Misophonia option

  • First off, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place with this, but it seemed like the most appropriate place for it, since my topic doesn't really fall into any existing categories. I wanted to see if it would be possible to implement a mode that blocks the eating and drinking sounds in the game without fully muting sound effects. I have a semi-rare disorder where specific sounds cause me high stress without reasonable cause, and it's mostly associated with eating and drinking sounds. Nothing else in the game bothers me, and I love playing it, but eating a banana to heal or trying to goof off and drink grog with my crew and other players causes me to stress out due to the noise they make. Granted, it's fleeting, and drinking grog is an unnecessary activity, but being forced to play the sound in order to heal makes combat of any kind an ordeal for me. All I really want is an audio option that blocks those two particular sound files. I wouldn't even mind it blocking all sound when they're meant to play, or replacing it with a different file. In the end this may be what makes or breaks the longevity of this game for me, just because it's so stressful. I know it's a targeted change that would take a lot of work to please a relatively small portion of the playerbase, but I know I can't be the only one.

    In order to prove I don't just dislike the sounds, and if anyone wants to read more about Misophonia, you can here.

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  • You're not alone with misophonia. I have to grimace every time I eat a banana to heal. I would be okay if it were just a single "chomp", but the "chomp" and then the few subsequent bites of chewing really get to me.

  • @chiefdoublefang 100% me too. you are not alone, friend. we are not many, but we exist.

  • Never heard of this lol, That would suck. sorry guys hopefully they can do something another option is if you are pc for a temp fix set a keybinding to temp mute all sounds before eating. It's tedious but a workaround nonetheless

  • @chiefdoublefang Seems like eating bananas underwater results in no eating sound. I've taken to always finding nearby water to heal up and it's helped a ton. I'll even jump off my boat to heal and catch a mermaid back in a pinch

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