Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game

  • It should be possible to change the face of your pirate without losing everything you work for. Many of my friends don’t like the pirate they made but already spent 20 hours on the game and do not want to lose there progress. If it were possible to change your appearance without deleting it would be great

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  • @sonicboom-d


  • @sonicboom-d
    I'm sure we won't be able to change the faces of our pirates, unfortunately, since the pirates you could choose from were random. Maybe in the future we'll be able to change the characters hair color or something, but I can't see them allowing us to change the facial features.

  • I think that is a great idea!

  • @sonicboom-d
    I agree. I just picked a random one because I thought it didn’t matter but now I realise and it does matter so now I have a weird character but all my progress level 20

  • agreed, would love to have a second shot at the character selection without loss of progress! cant imagine it would be difficult to patch.

  • I was assured by friends that I could do this, so wasn't too worried about character select. Come to find out...

    Even if there was a rare item that allowed a reroll or something, that'd be neat.

  • I’d be okay with a (reasonable) in-game gold cost to be able to change/generate a new character.

    Wiping all progress is a little much - I want to age my pirate over time, personally. I hope this opens up somewhere along the line.

  • @sonicboom-d said in Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game:

    If it were possible to change your appearance without deleting it would be great

    I was very surprised when I found out that this was not possible in the game.

  • @salem-vice said in Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game:

    It'll probably be a micro-transaction later on.

    Yeah, I think so.

  • YES PLEASE. That AND let us utilize a “dressing room” to see what gear we have equipped as well as prospective purchases.

  • @thebatmanyo said in Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game:

    YES PLEASE. That AND let us utilize a “dressing room” to see what gear we have equipped as well as prospective purchases.

    The dressing room idea will probably be a micro-transaction as well.

  • @tgirgis I was surprised there wasn't a dang character creator, I thought this game was supposed to be about creating our own legend. Not creating the legend of a randomly generated rando pirate.

  • @gem-pheenix Fairly certain a character creator will be a micro-transation down the road.

  • @gem-pheenix The rare brilliance of Rare.

  • @junkysandburger As incredibly irritating as that would be. A microtransaction character creator would be better than NO character creator.

  • @gem-pheenix said in Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game:

    @junkysandburger As incredibly irritating as that would be. A microtransaction character creator would be better than NO character creator.

  • Oh my gosh yes we need to be able to do this!!!! I started out with a massive, fat character not knowing that he’ll look bad in outfits and now I’m stuck with him. I have all levels at 20 and losing all my progress just seems way too much!! Cmon rare get your head out of the clouds!

  • Hot topic, I was so exited to start the game I didn’t even look. I thought I would be able to customise later on, but hey nothing like a hook, peg leg and eye patch to change the appearance.

  • I tried to change my character's hair, and discovered his ears stick out prominently. So I'm stuck as a filthy long haired hippie.

  • Simple solution for this, make it cost $100,000 gold. This will allow people to change if they really want to, think about it deeply before making a decision and prevent people just spamming character changes every 5 minutes.

  • Would love for this to be implemented since my character was one of the ones that got glitched out and lost hair color and tattoos.... still no word other than they working on it.. been over a month

  • I agree, I'm legend and regret the hell out of my character.

  • @nyadc85 I got a 100k I'd drop down for sure.....

  • @nyadc85 said in Make it possible to change character without losing progression in game:

    Simple solution for this, make it cost $100,000 gold. This will allow people to change if they really want to, think about it deeply before making a decision and prevent people just spamming character changes every 5 minutes.

    Why make something like this so stupidly expensive? Should be a free customization for all players. I say give every player 5 character slots they can save their favorite body types to. I see no negative impact allowing players to switch up on these at will. It doesn't affect gameplay or other players at all. Everything else ingame cost ingame money and soon actual money, but give players more control over their base avatar.

  • I really hope they add this feature... I like mine, but it only works in certain outfits sadly... I want a more traditional character creator. Look at Star Trek Onlines character gen, its amazing for customization.

  • Another suggestion, allowing us to choose clothing/vanity in the lobby before/during matchmaking - would be a nice addition.

  • @stonedscallywag I'm right there with you!
    mine also lost her freckles, make up, the eye colour changed and the eyebrows are now super chunky. my blonde cute but b****s woman now looks like a young boy.
    I sent Rare a long email regarding the issue 4 days ago and I'm still waiting on a reply from them.

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