need help with getting money

  • need help getting some money finding game really hard

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  • Definitely has a steep learning curve. I've been playing about 2 months. I figured out that the higher you progress with a faction, the more profitable the voyages become. It won't take long once you get going. If you want someone to show you a couple good voyages send me an invite if you see me online.

  • @skeek-btw

    Get yourself on YouTube vids my friend.

    Loads of tips there on how to maximise gold gain as well as upgrading the individual factions.

  • Reddit also has advice.

    Sorry if they come across as lazy replies, but I am in no way qualified yet to offer you expert advice.

    Needless to say I have done loads of research from the sources I mentioned and hope to be gold rich in a week when the PS5 version hits the high seas!

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