new pet idea

  • its really annoying how the compass doesnt work in the storm. both the ones on the ship and the ones in our pocket. so i got this completely original idea, certainly not stolen from a show or anything.

    but it would be cool if we could have a bird that always looked south. so even when fighting the waves and the compass spinning wildly you can put this bird down on the railing and just look at where the bird is facing.

    it could be called a "south bird" or something like that...

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  • This gave me an idea.

    People always want to have dolphins in game, but of course the inevitable response is that you can't hunt them.

    But a dolphin pet that swims around the ship would be cool.

  • @foambreaker Dolphins are pretty chaotic evil. We should totally be able to hunt them.

  • Moves slowly away from @CroweDHunter 😂

  • @foambreaker said in new pet idea:

    This gave me an idea.

    People always want to have dolphins in game, but of course the inevitable response is that you can't hunt them.

    But a dolphin pet that swims around the ship would be cool.

    Or, give the dolphin a function. For example, every 20min or so, the dolphin will give you fish.

  • @foambreaker, if you can kill players, I don't understand why you can't do the same with dolphins or whales. They obviously go to the ferry and respawn.

    Let the player base decide how to treat them, like with everything else :)

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