What does your gaming room look like?

  • I wanted to share my insanity for this game and show you my updated Man Cave tailored just for Sea of Thieves. What does your room look like? Upvote your favorite to see who wins! Here is mine.

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  • Oh look at Mister Moneybags Goldchest with a dedicated room for gaming!

    Looks great though :)

  • lol, room. I have a small corner (actually a former closet) with a pop up desk that I keep my laptop on. If I wanna use my One X I either do it via streaming on my laptop or wait until everyone's asleep to use our 55" 4K UHD. I bought it for gaming but my little one like SpongeBob and Bubble Guppies so I normally let her use it lol.

  • Gaming room? Just a large desk in my bedroom with my pc, keyboard, mouse, mousepad, pc screen and tv I often use as a secondary screen for university-related stuff or if I want to play and have twitch open to watch. I have a LED strip that, if I get another controller box, I could hook up with my pc so the colours change depending on whats happening in games or movies :D

  • @bustarbox I don't want to take a picture because the room is a mess but I'll describe it. In the center is a 72" tv with a couch that has a fold out table in the middle. It has 2 usb ports and 2 grounded out plugins along with the footrest being electronicly controlled. Coolest couch till the power foes out lol. A big lazy boy chair on the right side of the room. And my bed, because I have yet to finish redoing my room.

  • The couch was surprisingly cheap to btw. I've seen far insupior couches being sold for more then mine.

  • I cant see the picture?

    But my 'gaming room' is my pc plugged into my main tele in the living room with my mouse mat balancing on my sofa arm and my keyboard on my lap. Like a boss.

  • Mine looks like a tornado ate my dresser...Someone seems to have dirtied all my clothes and threw them all over! Shame on whomever would do such a thing. Is nothing sacred!

  • I'm going to go clean my room now so I can take a picture for you folks. Be back shortly.

  • Your photo isn't showing up, would love to see it.

    We have two areas upstairs that never get used and we are already thinking of creating a Sea of Thieves theme in one of them. If we ever get it done, I'll share some photos.

  • Here you go mates, Man Cave Heaven complete with game screen adapting color lights!
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  • @bustarbox Nice! I like that ship you have in the corner.

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