XBOX Keyboard and Mouse STILL not working after the new update

  • @garou2935 maybe try to launch the edge browser on xbox, and then don't close edge and launch SoT. Sometimes i launch the game and the KB don't work and it works after i do that.

  • It has been a little over a month and the issue with keyboard and mouse is still persisting. There have been multiple updates of the game since the bug first occurred, and the team have still not addressed the bug. The March 14th update was supposed to fix this problem but it didn't. Then there was an update today March 22nd and the issue is STILL NOT fixed and is very upsetting, I've had this game for almost a year and fell in love with it instantly. It is very disappointing that the bug is still not fixed, I've been unable to participate in the community day weekend and also now the 6 year anniversary of the game that introduced some special things, and I've been unable to partake in these events because of this bug that has not been fixed. Over a month this has been going on, I thought that maybe a week the issue would have been fixed but looks like I was greatly wrong. I really do genuinely appreciate the work Rare puts into this game and I understand that bugs occur but this is a little absurd in my opinion. There are many other users also frustrated on the forums and are in the same boat I'm in (no pun intended). I would just like to know to get any idea when I can set sail with my friends again on the seas? When this bug will be fixed? I would greatly appreciate just an ETA of an update that would address this issue properly. Thank you.

  • The mouse works like 90% of the time. The keyboard however I have to restart my game 4 to 8 times until it randomly works. Kinda annoying. Small little quality of life would be when hitting my Q wheel the mouse is always off to the side of to one side of the screen making it unpredicable and harder to grab items I need In combat and such. I know my friends on Xbox PC the mouse is always in the middle of screen when hitting Q so it's much faster to grab items. Would love for this to be looked at :)

  • Do you just restart the game or the entire console?

  • Hope they never fix It so XIM players cannot cheat.

  • I mean people that use a XIM are only hurting themselves because they are taking advantage of a cheat, and they think they are good then. But people that use keyboard and mouse legit want this to be fixed so we can play again.

  • @il-truth-li said in XBOX Keyboard and Mouse STILL not working after the new update:

    Hope they never fix It so XIM players cannot cheat.

    Do you have any idea on how native KnM support works on Xbox SoT?

    If you’re on KnM you can’t join controllers only servers and XIM is not mouse and keyboard support.

    If some kids are playing with XIM to take advantage from it against controller players it’s because they’re bad at the game and want to feel good.

  • @gaezoso

    i know already,and yeah thats the purpose of xim.

  • Does anyone know anything more or any new information about the whole keyboard and mouse issue? I’m getting very annoyed by this, and would like to play so badly. I wish they would at least tell us when we can expect an update that would address the problem.

  • @sharkboy6847 I kind of noticed something about this forum section.. staff only show up when its time to "moderate" this place.

  • @garou2935 they couldn't care less about current players rn. they want to make sure things are right for the new playstation players because those players will bring with them new wallets to spend new money. if you are looking for live service support for this live service game, you will be highly disappointed. that's my opinion at least. the devs even discussed last preview that they do not have a team to handle technical support issues, but they are working to make that happen in the future, 2024. this game is 6 years old, get it together already.

  • You couldn’t have said it any better, I agree 100% with both of you, I submitted support requests, even though it’s a “known issue” even though they are doing absolutely nothing about it, but their response is just an autogenerated computer response and told me “happy treasure hunting”. What a joke in my opinion. I can’t treasure hunt cause the game is broken and is so shameful and upsetting that it seems the team doesn’t even care.

  • @sharkboy6847 Pretty sure they intentionally dropped support for KB+M players on Xbox without telling their community, I've had it unistalled and have gone on to better games.

  • @i-slxshie-i Honestly you might be right.

  • @il-truth-li not even how that works

  • @i-slxshie-i would make sense cause it's literally natively supported on xbox, so it was intentional unless they're dumb af and somehow effed it up

  • @sharkboy6847

    They finally replied to my support ticket for crashes and they told me I needed to buy the game on steam if I wanted to play it; I had recommended that they just switch my version, if they were unable to provide ANY troubleshooting, and I guess they are saying no to both. I had to reply with: "Can you help me to get the game to run? It is still currently crashing and unplayable," in order to open my support ticket again. It's been nearly two weeks, and I'm positive no support is coming from Rare. Rip this game. I feel sorry for all the PlayStation preorder players.

  • @sejm-flop straight facts. I don’t understand Rare. At least in my opinion as a company I would want my customers to be pleased with my performance but I guess that’s just me, such a shame.

  • The keyboard and mouse issue is making me feel extremely confused because it’s worked for years before so I don’t understand how it’s not now, but I’ve had the game just sitting in the library for awhile and I’m started to lose hope

  • Me too! I have a feeling it will never be fixed. I’ve just been sending them support tickets, and they said they knew about the issue but after I sent another one they said they are going to send this to the development team, and I’m thinking to myself shouldn’t you have done that a long time ago!!! Very annoying

  • Alright so I might have gotten an update on the matter, after MANY support tickets I was finally answered with a real live support person on their team. At first I was offered steps to help the matter like uninstalling the game, signing out of Xbox live, resetting my console etc. Which I did a lot of trouble shooting when the issue first persisted, and nothing worked and after seeing that it was just a problem for me rather an issue for everyone I knew that these wouldn’t work but these steps were given to.

    After a little bit of time I received a message from a real person which was amazing. They wanted to know the model and brand of both my keyboard and mouse which I gave them and I offered to them if I could be any help by giving them more info on the bug and they replied stating that wasn’t very necessary as they wanted to see a trend with these issues with kbm, and then they stated that they were sorry for the issue and hope that it gets fixed soon, which actually means a lot to me as it shows some of the team care and this has given me some hope. They said they are working with Microsoft to hopefully resolve the issue in the future and didn’t disclose on any potential date of when this issue could be fixed. But this could be good news…(I definitely won’t give my hopes up though)

  • @sharkboy6847

    I wonder what could the brand of KnM matter if the issue is surely linked to the code of the game.

    It worked perfectly before they started to mess it up, maybe for PS KnM support, and now they’re taking forever for the fix.

    I can use KnM on any other game so it’s clearly not a Xbox or MS fault…

  • @gaezoso Yea I thought the same thing… I didn’t know what that would serve either as just like you said it worked perfectly fine before as well on other games, but I just hope this gets fixed if it ain’t fixed by end of month I literally just don’t know what to say or what to do.

  • [mod edit] over a month with this issue and they are “working on it” they definitely aren’t😂 I get some fixes can be difficult but this is literally just getting an input to work that was completely fine for years.

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  • Hello guys, I've had the same problem over here. When I start the game SoT on my Xbox series S my keyboard will sometimes not register. But when it does register and when I log onto the server my mouse does not turn 360 degrees. And the odd thing is when my mouse works my keyboard doesn't. It's annoying. The only solutions I have found are these two out of trying different techniques since the day the glitch started:

    And keep in mind these are for people who have 15-30 minutes to spare.

    1. You log onto SoT and are lucky and both your keyboard and mouse work (Worked for me only 2 times out of every day of this glitch since the Feb update)
    2. This method is the method that I say works 20% of the time for me but is your best bet.
      1. First what you do is try and get your keyboard to NOT work once you log in and your mouse TO WORK (meaning it can turn 360 degrees successfully when logging into a server). A way I like to check this quickly is when you first log into the game screen and it says "Press any button to continue" Press one of your keyboard keys multiple times and if it doesn't register you well so far.
      2. Then after that use your mouse or controller to log into a server since your keyboard does not work. Once you log into the server and wake up in the tavern, make sure your Mouse can turn 360 degrees and can do all the necessary things. Once you have these two things checked off go to the Xbox menu and press "Quit" for SoT so you restart Sea of Thieves but make sure you Do NOT leave the session properly meaning do not leave using the normal way to leave, just quit the game. This is because when you restart Sea of Thieves press 'Quit' and come back into the main menu it will ask you to rejoin, but if you left the session properly it would not give you the option to return. (You can also restart the entire Xbox instead of the game, but I haven't found an advantage in that.)
      3. ANYWAY, after you press quit without leaving properly keep going back to the menu where it says "Press any button to continue" Keep pressing a key on your keyboard, and if it doesn't work keep restarting the game until it does. Once your keyboard works, rejoin your previous session and it should work.

    The idea of this method is to join a game where your mouse works, then restart your game until your keyboard works then rejoin the session where your mouse worked.

    Now the reason why I say this only works about 20% of the time is because sometimes your mouse will just not register even when it did before restarting the game, but if this happens restart the WHOLE process on a different server and keep retrying. If you have any questions let me know.

  • @rwiththeshan hmmm interesting I’ll give this a go! What I’ve been doing is turning on sea of thieves, using only keyboard and when I log in if and when I press a button on my keyboard then that’s a good sign, then I’ll navigate menu to join a session using arrow keys and enter. Once in the game I’ll press WASD and stuff then I’ll turn on my mouse and then hopefully it usually works lol. This takes like so many restarts but I’ll definitely try your way, thank you for the advice! (Just hope this gets fixed SOON)

  • @rwiththeshan

    I found it a bit painful but it does work though.

    Only thing I hate is damn dashboard crash then can't rejoin previous session.

    So many lost emissary flag does my nut in.

  • @doomi73 I agree very annoying, I got it to work one time and then game just crashed and I boot it up and then kbm doesn’t work then.

  • On the topic of bugs and nothing being fixed… anyone else experiencing a lot of crashes on series x along with unable to resurface when diving for a voyage, and not seeing ship name on ship plaque at times?

  • @sharkboy6847 Yup, SoT is dying, not because people are leaving or anything, but because the game is so unstable at this point due to the devs' failure to manage damage control that it's eating itself alive.

  • @i-slxshie-i I agree. It’s just so painful to me even though I’ve only been playing this game for a little under a year but I have been playing it so much because I loved the game as soon as I started and have become pretty good at the game with high levels in factions, and would love to keep playing the game, but it doesn’t seem like their team cares anymore and there are so many bugs it’s just annoying and not fun at all.

  • I've played 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Each session had a minimum of 6 game crashes, in addition to the numerous other bugs that have become a core part of the experience. Each session I ended up quitting early and finding another game to play. This is a game that I used to play almost every night for hours. I didn't think it would happen, but the state of the game is definitely driving me away. I'm sure others are feeling the same.

  • Happy 2 month anniversary of keyboard and mouse not working on Xbox!!!! Whoohooo Great Job Rare keep up the great work!

  • Hello guys according to the 2.10.3 update the glitch was fixed... I am not able to get on for a few days so give me some updates on if it is fixed or not...

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