This massive issue people keep mentioning

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    To the second kind of people don't expect people to just hand you treasure when you've sunk their ship. Either fight for it or move on quit your complaining.

    Except people are arguing that it is rather stupid to win the battle, hardly expecting to recieve the winnings by being handed over, but upon winning and still decimating the crew, they just have infinite respawns into the sea right beside what you sunk them for.

    Fighting and winning and expecting to be able to claim what you sunk them for is hardly having it handed over. It's just janky as is currently.

  • Pretty sure something so widely complained about like respawns will be changed at launch.

    They likely just haven't changed them in the tests and betas to encourage constantly gameplay.

  • @tre-oni said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    To the second kind of people don't expect people to just hand you treasure when you've sunk their ship. Either fight for it or move on quit your complaining.

    Except people are arguing that it is rather stupid to win the battle, hardly expecting to recieve the winnings by being handed over, but upon winning and still decimating the crew, they just have infinite respawns into the sea right beside what you sunk them for.

    Fighting and winning and expecting to be able to claim what you sunk them for is hardly having it handed over. It's just janky as is currently.

    It's fine the way it is. If you can't finish the job then you don't deserve that treasure. They get the chance to still come out of the battle with something. You get to have more of a fight and the pride that you fought off droves of men to ultimately claim the treasure. You attacked their ship for a fight in the first place. If you just wanted treasure and only treasure you could have gone and found your own.

  • To the above post: Game mechanics can always be further enhanced to avoid things like griefing. I agree with most everyone that the respawn is a must fix, and arguing that it's in a good state is simply wrong. Staying on the ferry of the damned is a bad adjustment for a bad mechanic, and about the second kind of people... if you've sunk their ship they lost the fight and should lose their treasure, unless you can sail back to them before they turn it in, in which it becomes another struggle for now neutral treasure. If anything, one final respawn at that location after your ship is sunk wouldn't be too bad, but to continually respawn is stupid. Consider if your a solo or duo who just lost to a galleon: two people are just camping your respawn before you have a chance to do anything while the other two are loading cargo.. then their griefers where all 4 just camp you until you leave the server, cuz that's your only option.

    To the person who made this thread: The respawn mechanic issues are known by the devs, and they plan to fix it either by launch time or shortly after. Creating another thread about something that already has 2 or 3 other threads on the same matter doesn't help anything. If they haven't seen those other threads, bumping one of them would have the same expected results as creating a whole new one. If they see it, they'll take a look if they didn't know, or they'll ignore cuz changes are already in the works. Maybe they'll look just to see if more ideas were presented as a way to fix the issue.

  • @inbred-chimera Your complaining about something so obviously lack skill which is why you have experienced said problem and I haven' your 1st instinct is to blame the game...not saying they can't do a better job with the respawns but clearly in order to avoid getting killed over and over you should do one thing, GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because I been killed before OBVIOUSLY and respawned next to the peeps who killed me...and lets just say its very POSSIBLE to turn things around on them or you can take the alternative when things arent goin your way and get out of dodge...not sit there and [Mod edited] about it

  • @s****c-tank53

    You sunk someone for their treasure and they are fighting for it. When you kill each member they are on the ferry for half a minute. If that isn't enough time to have a couple of your crew grab their treasure and be on your way then I guess you need more practice. It's all fine as is. You just want it to be easier for you to take advantage of people that may have less skill in the ship combat aspect of the game. Great you won at sinking their ship if you can't win at the close quarters combat that happens after then you don't deserve the treasure.

  • @the-lion-turtle said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    Pretty sure something so widely complained about like respawns will be changed at launch.

    They likely just haven't changed them in the tests and betas to encourage constantly gameplay.

    I'm also pretty sure I read if it couldn't happen for launch, they'd be looking to rectify whatever issue going forward. So from the sounds of it, it could go either way.

    Launch would be best imo though. As that prevents any post launch changed that throw off the newcomers.

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:


    You sunk someone for their treasure and they are fighting for it. When you kill each member they are on the ferry for half a minute. If that isn't enough time to have a couple of your crew grab their treasure and be on your way then I guess you need more practice. It's all fine as is. You just want it to be easier for you to take advantage of people that may have less skill in the ship combat aspect of the game. Great you won at sinking their ship if you can't win at the close quarters combat that happens after then you don't deserve the treasure.

    Sinking their ship is how they died? Or was it i sunk their ship and won the cqc? 30 seconds they both respawn after the second died? nope, if it is 30 seconds, it's 30 seconds after one person has died. I'm guessing you only run in 4 person crews, but on the sheer luck that a sloop has sunk a galleon, theirs no way that they are going to kill 3 people in the time that the first person is in respawn, and get their treasure, and set sail away. What about if you successfully punish a person for hoarding 3 or 4 voyages worth of treasure? A 1 or 2 person crew sure isn't pulling 10 chests in 30 seconds even if they have the full 30 seconds. All these things is why SO many people are complaining about the respawn mechanics, which is why...

    I won't reply to you again. I'm fairly certain you just want to be able to keep griefing people yourself. And theirs simply no arguing against someone like that. If your not a griefer, you need to learn that the majority opinion is what matters, and you've stated your opinion, so let it be what it will be.

  • @s****c-tank53

    I actually don't do much with pvp unless provoked. I mostly run a sloop with my girlfriend but thanks for making an assumption of me to try and make your point seem somehow more valid. If you can't kill the 4 people rapidly and then steal their treasure then you didn't deserve it. That's what you get for taking on a galleon with a sloop. I stand by my statement and agree to disagree. You just seem to want things to always be easy for you judging from your statements.

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:


    I actually don't do much with pvp unless provoked. I mostly run a sloop with my girlfriend but thanks for making an assumption of me to try and make your point seem somehow more valid. If you can't kill the 4 people rapidly and then steal their treasure then you didn't deserve it. That's what you get for taking on a galleon with a sloop. I stand by my statement and agree to disagree. You just seem to want things to always be easy for you judging from your statements.

    And you think that my assumption was without reason? If you don't do much pvp, you obviously have no understanding of the issues.

  • I think they are working on it because in the last scale test I eventually spawned back at an island with a new ship after dying a few times. Before you infinitely spawned at the sunken ship forever.

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @tre-oni said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    To the second kind of people don't expect people to just hand you treasure when you've sunk their ship. Either fight for it or move on quit your complaining.

    Except people are arguing that it is rather stupid to win the battle, hardly expecting to recieve the winnings by being handed over, but upon winning and still decimating the crew, they just have infinite respawns into the sea right beside what you sunk them for.

    Fighting and winning and expecting to be able to claim what you sunk them for is hardly having it handed over. It's just janky as is currently.

    It's fine the way it is. If you can't finish the job then you don't deserve that treasure. They get the chance to still come out of the battle with something. You get to have more of a fight and the pride that you fought off droves of men to ultimately claim the treasure. You attacked their ship for a fight in the first place. If you just wanted treasure and only treasure you could have gone and found your own.

    Can't finish the job that never ends. With the never-ending respawns of the people you beat right in your face.

    One could argue with your same attitude, that if you were foolish enough to horde chests, and couldn't keep yourself afloat, and alive, that you don't deserve the chests you were carrying.

    I attack ships for loot. Not not for "the pride" (l**o) and not to blow people away. Telling people who sink for treasure to just "go get their own" is just a stupid thing to say with this particular game lol.

    If you want to reclaim, come back and hunt me down with your ship for round two. It makes for a much better story than forcing me to light you up every time you respawn in the water until you decide to leave what you lost.

    It's not a fine mechanic, and your reasons don't explain it away as one.

  • @s****c-tank53 said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:


    I actually don't do much with pvp unless provoked. I mostly run a sloop with my girlfriend but thanks for making an assumption of me to try and make your point seem somehow more valid. If you can't kill the 4 people rapidly and then steal their treasure then you didn't deserve it. That's what you get for taking on a galleon with a sloop. I stand by my statement and agree to disagree. You just seem to want things to always be easy for you judging from your statements.

    And you think that my assumption was without reason? If you don't do much pvp, you obviously have no understanding of the issues.

    Key words were unless provoked. You accused me of griefing. I never said I haven't experienced plenty of combat. I get what you're saying. You're upset that you can't steal all 10 chests from a galleon when using a sloop because of the current respawn mechanic. You want to grab up the 10 chests with little effort even though the crew you are stealing it from put effort into finding it all. You feel they don't deserve a chance to defend the treasure they put time into finding. I get it you want what you like to do in game to be easy for you. That's a fair opinion but it doesn't mean it's the right opinion and pretending it's the only opinion on these forums is just not correct. Again I agree to disagree with you. I do also believe you said you were done responding to me as well.

  • @tre-oni you are attacking a ship for treasure and a fight. Sure the fight could go on a long time if the crew you're attacking doesn't want to give up their treasure. By fighting for treasure that's what you signed up for. You have choices. You just want to sack a ship and make off with their treasure with as little effort as possible and I don't agree that is better gameplay.

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @tre-oni you are attacking a ship for treasure and a fight. Sure the fight could go on a long time if the crew you're attacking doesn't want to give up their treasure. By fighting for treasure that's what you signed up for. You have choices. You just want to sack a ship and make off with their treasure with as little effort as possible and I don't agree that is better gameplay.

    As little effort as possible.. lol alrighty then.

    I mean, you're downplaying it for sure. Probably not worth even arguing with you over even more.

    Its still a dumb mechanic respawning where you died after ship sunk whendead, and feels placeholder at best.

  • @tre-oni it causes a battle in a pvp game. I feel that people that share your opinion are just making a mountain out of a mole Hill. That's just my opinion. To me it's more rewarding if I fought tooth and nail to steal treasure from a ship I just sank. It's also rewarding to fight to save the treasure you had on board when someone tries to steal it. Without this I feel the game would actually lose a little. Again just my opinion.

  • @tre-oni to be clear I do value your discussion on these ideas. Even though you have a differing opinion I appreciate that you haven't devolved into trying to peg me as a griefer or haven't played enough pvp so my opinion is invalid.

  • @dewradley said in This massive issue people keep mentioning:

    @tre-oni to be clear I do value your discussion on these ideas. Even though you have a differing opinion I appreciate that you haven't devolved into trying to peg me as a griefer or haven't played enough pvp so my opinion is invalid.

    I'm not trying to come off as a (Mod Edited), nor do I think you are.

    I've just been debating over this for days now.

    It really just feels to me like if it made it for launch, it'd be a cheap cop out mechanic.

  • Ahoy there pirates, thank you for your spirited and indepth conversations about this topic. We are actively re-working the re-spawn logic based on your player feedback! We understand in the current system, re-spawning where your ship was sunk can lead to situations like being killed before you can reach the mermaid, or preventing the victorious pirates from looting their plunder! In the new system we're working on, once you leave the Ferry of the Damned, you will re-spawn in a different location with a new ship.

    As with any new changes we plan on making, we'll monitor them, gather more data and community feedback before making any further changes. Thank you all for your feedback and your passion for Sea of Thieves!

  • @khaleesibot woohoo! no more spawn killing!

  • @khaleesibot Thanks for the update! I love that you guys are taking community feedback seriously.
    I can't to get back out there on the seas.

  • @khaleesibot mkay let us test out new system mhm :D

  • @khaleesibot finally some good news about this issue. Thanks!

  • @khaleesibot Rough timeline? are we looking at after launch, the 3 month DLC, or soon enough itll be on release? Good news non-the-less

  • @inbred-chimera
    If you look at the insider report for jan from joeninetee it says that they are aware of the respawn system being abused and that they might have a fix for it shortly after launch

  • I've mentioned this flaw several times, and it very well may impact the number of casuals, and other millenials from playing SoT. That result might make the game better. It's a fine line to tread, how to fix the problem. I first started dispatched should spawn as far away as possible from aggressors, but in retrospect, if you got sunk, and lost chests, you'd expect a chance to retrieve said loot. I have since proposed maybe one near spawn to allow retribution, then after a second defeat, spawn as far away as possible. This is to stop trolling or griefing, but this may upset some try-hards whom are at that point invested in the demise of their competitors...

  • I'm disappointed to be honest. I loved respawning at the mermaid to defend my loot, even if it was just to keep it away from the enemy.

    Defending your ship against boarders after you sink a ship was part of the battle, IMO, this just makes PVP more rewarding and has much less risk, making things easier for those who sunk you.

    I'd rather see an option before you leave the ferry to respawn at mermaid or at the new ship.

    Thanks for the update @khaleesibot.

  • Thanks, that's pretty much all I was asking for. I feel as though khaleesibot has authority enough to be considered primary source ha, and since they haven't specified for launch, i'll take that as 'somewhere after launch but not too late and maybe even before but no promises'. which is ok.

    I'll stand by my point of not sorting for launch having a negative impact on the game, but it think now that we can explain to those concerned that it's definately in the pipeworks, that removes theworry of it potentially being a permanent feature on the ground that some people like it.

    And just as a final and possibly vein attempt to convince anyone who would rather keep the system to change their mind; At one point you might fight hard for a win, get it, only to gain nothing because you spent so long spawn killing the enemy so you could hold their chests that another ship came along and sank you and took all the chests.. except then you'd be spawning and the last guys spawning and both take out the 3rd ship.... Maybe you enjoy shooting fish in a barrel for no reason, but I'm sure glad they're going to take that out.

  • @inbred-chimera
    What don't you like about it?

  • @mr-bobby-says I'll humour you for now but it's going to be short. It counters the spirit of the game, thats is to steal and be a pirate. It also massively reduced the reward for winning a battle. Battles should be hard. Claiming the reward for winning them should not be hard. Occupying a foreighn country? yes. Claiming some loot and then high tailing it? no, that should not be hard, let alone near impossible.

  • Im not concerned about some of the bugs and bad mechanics.
    as khaleesibot: already gave you feedback
    Things are not set in stone, and some of the mechanics can only be changes after some gathering of data of Human behavior.
    Rare is new in the Multiplayer scene, an also trying to put a personal touch on different mechanics, instead of just copy paste from other games.

    My personal felling about the Scoop zoom: I don't hope they made it so slow an clunky, because of the sake of balancing between the systems, I hope its there twist on the sniper.
    There is so many different fps games, where the sniping is more or less identical(some hold breath)
    But you cant say that about Rare's sniper mechanics ;) still pretty bad :P
    and a lot of different mechanics still need some trial run before you can really conclude that it need changes.

  • @tre-oni Hahaha. Nice Catch

  • @inbred-chimera

    "It counters the spirit of the game, thats is to steal and be a pirate."
    No I doesn't, if anything It keeps It tense and exciting.

    "It also massively reduced the reward for winning a battle."
    This only applies if you have treasure of your own and you took the risk of engaging in a battle with another ship.
    Also you don't lose anything if you had no treasure to begin with.

    "Battles should be hard."
    They are most of the time.

    Claiming the reward for winning them should not be hard."
    Did you expect it to be handed to you on a silver plate as well?

    "Occupying a foreighn country? yes. Claiming some loot and then high tailing it? no, that should not be hard, let alone near impossible."
    Why did you compare occupying a foreign country to robbing somebody for their treasure? Also the crew has to raise their anchor and sails to even get back to you which should be enough time (not including the time spent on the ferry of the damned) for you to get a head start.

    I'll still respect your opinion though.

  • @khaleesibot Sounds perfect.

  • @mr-bobby-says eeeehhhh you seem to be missing a few things.

    It really doesn't keep the game tense and exciting. It's a matter of perspective of opinion acutally, but for what I would consider a normal human, spawn killing and being spawn killed is not tense and exciting.

    the reduced reward statement you're a bit off the mark with. Regardless of whether you have treasure or not, having to fight people over and over for your reward and that makes the reward less reawrding...

    your next to comments aren't relevant and don't really make sense.

    The foreign country was not a comparison, it was an exampleof a situation where victory is not really victory, because there are multiple types of war to be fought. A comparison would be a boxing match where currently every time you knock your opponent out he gets another shot of adrenaline and carries on. The only way to win is to stand over him and sucker punch him every time he wakes up. Over and over again. That would be a comparison.

    and i'm talking in general, not specifically about ships coming back. True, you get a head start, but is that going to be enough? considering you have to recover from a battle and they do not because they get a fresh ship. But the focus of my thread was on the mermaid camping and endless spawns without a ship.

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