A suggestion that could make the game better for everyone

  • Currently there are many people discunting if the game should or should not have PvE servers. My proposal would be a way to unify those who want PvE and those who seek PvP.

    It's simple, change the white flags of the ships by flags of three colors: blue, black or red.
    The blue flags (PvE players) would represent the merchants, bounty hunters and law enforcements. While the black flags (PvP players) would represent the evil pirates.

    In this way, a black flag crew could attack any other player as it is now. But a blue flag type would have three options: One, do not attack, run away from the black flags and cooperate with other blue flags. Two, attack the black flags, so if they kill and/or sink receive a small reward for it (this would slightly favor the blue flags, but what PvP players look for is the risk, right?). Three, kill/sink other blue flags, in which case they would automatically become red flags (troll players), which could not collect rewards in the outposts for one hour, and if they are killed and/or sink, either by flags blue or black, they will get a much bigger reward for it.

    Of course, any boat could change between blue and black flag at any time, but doing so would require 2 minutes, to put, so that if a blue flag sees that a crew is changing their flag to black, have time to try flee.

    In this way players who seek PvE, will not have it, but may know the intentions of the other crews. They will be able to forge friendships and cooperate with other blue flags, even if only by exchanging information (where to find an animal or protecting each other). And at the same time, if they meet pirates, and can not run away, at least kill some, or even sink their ship would give them some reward.

    On the other hand, the players that look for PvP, will continue having it, and will be able to continue playing as until now. There could also be PvP players with blue flags that are dedicated to looking for black flags or red flags to get the reward for killing them.

    I think it's a "simple" way to please everyone, adds a certain "realism" that some look for in the game, and I don't think it's too difficult to implement. Tell me what you think, please (It's just a suggestion, don't kill me xD).

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  • This is a pretty cool suggestion.

  • @shenronlp That sounds like a good idea, no-one is restricted from attacking anyone, people can clearly see the status and potential intention of another ship, there are risks/world punishment to flying under false colours, and rewards to working to protect others.

    I'm sure there are some complexities that would need working out, but sounds like a much more viable and in the spirit of the game solution than introducing a full blown PVE or Safe Zone.

    Expanding on it slightly if you have red flags in the server you could have wanted posters for them in the taverns to let people know on spawning in what the state of the server is.

    Combined with some work to the respawn (I don't know what this could be there have been lots of good threads about it) to stop the camping and constant harassing of players trying to do forts would create some interesting interactions beyond just shoot to kill, whilst still keeping that potential for shoot to kill. Personally I like the fear whenever I see another ship, and that wouldn't be lost with this system.

  • That's already in game.

    The flag on top of the crow's nest changes to black after you sink a few ships.

  • Best suggestion i have seen so far on the topic of PVP/PVE also gives people a reason to team up on forts since they dont wanna turn red flag. hmm...

    may i suggest that you will have to be near an outpost to switch flag colour and no other ship can be near ?

    also player flying under the blue flag will have blue names.

  • I like it. I had a slightly different idea. also you forgot the pirate should fly a jolly roger flag. I was thinking you choose the color. White = peace, jolly roger = pirate. Two whites cannot do friendly fire to each other. White can shoot jolly roger, and jolly roger can shoot anyone. Also, maybe have a proximity from ships where you cannot change flags. (to prevent deception)

    another idea stealing treasure from a ship auto assigns the jolly roger to yours.

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