Patrol Guard NPCs

  • So I see people saying they want more friendly encounters with other players. If only there were some sort of faction that keeps these baddies at bay. I present to you my idea about a pirate police force.

    It’s an NPC faction that protects certain island from notorious pirates. Not all outpost should have these guards so said notorious pirate can still do outpost stuff. On the islands with guards, add coastal cannons that they can mount to help defend the area. Make these guards hard to kill and quick to respond to danger, so if a tame pirate suddenly breaks code, there’s swift consequences.

    Other ideas that I thought about...
    -Add an arrest feature and a jail at outposts. If you’re locked up, you’re crew can come break you out or just pay a fine.
    -Make missions out of attacking guarded outposts.
    -Guards should have their own faction, maybe they can give a special mission to hunt most notorious pirate (crew with the most kills on server/session).

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  • It would be neat to see something like this to bridge the gap between safe zones and open zones. I had made a post awhile back ago stating some ideas I had and this police or Navy was one of them. Here is a link to my post if you are interested. Start in the AI Ships section.

  • @quality-spoork Would like this for one island only with a proper town and port which also had tavern with mini games ☠

  • @quality-spoork Intriguing idea.

  • Sounds like adding the British or Spanish into the game. Making them the keepers of the law, and would explain why they would have a naval presence and military force. However, this really should be more player driven. Add a new faction that gives voyages based on guarding ships from island to out post, or for combat goals that involve not obtaining loot chests to encourage defending other ships without intent to loot.

  • @bedgroover72 I was thinking there should be 2 or 3 in case one gets attacked by a band of pirates, players could either retreat to another safe area or help the npcs defend the island.

  • @draclfd If there’s going to be no npc ships, players are going to have to be their own navy. The only quest i could think of was a bounty mission guards could give out. Defend quests would be awesome. Something like defending trade routes or something from X amount of notorious pirates.

  • @quality-spoork I like the idea of the defend patrol. That would encourage role playing and interactions between crews. Little more dialogue between crews when tracking the aggressive pirates. Or just simply save the ship getting chased across the ocean :)

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