Ok, a thought, indirect-competitive "loops" and "Sea States"

  • This is an idea designed to add a level of "dynamics" to the world, even in periods of content drought.

    The game has had a few indirect competitions that have altered the game state. (Think the Lost Sands that lead to the change from Golden Sands to Port Merrick). This adventure was a one-time change that had a massive impact on the game state and required development time after completion to implement.

    This idea will take that spirit of general indirect competition and make it cyclical, with less long-term changes, but potentially a constantly shifting meta.

    What you do is you set up multiple competitive loops. You might have a PVP focused one (servants vs guardians), a casual one (merchants vs gold horders vs order of souls) , and a world event one (a world event with two distinct sides players can side with either one), a competitive quest one. (Briggsy's skull-ish, but there are 3 competing individuals who want the skull)

    What happens is that the game tracks each loop, and on a cyclical timer (say, 2-3 weeks, staggered by loop) a winner of the loop is declared, and the loop counters reset. During the next loop the outcome of the previous loop changes "something" about the Sea of thieves. This might be a unique Item (such as a throwable, a cursed ball, etc.), a specific world event, special voyages, etc.

    Above, I listed 4 loops with different amount of outcomes (2, 3, 2, 3). Given each outcome is a different state, then as the loops complete, the game will find itself in one of 36 distinct states. Based on what is actually rewarded based on outcomes, this could create very different meta's based on what's active at any given time.

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  • I like this idea. could be kind of hard to keep up with tho, especially for casual players, which the game tends to cater too at the moment

  • @rotten-rocko
    I'm not sure that "casuals" need to worry much about keeping track of it. For the most part, many things can just be ran as normal, and let the chips fall where they will.

  • @tybald I think I miss understood the part about something changing. In my head I thought you meant like a specific item already in game, but you meant adding some new items that cycle in and out.

  • @rotten-rocko

    If we assume that each loop outcome had a different item, then there are 10 new items, in 36 different mixes. Those 36 combinations would have a different impact on how the game played...at some level.

    And of course a new loop with new items multiples the different combination of items, tweaking the "living meta"

  • @tybald said in Ok, a thought, indirect-competitive "loops" and "Sea States":

    This is an idea designed to add a level of "dynamics" to the world, even in periods of content drought.

    The game has had a few indirect competitions that have altered the game state. (Think the Lost Sands that lead to the change from Golden Sands to Port Merrick). This adventure was a one-time change that had a massive impact on the game state and required development time after completion to implement.

    This idea will take that spirit of general indirect competition and make it cyclical, with less long-term changes, but potentially a constantly shifting meta.

    What you do is you set up multiple competitive loops. You might have a PVP focused one (servants vs guardians), a casual one (merchants vs gold horders vs order of souls) , and a world event one (a world event with two distinct sides players can side with either one), a competitive quest one. (Briggsy's skull-ish, but there are 3 competing individuals who want the skull)

    What happens is that the game tracks each loop, and on a cyclical timer (say, 2-3 weeks, staggered by loop) a winner of the loop is declared, and the loop counters reset. During the next loop the outcome of the previous loop changes "something" about the Sea of thieves. This might be a unique Item (such as a throwable, a cursed ball, etc.), a specific world event, special voyages, etc.

    Above, I listed 4 loops with different amount of outcomes (2, 3, 2, 3). Given each outcome is a different state, then as the loops complete, the game will find itself in one of 36 distinct states. Based on what is actually rewarded based on outcomes, this could create very different meta's based on what's active at any given time.

    Sounds a bit like Guild events. I think I could put it in that kinda context.
    That's very competitive: the element WIN. I dunno if this will push regular players to another level.

    @tybald said in Ok, a thought, indirect-competitive "loops" and "Sea States":

    I'm not sure that "casuals" need to worry much about keeping track of it. For the most part, many things can just be ran as normal, and let the chips fall where they will.

    I think many a player would feel they be missing out (the casuals?), something. They prolly feel kinda bad.

    Sea States though! This name rings an idea bell.
    An emm. flag is kinda showing the heat a Crew has now.
    If you wanna push PvP to another level (in a new mode/loop with a new faction)...
    So, when the heat is on a Crew @ the Map Table because they sank +4 (or something) PC Ships (depending on sizes of both Crew, Ships and "strenghts"), a Sea State (an indicating fog) could be a nice idea. (forgot to mention here: they are also visible now just like the emm. flags on the Map Table, to everyone!)
    The "x" amount of heat (that wears off in time, even, but with some serious consequenses (Kraken?)) gives them the opt to go sail into a Sea State with "loops". It's a server with competitive PvPers alike.
    Here they seek each other out: they can see each others location on the Map Table.
    Battles should give huge rewards. The system makes it attractive for PvPers to always go into this Sea State. And, after the fights and timing loops, the most successful Crew even gains certain privileges (within the PvP server (reserved slots?)).

    Problem could be that they have to probe PvErs. So, there should be a Flag indicating (they should be flying it to gain entrance) they want the specific fights to sail the Sea State.
    You would think everyones is going to be crazy about PvP now. But I meant by "strenght": the pts. in the new PvP Faction. The better/higher ones you beat (with the Flag!), the more heat = the better chance to go into the Sea State fog.

  • @vinze88

    I think the level of boosting competitiveness and extra pvp depends on the nature of the loop and competition itself. For example, take a world event where the loop depends on who gets the special loot piece. There might be PVP over the world event, but that's the nature of all world events. You don't know which person the winner is going to turn the special loot into (unless they make it act like a reaper chest, and there are fixed turn ins). So, in that case, the loop would generally be low-competition.

    A loop competition between the 3 trading companies might be a bit of a middle ground. It would provide a bit more incentive to hunt other emissaries, but given that world events give loots of all types, probably not as big as you may think.

    Finally, you can put loops in where advancing the loops are driven primarily by (or helped significantly by) pvp.

    At the end of the day though, loops are there primarily to provide a sort of constant state of change. That way the game isn't static in between periods of content drought.

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