Ashen Lost Shipment Routes not accessible

  • Hello,

    I'm having trouble getting the last two routes I need for the "Get Wrecked" Achievment. It's the Morrow's Peak Outpost to Ashen Reaches and Brian's Bazar to Roaring Traders routes that aren't showing up for me.

    I know there was a bug a while ago that prohibited those routes from showing up, but a friend of mine managed to get the Achievement since then. Are they rarer then the other routes? or is the bug back in the game somehow?

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  • Have you sailed to the area and voted repeatedly? Usually parking just outside the island/seapost you want will trigger that route. Like for Brian’s I usually go a square north east of it to get it to trigger. All roar destinations were indeed broken for a while, but they were fixed with season 11 since it added its own voyage for voting for roar specific routes.

  • @abjectarity Ye I went to Ashen Reaches and spammed voyages there, but I just ended up with Morrows Peak to either Galleons or Plunder. I'm gonna try again and see if I'm just unlucky, but the ammount of tries I've done makes it suspicious

  • @abjectarity OK Went to Brian's Bazaar and spammed ~50 Voyages and didn't get any of those two. I then tried the Medley and got it instantly. It definitly feels like somethings fishy is going on, luckily the medley lost shipments counted and I got the achievment

  • Glad you were able to get it in the end. That’s odd that it is misbehaving, definitely a bug.

  • I've been trying to get those routes on and off for a few weeks now and I've had the same problem. It seems to be happening to the Sanctuary outpost-The Wild treasures store route as well? Every other route seems to work as intended

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