Looking for players to join our guild!

  • Hey, i know its probably a long shot but i was hoping to find some players who might be interested in joining a growing guild, hoping to find decently active players play as much or as little as you can. Charter a ship if you would like too if not theres pledged ships always available, join any open space there might be on what ever ship you desire. The goal is to essentially always have a crew online to play with. if anyone is interested either reply here or message my GT or my discord. I started playing in 2022 im not sure where to find my time played but im a PL with alot of open world pvp experience and ive just switched to the steam version as im on pc so i only have 68 hours on the steam version. Happy to help any new players on any platform. Down for anything PvP, PvE, Stacking, Hourglass.

    my GT is: Beamer uG
    Discord: beamer_ug

  • 8
    competitionstory & lorejust for funcommunityevents
  • I’m looking to join a guild experienced sot player

  • I'm bored playing this game by myself so I'm looking to have fun

  • @gingercub1991 Whats your GT?

  • I’m down, have room to join one more guild. UK player and very active.
    PSN is Gladiator995

  • @boriceight76119 GT?

  • I just sent you a message on xbox :)

  • Any one wanting to join and doesnt want or cant add me just leave your GT or Discord and ill invie everyone as soon as im on SOT

competitionstory & lorejust for funcommunityevents
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