Constant Hazelnutbeard Error Ever Since Easy Anti Cheat Update Released

  • I've been playing Sea of Thieves for over 300 hours at this point, and usually I didn't encounter any huge problems.
    After the latest Easy Anti-Cheat update my game didn't launch. After I fixed the product ID in the EAC settings (which they really need to fix already) with adding 0 to the end of the string, the game launches, but every time I try to connect to a server it shows a Hazelnutbeard error, and disconnects.

    When I try to rejoin the server it seems like it works, but every time I do this, after about 30 seconds of gameplay it shows Hazelnutbeard again and disconnects. Meaning, no matter how many times I try, I can get only about 30 seconds of gameplay and it disconnects.
    It's been so much time and I'm kind of devastated. It really just came out of nowhere and I tried everything to fix it; from all the solutions suggested here: to changing my router settings and uninstalling everything. I've shut down all of my anti-virus, VPN, Firewall services etc., and the situation is still the same.

    It's important to note that other multiplayer games work just fine, including all of those that use Easy Anti-Cheat and my 1000Mbps internet LAN infrastructure is rock solid and stable during gameplay.
    I hoped the maintenance today would change the situation, but still nothing's different.

    I've also contacted support, which after a couple of days told me "that the problem you are receiving is a known issue and the team are actively investigating a solution." While I do tend to believe what I'm told by official sources, the situation stayed like this for more than a month at this point, and I'm not sure that things are really moving along.

    I'm playing through Xbox Game Pass on PC, and my usual crewmate who is playing through Steam, and lives a couple of blocks near, doesn't have any problem.

    Do you good people have a solution? Are some of you in the same boat (no pun intended)?

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  • @rocketdrax48 said in Constant Hazelnutbeard Error Ever Since Easy Anti Cheat Update Released:

    After I fixed the product ID in the EAC settings (which they really need to fix already) with adding 0 to the end of the string, the game launches, but every time I try to connect to a server it shows a Hazelnutbeard error, and disconnects.

    This is probably the issue, and you should revert any changes you made to the config. Today's update has made changes to EAC to prevent bypasses, which is what modifying the product ID was doing.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Already tried that today unfortunately. Tried it now again just in case. It just reverts to the previous problem, and I can't even launch the game (the EAC client reads "Unrecognized game client. Cannot continue").
    So... yeah...

  • @rocketdrax48 Might want to check if any of the other solutions to this EAC problem in other games work for you?

    AV tends to pop up as a common problem, but you said you disabled yours. Have you tried a full uninstall/reinstall of the game?

    You could also try installing EAC manually:

  • @D3ADST1CK
    Tried it already before, and tried it again right now and didn't work. I also reinstalled the game (many times in the last month and even 2 times today), updated all of the drivers and software and reinstalled the XBOX app. Still nothing.
    The thing is that EAC works completely fine in other games. It's only problematic in SoT :(

  • @rocketdrax48 Same issue since 1 month...

  • @rocketdrax48 said in Constant Hazelnutbeard Error Ever Since Easy Anti Cheat Update Released:

    Tried it already before, and tried it again right now and didn't work. I also reinstalled the game (many times in the last month and even 2 times today), updated all of the drivers and software and reinstalled the XBOX app. Still nothing.
    The thing is that EAC works completely fine in other games. It's only problematic in SoT :(

    There are two different EAC, and the one that SoT uses is not the same as a lot of other games. If you look in C:\Program Files (x86), you should see two folders: EasyAntiCheat and EasyAntiCheat_EOS. The second one is the one for Sea of Thieves and it's possible that other games work fine because they are using the other installation.

    I'm not sure which games use which version, but I think Fortnite and Rust use the EOS version?

  • When you uninstall Sea of Thieves and EAC EOS, make sure to nuke any related files that may be elsewhere on your computer (such as in AppData, My Documents, ProgramData, or in the Steam/Xbox Games folders) before reinstalling. There may be configuration files in one of those places that remains even after uninstalling. Note that Sea of Thieves sometimes uses the name "Athena" for some of its folders. Once everything is gone, then reinstall.

  • Same problem

  • Goto your game root folder and goto properties, advanced, and uncheck "Compress contents to save disk space"
    You'll likely get an error saying the .exes can't be uncompressed, ignore that for a moment and let the rest uncompress.
    after it's done, go into your game folder and delete any files that still have the Blue arrows (most importantly the exes like SoTGame.exe and Sea of Thieves.exe and gamelaunchhelper.exe as these are the main offenders), and then reacquire them via the Verify and Repair function in the Xbox app. - workin solution

  • @pingwin42464 Thank you man. You just SAVED ME. This worked for me. I unchecked compress contents to save disk space, on my sea of thieves game folder. Then I deleted both .exes and I deleted the folders with blue arrows. The Athenea folder, EasyAntiCheat folder, Engine folder, Installers folder, Resources folder. And then went and verified the game files. Only downside is I had to download most of the 100Gb of game files again. But it was worth it to me because it fixed it. Now the folders don't have the blue arrows anymore so I'm assuming that means the contents aren't compressed anymore.

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