Game crashes when we approach The Reapers Hideout

  • When we approach the reapers hideout on foot (swimming) or by ship the game just crashes.

    When we try to rejoin our previous session the game again crashes immediately

    Both me and the person I was playing with. Very annoying as we are going to lose the bounty from the quest we completed.

    Playing on PC


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  • Same issue here. Thankfully I had sold the majority of the loot

  • Happened with my crew too. All 4 of us crashing at the same time. this is the 3rd time this week

  • same to me i had 17 flags and i couldn't sale even 1. when ever i rejoin i will get crash again in the loading page. I did rejoin more than 10 times but without any success

  • I and my allied crew crashed near Marauder's Arch. They sank, I was able to get all the loot...and then I crashed. They were able to get back into the game since their boat respawned. They saw my boat sink as they approached...then crashed again. We were bouncing in and out of the game, able to sail a bit, then would crash again. And again. We managed to get it to Reapers after half a dozen crashes each and sold a few items before it simply wouldn't let us back in. Tons of loot lost. Great job, Rare!

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