.
    nyarrrrr, there weren't such reprieve from plundering.

  • @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    It would be cool if you could implement a peaceful mode for people who just want to complete voyages and not be bothered by other pirates. Even if Skull Forts were disabled in this mode, it would be a nice option for people who just don't feel like dealing with PvP.

    I think it would be really nice to have those options.

    However Rare seems to disagree. Found a Post from them today that said

    "Safe Zones and PVE only Zones are not currently something we are exploring for Sea of Thieves, you can read our public comment about it in this PC Gamer interview with our Design Director Mike Chapman."

    So my best advice to any players that want a PvE mode, Passive options, Private servers or any safe zones, Is to STOP Playing the game, I hate to say that, but thats basically the way to show Rare and Microsoft how you feel.

    IF the game loses players, money, and sales feel free to email/tweet Microsoft and Rare or return to these forums and continue telling them you would be playing IF those options existed.

    Best of Luck

  • I have seen an insane amount of post about having a peaceful mode. As dumb as i think that idea is I can recognize that many people keep asking for it. If a cowards mode (this is what it should be called) is ever implemented then any gold gained should be severely diminished (I recommend 2%-5% of normal worth) and no reputation should be gained. If players are allowed to voyage without risk then gains should be equally diminished.

  • @tinyterror1990 "Holier than though", please. Don't try to sass anyone here when you clearly don't understand the implications of this. To have a "peaceful mode" would be to fundamentally present a different game, a game which doesn't make sense given the premise of Sea of Thieves is about pirates.

    Pirates don't sail without danger. Pirates are thieves which are going to nab your stuff as best tehy can. You take away those Pirates, you not only remove the core premise of the game, you remove "sea of thieves" from the cocking game. There are no thieves to look out for, no one to nab your stuff.
    You might as well call it Abzu: Boat Edition for all it matters.

    Get off your high horse. You obviously don't know how to ride it.

  • I don't like PVE only servers or 'safe spaces' as I think it takes away from what the game is meant to be. With that being said, I don't feel like it would be fair to people who do play in the current state for people playing somewhere with much lower risk to enjoy getting rewards that can then be used in the normal game.

    If you want to make a second character that's PVE only then I'm ok with that. That character and it's rewards can never be used in the normal version of the game. They would be completely separate. Either that or it's the same character and in the PVE only session you gain no rewards. No gold, no reputation, nothing.

    The only other option I would be ok with is a practice mode or into mode where you can start into and maybe get to level 5 rep and have a capped amount of earnable gold and rep. This would be my favorite of the options. It would give people a chance to learn the ropes before they get attacked and discouraged if they want. It's fair to people currently who know that can always go into that mode and earn the same amount of rep or gold safely as a new person would.

    While I love the game as it is, I can see the advantage of a grace period for new players or a more relaxed game for just exploring. I find myself just sailing around with no loot or purpose now, just enjoying the simplest part of the game. When/If i get attacked though I see it as an opportunity not an annoyance though.

  • The point of Sea of Thieves is to be a pirate game. Not to be rude but there was no “peaceful mode” back when pirates were around. It was every ship fot himself, and personally I think it should stay that way. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and if you are looking for a peaceful in a PIRATE game then you probably chose the wrong game to get.

  • It would be a slap in the face to the people out there risking it. The people who play on the peaceful mode would benefit greatly. It makes rep, gold, etc far to easy to obtain.

    My advice would be to improve on avoiding people. Keep your eyes peeled & it's almost like a peaceful mode.

  • @clarkeyboy360 where do you work? 1st you get 1-2 hour lunch breaks and just play video games during them? Hmm.

  • @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @xmadxworldx said in Peaceful Mode:

    @s00thsayer1337 said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost said in Peaceful Mode:

    @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost Oh, my bad I thought this was a place for suggestions. Thank you for your wisdom. I shall consult you on all of my future game purchases from this day forward.

    There is a difference between suggesting something and asking the game to make you a safespace where you can avoid all of the difficulty.

    What your asking for is to turn SOT into some PVE MMO because you don't want to deal with the fact that you have to pay attention and look out for other players.

    Thats like me buying Far Cry 5 and then asking for a mode where the enemies don't shoot me. Technically its a suggestion right?

    What a stupid reply. In far cry, you're not risking losing everything to your enemy, and fights are no where near as long. His suggestion is legitimate and you're in no position to tell people their suggestions are illegitimate. Read the forum rules again before you post.

    It's really not a legitimate suggestion though. It's asking Rare to make a completely different game. The reason you don't have any NPC ships out on the ocean because at the core of the game other players are an integral part of the game play. Taking that element out ruins the game and turns it into a sailing simulation

    No you aren't lol. It's not hard to make a PVE mode, where your main sea enemies are skeleton ships or something. It's the same game, just without the annoyance of player griefing and witch hunting.

    lol so easy right!?

    Skeleton ships. Tell the artists it's easy to make new assets. Tell the systems team it's easy to just give that ship and the crew on it an AI that doesn't exist in the game at this point.
    You know what, nevermind. It's easy. You do it. I'm just you can have all the code and art needed for it compiled and ready for implementation for QA by Monday?

  • So first things first:

    I have nothing against the PvPvE basis of this game. In fact. It's a thrill as others describe it. That is IF you have the time. During the week some people are crunched on time so I can see the reasoning for a 'passive'/PvE mode as constantly being sunk or chased would literally ruin their time and experience with a game they paid 60$ for like each and everyone else (or the occasional game pass subscriber.)

    Now. The argument "This is sea of THIEVES" may be a valid one. But to recite from my own experience thus far. Compared to the Alpha and Beta ? It devolved into KoS 99.5% of the time. No questions asked. To some those encounters may be rare. To others they're their daily life in SoT. Why do I pick out this specific argument ? Cause it would indeed be sea of THIEVES if not ALL except for ONE of my PvP encounters would've ended in my loot actually being TAKEN and not with the Galleon or Sloop that sunk me happily sailing on towards the next. How do I know they didn't take my loot. Cause I got curious myself and until the recent patched spawn system always returned to the site of my sinking only to find all of my lood perfectly floating about.

    Currently the only ones with a risk are the people being targeted by the PvP crowd. And to each their own. If thats the style you wanna play that's entirely up to you. I myself occasionally enjoy the thrill of the hunt with my friends or a good sea battle when we get engaged. However as a lot of others suggested bounties may be one thing to help balance out the risk. This may seem one sided to the PvP crowd again but survive the bounty for 30-45 minutes and the gold is yours. Which would actually give SOMETHING to those who do not care about loot as well.

    Now take a newcomer for example. Lets say a kid that got the game for his birthday. He sets out alone (maybe with a friend) and the first thing he comes across after leaving port for the first time ? The hardcore PvP demographic. As much as people claim passive or PvE will "divide" the community, so will it drive away new players that play for the first time only to have their first session end in being sunk over and over again by WAY more experienced crew at every turn.

    The fix for this ? Proper matchmaking based on hours played (which the Xbox and the Xbox app track so it shouldn't be all TOO hard). OR. The proposed passive mode. Lets say its an option until you reach rank 15 (maybe 20) in one of the companies and after that. You are in danger. No ifs or buts. By that time you should've grasped how to handle your ship and how to work the cannons so when push comes to shove you have a modicum of an idea how to act rather than scuttle about like a beheadded chicken.

    Safe spaces ? A pirate city like often mentioned tortuga. Any day. Meet up with crews, exchange tales, play music and get drunk of your behinds. Turning in loot however ? Bounties (if they get implimented) sure. Hoarders and the rest ? No way josé. That'd make it too easy.

    Passive mode ? I wouldn't be against it but it should come at a penalty. You get the cold (maybe at a reduced rate) but NO reputation. NONE. Even if Pirate Legend is only cosmetic and basically nothing changes. That title should still mean something. You survived the harsh reality of our cruel mistress: the open sea. You managed to survive and endure long enough to be granted that title. And not by shipping about no risk waters.

    Those are my 20 bucks (based on the wall of text. I apologize) but that has been my stance since the beta. While more friendly encounters at sea or land would be enjoyable, you can't expect everyone to play the same way. This goes for both sides. Not everyone is out to PvP and will run if there is loot involved. They need to either out maneuver you or come up with a strategy to unload. Those who got nothing to lose will simply scuttle. PvE players: You can't expect (with the current servers) to go scott free in every session you play either. I had sessions where I was alone and had a blast doing voyages. I had sessions where I was just PELTED at every turn. I know its frustrating but until proper matchmaking in any shape or form is introduced. You, just like me will have to endure it or sit it out.

    Tl:Dr: I'm not opposed to it but also not for it. Passive can very well be an option but only until a certain reputation rank (not bought promotions. NUMERICAL VALUES) and at reduced gold cost.

    With that said. I look forward to encounter some of you on the high seas be it as friend or foe.

    -Captain "Staple Lips" Tekuian.

  • strikethrough text hello

  • Simple solution: add PvP flagging (as many other multiplayer games have, specifically MMOs); if you want to be left alone and simply do PvE stuff, then you can turn the PvP flag off, and nobody will be able to damage you, your crew or your ship. Of course, there would need to be some sort of quid pro quo, such as reduced rewards for non-flagged players; that way, if they are unflagged, they can still go on voyages, but the rewards are less than they would be otherwise, making it more difficult and a longer process to rank up. Inversely, if you ARE flagged for PvP, then you get the normal reward and rep amounts, but are also vulnerable to other players. You could even have an actual flag for the mast that shows whether you are PvP flagged or not. Sure, this idea might not sit well with avid PvP players, as it would give them fewer targets, but it's not like there would suddenly be nothing for them to do; and honestly, if that really is the ONLY thing you play the game for, that's fine, as long as you aren't a griefing troll; but the unfortunate truth is, that seems to be at LEAST 1/4 of the player base at this point. Of course, with so few ships on a given server at the moment, that could potentially remove ANY potential enemy players for PvP players, if everyone else on the server is unflagged; but that seems unlikely, and it seems that there are currently more people moving away from the game due to griefing than there are due to lack of potential targets, so I doubt it would be that detrimental.

  • @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost said in Peaceful Mode:

    @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    @frunchtost Oh, my bad I thought this was a place for suggestions. Thank you for your wisdom. I shall consult you on all of my future game purchases from this day forward.

    There is a difference between suggesting something and asking the game to make you a safespace where you can avoid all of the difficulty.

    What your asking for is to turn SOT into some PVE MMO because you don't want to deal with the fact that you have to pay attention and look out for other players.

    Thats like me buying Far Cry 5 and then asking for a mode where the enemies don't shoot me. Technically its a suggestion right?

    At no point did I ask them to change the core game. It would merely be a separate mode, and other games have done this so it's not that crazy of a suggestion. It has nothing to do with "paying attention". I don't know why you're so triggered by a mode if implemented you wouldn't even have to play. You're the type of player I'd like to play this game without 👍.

    The seas need to have both lions and lambs on them. As others have stated, the whole point of this game is PvPvE. There doesn't need to be a safe mode, and hopefully there never will be.

  • go play minecraft if you want peaceful play

  • Lots of people name calling and many of you completely missing the point. How about this then:

    • Add a "Peaceful Mode", but strip ranking and titles. Keep gold rewards as they do not affect the gameplay in its current form.

    • Alternatively, force people to create an entirely new character and start from scratch in this "Peaceful Mode". Strip ranking and titles. Keep gold rewards.

    • Add AI controlled ships that'll come after you from time to time. Make them more difficult than average. Still won't be the same as actual people chasing you wherever you go.

    • Make storms more frequent and deadly. Make skeletons you face in islands even more resistant and bigger in number.

    As hard as it might be for one to believe after reading some of these replies, Sea of Thieves has some of the nicest people I've ever met in a game. Period.

    However, it's becoming increasingly more common to come across guys on a mission to not let you do anything else but to either keep fighting them over and over again or run away until you finally give up and leave the lobby.

    I might be wrong here, but I don't think of Sea of Thieves as a combat based game. I see it as an exploration focused game with a combat component added in for challenge. Problem is when the challenge turns to griefing. The developers themselves have already recognized this as an issue they want to solve in the near future.

    No one is demanding anything from the developers. Even if there were people treating any of the suggestions as a demand, they'd only be fooling themselves for thinking we have such power over the developers. Entitlement is not power.

    Keep in mind that even if Rare were to develop a "Peaceful Mode", you'd still have the main mode available to play at any time. It's not taking anything away from anybody. But as some of you are getting disproportionally triggered over this suggestion, you probably realize that not many people enjoy being hunted down at every island and you fear you'll lose this ability if people suddenly turn to the new mode instead.

  • @chrysdaze No.

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