Introducing your New Deckhands!

  • Our existing team of Deckhands are amazing and do a really good job of being Community Moderators in the Sea of Thieves Forums. As my dragon eyes and ears, they see things that I might not always be able to see and bring to my attention things I need to celebrate and things I need to handle!

    As we move towards launch our community is growing and rapidly! Thank you all so much for all your feedback, coming to see us, suggestions, fan art, stories and the way you genuinely care about ensuring all pirates who want to be part of the Sea of Thieves community feel welcome! Your hard work and your contributions make Sea of Thieves the amazing community it is!

    Our last invite wave introduced 50,000 bright eyed new pirates from all around the world on PC and Xbox One and as more people join us (remember, all eligible Insiders will be invited to the Technical Alpha by the end of the year), it means we need more hands on deck (hehehe)!

    We have traditionally only had Forum Deckhands, but given how active other areas have become, we have decided to introduce Club Deckhands as well. This allows us to ensure that all areas of our community have the information they need and feel supported in as many timezones as we can manage!

    Club Deckhands will primarily be focused on the Club, however they are still available to help out in the Forums.



    zoream - Club Deckhand

    I'm zoream, or Richard IRL. I've been part of the community around a year and a member of chat since I was accepted into the Alpha in March, made a few posts on the forums but stayed mostly in club chat, helping Ben out. I was working as a gunsmith at the time but now I manage a tavern on the east coast, been gaming since the early 80's, owned almost all systems and played most games, I don't have much time to game atm but love it when I can get some play time in. My gamertag I use for most things although someone pinched my name on Roblox. I came up with the name in vanilla world of Warcraft.

    tartansnake-8 - Forum Deckhand

    G'day Mateys, I'm Chris (aka tartansnake 8). Born in Glasgow, Scotland, but now live in Perth, Western Australia. I've always loved animals & especially snakes. If you've been living under a rock while waiting for your Alpha access, I've been letting Rare know my disappointment they're not in the game ... yet! My passion for reptiles started at a young age and has grown rapidly since moving to Australia where I've had the pleasure of working with these amazing creatures. I've been gaming for over 30 years with my preferred genres being action, adventure, strategy & sport. I first spotted SoT at E3 2016 and checked out everything I could online but didn't make my presence known on the forum till Feb 2017. Shortly after I got invited to the alpha & SoT consumed my life. The community that's grown around the game is amazing and a big part of this has been down to the work of the deckhands. I feel privileged to have been asked to join this elite crew & hope I can continue the high standard that's been set.

    WyMeRz - Forum Deckhand

    Hello, my name is Sam, otherwise known as WyMeRz on Xbox Live. I was born and raised on the East Coast of the United States. My passions include Photography, Gaming, and of! Now onto Sea of Thieves! I've been following SoT closely since E3 2016 (saw it briefly at E3 2015), but I didn't start getting involved in the community till back in January. At first, I was a big-time lurker here on the forums. However, over time I noticed this community to be something truly special and I wanted to be apart of it. A few redirected posts later (thank you Deckhands), checking the forums quickly became a part of my daily routine. Now, 10 months later I’m excited more than ever to be apart of this incredible community and help make SoT even better for everyone!

    Time Zones


    EUROPE (United Kingdom)

    OCEANIA (Australia, New Zealand)

    So please join me in welcoming our newest Deckhands,
    @WyMeRz, @Tartansnake-8 & @Zoream !

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  • Congrats to all of you!

  • @khaleesibot Woohoo!! More Hands on Deck!

    Welcome @WyMeRz, @Zoream, and @Tartansnake-8 glad to have you on board!

  • Congratulations!

  • Hello new friends, it did concern me that there were only 8 deckhands with such a large community. Its good to see new support and the the deckhands growing.

  • Congrats @WyMeRz @Zoream & @Tartansnake-8

    Have fun with all the questions :)
    I still ain't going to listen to you though Tartan ;)

  • Well deserved, congrats guys! 😃
    @Zoream @Tartansnake-8 @WyMeRz

  • Welcome to the gang @Zoream @WyMeRz and @Tartansnake-8!

    Not sure I can quite put it into words how incredible our @Deckhands are and how large a part they play in this community.

    We're lucky to have you! (A Taylor GIF is the highest honour I can bestow)
    alt text

  • Congratulations 🎉 to all new deck hands well deserved

    @tartansnake-8 now ur a deck hand make sure u keep pushing for the snakes for snake island 🏝

    Ilha de Queimada Grande

    Woundae want a glasgge kiss fae that

  • Congratulations! Fair winds and following seas :-D

  • @WyMeRz , @Tartansnake-8, & @Zoream

    Congrats guys!

  • Curses now my smuggling business will be a lot harder with more eyes out and in the sea!

  • There goes the neighborhood!

    Congrats and welcome to our merry band of misfits.
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  • @gta5dude74 I'm pretty sure there is some sort of "payment" system in place now that anytime @Tartansnake-8 mentions snakes he owes the rest of the Deckhands something. Might have to figure out that something ;)

  • Congrats @WyMeRz , @Zoream and @Tartansnake-8 .
    well deserved all of you.

    @Tartansnake-8 Your master plan to see snakes in the SoT world is nearing fruition. Snake Island WILL be yours. ;)

  • @khaleesibot

    Welcome aboard and Congratulations!!! @WyMeRz, @Tartansnake-8 & @Zoream !

  • @muse986 said in Introducing your New Deckhands!:

    Welcome to the gang @Zoream @WyMeRz and @Tartansnake-8!

    Not sure I can quite put it into words how incredible our @Deckhands are and how large a part they play in this community.

    We're lucky to have you! (A Taylor GIF is the highest honour I can bestow)

    It is indeed the highest of honors

  • Congrats guys!

  • Congrats guys!

  • Yay!

  • Oooh, well how about that? Congratulations, you three @Zoream, @Tartansnake-8 & @WyMeRz.

  • Congratulations @Zoream, @Tartansnake-8 & @WyMeRz.

  • Congratulations mateys! Always good to see more hands on deck keeping the community great! :)

  • @Zoream @WyMeRz @Tartansnake-8
    Congratulation from me too, New Deckhands! :)

  • :O Welcome to all new Deckhands! @Zoream @WyMeRz @Tartansnake-8

  • Thank you everyone, see you in the club!

  • Congrats @WyMeRz @Zoream & @Tartansnake-8 !!!

    Lol @LogansDadToo I never listen to Tartan anyways haha

  • Cheers eveyone! And congrats to @Zoream & @WyMeRz too.

    @LogansDadToo - You're on my watch list, so behave!

    @DHG-IXxRMACxXI - Payment aye? If we make it 1 jelly snake per comment I'll just send you all a bumper pack each now 😜

  • Well that was a little unexpected!

    Congratulations @WyMeRz @Zoream & @Tartansnake-8! I'm sure you're all going to be fantastic additions to the deckhand team! WOO!

  • @Zoream @Tartansnake-8 @WyMeRz Congrats guys, what a great addition to the deckhands, you guys will do just fine.

  • Congrats @Zoream @Tartansnake-8 @WyMeRz! I'll watch you work from my lurking corner...

  • Congrats ☠

  • @khaleesibot - Congrats to all the new Deckhands!

    @Zoream - You know i'll always be on hand to help out in anyway I can in the Club! Glad to see that they've finally taken your Club Poster easter egg seriously! 😅

  • W00T, new people to harass :P

  • Thank you, everyone!!! You guys are the best :)

    Also, congratulations to my fellow Deckhands @Tartansnake-8 and @Zoream!

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