
  • I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

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    questiongeneraljust for funcompetitioncommunity
  • @dawn-piercer said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

    There is no intention of changing the current, non functioning anti cheat system at this time. This is why Xbox players tend to not want to play cross platform, besides M&K advantages, Steam allows the cheat bot programs to run unfettered and unchecked. Any recent rumors of "lots of bans" are just that, rumors.

  • @r3troraccoon said in Hackers:

    @dawn-piercer said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

    There is no intention of changing the current, non functioning anti cheat system at this time. This is why Xbox players tend to not want to play cross platform, besides M&K advantages, Steam allows the cheat bot programs to run unfettered and unchecked. Any recent rumors of "lots of bans" are just that, rumors.

    PC side is a cesspool, my whole game experience changed when I went to controller only. Were it not for that I would have left this game.

  • I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves.

    Have you? So you

    • Seen a pirate unlock the Fort of the Damned with a normal skull
    • Spawn with all color lights
    • Shoot cannons but they drop kegs
    • Damage your ship by using only blunderbombs?
    • They kicked/brig you from your own crew/ship (even if your solo)

    You know...typical "hacks" that would do. But if your talking about Mods, that a different thing.

    And once again, Im at that point where (since I have never seen them only heard) we need proof. Otherwise, that one player you fight who had "perfect aim" could of easly found that sweet spot, or killing you with sniper shots.
    Better than you, but it must be mods. (not hacks, because that be a lot worse)

  • @foambreaker said in Hackers:

    @r3troraccoon said in Hackers:

    @dawn-piercer said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

    There is no intention of changing the current, non functioning anti cheat system at this time. This is why Xbox players tend to not want to play cross platform, besides M&K advantages, Steam allows the cheat bot programs to run unfettered and unchecked. Any recent rumors of "lots of bans" are just that, rumors.

    PC side is a cesspool, my whole game experience changed when I went to controller only. Were it not for that I would have left this game.

    Man I might have to try again.
    Dabbled in it but didn't like the controls.

  • @burnbacon said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves.

    Have you? So you

    • Seen a pirate unlock the Fort of the Damned with a normal skull
    • Spawn with all color lights
    • Shoot cannons but they drop kegs
    • Damage your ship by using only blunderbombs?
    • They kicked/brig you from your own crew/ship (even if your solo)

    You know...typical "hacks" that would do. But if your talking about Mods, that a different thing.

    And once again, Im at that point where (since I have never seen them only heard) we need proof. Otherwise, that one player you fight who had "perfect aim" could of easly found that sweet spot, or killing you with sniper shots.
    Better than you, but it must be mods. (not hacks, because that be a lot worse)

    Go back and read their entire post. They did not mention being sniped. They described teleporting pirates anchoring and kegging them. I’ve seen enough examples of exactly this from friends sharing their game footage with me. I know the difference between someone with skill who sneaks onto deck with a keg versus someone teleporting around and bombing the deck with kegs suddenly from nowhere. My friends are casual players who play a little each week, not streamers putting in 20-40 hours of playtime. Even in that limited playtime they had several video examples of these kinds of issues happening. YouTube has plenty of examples of exactly what OP described. If you are not experiencing it, that’s awesome for you. Is there some downside to the community recognizing and calling attention to the problem?

    It only came up in my group as we discussed the possibility of returning to the game as a crew. They were showing me why playing on crossplay servers was a bad idea for now. Using thier own gameplay footage to demonstrate. We decided to just wait until the problem is addressed (if ever) before returning to the game. I expect Rare is already very aware of it and are taking steps to address it. We will see.

  • @burnbacon constants and variables.

    You got some kind of macro to post same stuff in each topic related to hacking and then (when OP elaborate more) vanishing like that tears in rain?

  • @ghostpaw I only watch Twitch for the drops and I saw teleport multiple times, that was over 3 hours and to be honest a lot of that time I was not actually watching. Either it was extreme coincidence or it happens all the time.

  • @scheneighnay said in Hackers:

    @foambreaker said in Hackers:

    @r3troraccoon said in Hackers:

    @dawn-piercer said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

    There is no intention of changing the current, non functioning anti cheat system at this time. This is why Xbox players tend to not want to play cross platform, besides M&K advantages, Steam allows the cheat bot programs to run unfettered and unchecked. Any recent rumors of "lots of bans" are just that, rumors.

    PC side is a cesspool, my whole game experience changed when I went to controller only. Were it not for that I would have left this game.

    Man I might have to try again.
    Dabbled in it but didn't like the controls.

    Console/controller preferred is a much calmer environment. Best way to play imo

  • @pithyrumble and going with this "advice" costs only controller and habit change or buying console and habit changing.

    Splendid, sane advice and a another constant in that everchangin world but somehow I admire stubbornness in puting that allmost same post in each topic related to hacking.

    With that kind of dedication a lot of players would grind that golden ghost or skelly course.

  • @ghutar

    It's an option.

  • @pithyrumble yes it is an option. As posting same thing in each hacking releted topic is an option. Not all options are worth considering let alone doing it.

  • @r3troraccoon said in Hackers:

    @dawn-piercer said in Hackers:

    I’ve ran into lots of hackers on the sea of thieves. Rare if you read this is there an anti cheat system or is it going to be improved soon? I don’t know if it’s just me though my hourglass fights are lots of people teleporting a blunder into me and then to anchor and then to the ship and then with a keg back to mine. Please fix this soon!

    There is no intention of changing the current, non functioning anti cheat system at this time. This is why Xbox players tend to not want to play cross platform, besides M&K advantages, Steam allows the cheat bot programs to run unfettered and unchecked. Any recent rumors of "lots of bans" are just that, rumors.

    Do not speak on Rare's behalf.

  • @tesiccl The only thing officially said by Rare in regards to cheaters happened months ago, and most of the time when there is a forum post about cheats the people making the accusations are swarmed by people saying "Nobody is cheating," or "they are just better than you," or "get good."

    Since Season 8 has made it so much more apparent that there are a startlingly amount of people using glitches and 3rd party software to gain an upper hand or even just give themselves some fancy looking cosmetics, people have every right to call out that Rare doesn't seem to care. They very well could be working on some sort of Anti-Cheat system... but without them saying anything about it, the calls of cheats are just going to be increasing at this point.

  • @reverend-toast said in Hackers:

    and most of the time when there is a forum post about cheats the people making the accusations are swarmed by people saying "Nobody is cheating," or "they are just better than you," or "get good."

    This isn't accurate

    literally nobody makes the serious case here that there is no cheating, people don't even deny the obvious cheating

    Swarmed is quite an exaggeration lol as it's typically just me with most of the countering and then a post of two from others once in a while on the side of countering the widespread accusations

    Sometimes a "get good" type of view gets thrown around but it's certainly not the main counter to the accusations

    The main disagreements are overall use and the process that leads to the accusations (sus accusations, not obvious cheating)

    people largely agree on it existing, that it should face enforcement when accurately identified, and that it harms the servers where it is happening.

    Considering how little substance exists in a "cheating is everywhere" conversation I'd say they are mostly handled respectfully by the participants and the mods that leave them open. It's a very repetitive topic with limited fact as everyone is just going off opinion and guessing.

  • @reverend-toast Rare do not comment on hackers and the methods they are using to combat cheating as it gives the cheaters a heads up on how to combat the anti cheat.

    They have been vocal with that statement above in the past so use this reply as the reason. There is no debating this. Rare care very much about cheaters but what they wont do is be stupid enough to talk about their anti cheat system publicly.

  • @tesiccl Rare don give a flag honestly :D They depend on report system which is slow, clunky and worthless meanwhile Woflmanbush's arena friends turning sot into software fest lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xnDZNv6Rpo

  • @malyartv said in Hackers:

    Rare don give a flag honestly :D They depend on report system which is slow, clunky and worthless meanwhile Woflmanbush's arena friends turning sot into software fest


    it's getting tough to keep up on whether I am a part of it or oblivious to it in these threads

  • @malyartv said in Hackers:

    meanwhile Woflmanbush's arena friends turning sot into software fest lol

    @WolfManbush doesn’t need me to defend them but you are out of line here. They have a right to be more skeptical. Less experienced players have a tendency to label successful attackers as toxic and cheaters. Just because someone offers some resistance, questions rhetoric, or offers alternate interpretations of why there appears to be an increase in cheating, that doesn’t mean they should be lumped in with cheaters. @WolfManbush has demonstrated that they care deeply about the integrity and longevity of this game. Don’t engage in personal attacks on other forum members. We dont’t tolerate that here.

  • @ghostpaw Well said!

  • @ghostpaw Im sorry. But you guys really look like Rare's home grown botnet lol, a few people who are desperately trying to form a positive public opinion about a game in which casual players are humiliated by cheaters with auto-repair, speedhack, hwid reset and new accounts everyday, while the developers are waiting for us to hire a detective to conduct an independent investigation and collect video dossiers with irrefutable evidence of fraud... it wont help the situation

    You don't even have a clue what the joke about Wolfmanbush's friends is... he wrote that he was glad that his friends the old school arena players are back with a new season, although the reality is that mostly ESP users back, while normal people quitting

    Imagine, I'm currently playing Escape from Tarkov and even this is a more enjoyable gaming experience than the pvp mode in SoT, because even if I stumble upon a cheater, I won't be too upset knowing that he really pays A LOT for his entertainment, will be banned in the next wave and will not be able to get around it so easily

  • @malyartv said in Hackers:

    You don't even have a clue what the joke about Wolfmanbush's friends is... he wrote that he was glad that his friends the old school arena players are back with a new season, although the reality is that mostly ESP users back, while normal people quitting

    All I've ever said about that is that is that I am glad that displaced arena players have content that is at least something they can participate in for their style.

    You are attaching me to arena players and then you are attaching arena players to cheating, that sort of inaccurate leaping is what leads to people believing that narratives you subscribe to and share are exaggerated at best.

    It's not only you, multiple participants on this topic in the threads over the last few weeks that agree with your view are attempting to label people that disagree with as either cheaters or cheat supporters.

    The people that believe that cheating is being exaggerated didn't spend hundreds if not thousands of hours dedicated to this game and this environment just to turn around and support cheating.

    Keep in mind that I am not standing in your way, there are no devs sitting around waiting to see what I have to say on the topic, they will continue to work on it as they always have no matter what my opinion is. You don't have to convince me, you don't make your case any stronger by focusing on trying to accuse people that disagree with you of cheating or supporting/being associated with cheating.

  • @burnbacon you know we are not allowed to post clips on SoT official forums right... you can look on the reddit though and youtube and see plenty. If you look on youtube gaming live you can even see some people streaming SoT with higher FOV...

    At this point if you really have not seen any clips of hackers either you really never left the SoT forums or are purposely ignoring it...

  • @nitroxien said

    At this point if you really have not seen any clips of hackers either you really never left the SoT forums or are purposely ignoring it...

    Even I have seen those videos, and I sincerely believe that most claims of hacker or cheater is simply the excuses made by poor losers.

  • @burnbacon [mod edit]
    Here is an example of what the problem is. No other prove needed.

  • @streetskiper said in Hackers:

    @burnbacon [mod edit]
    Here is an example of what the problem is. No other prove needed.

    You do know that posting links to videos of cheating is against the forum rules don’t you?

  • @reverend-toast said in Hackers:

    ...and most of the time when there is a forum post about cheats the people making the accusations are swarmed by people saying "Nobody is cheating," or "they are just better than you," or "get good."

    Unfortunately, it's tough to take haccusers seriously without evidence.

    I've been in several hundred hourglass battles in Season 8. I've encountered one crew of blatant hackers. One. I gathered the evidence, reported it, and got a response from Rare pretty quickly that the reported parties had been removed from Sea of Thieves. Now...they probably have since sprouted new accounts and are out hacking again, but that's another problem.

    I've encountered some players that seem kind of aim-bot-ish on cannons and with guns, but they're usually pretty bad at every other aspect of the game, so I haven't lost to anyone that seems aim-bot-ish...those ones are tough to tell whether someone is actually cheating, or just happens to be good at the projectile aspects of the game.

    But..and this is key...the reason why a lot of people (myself included) roll their eyes at haccusations is because people are non-stop accusing people of cheating who are just good at the game.

    I play on Xbox and have thousands of hours with a lot of it being PvP...In Season 8, I've been accused of cheating dozens of times. Multiple times per week someone comes over the text chat or mic and says "nice hacks" or "cool aimbot" or some salty nonsense like that.

    So...you wonder why people respond with "they are just better than you," or "get good."?

    That's why... because of non-stop false haccusations.

  • @sweetsandman said in Hackers:

    Unfortunately, it's tough to take haccusers seriously without evidence.

    Out of curiosity, what evidence did you have in mind? Keep in mind, just two posts up you can see someone posted something that was taken down by the mods because forum rules prohibit videos of that stuff. How would you like others here to support their case?

  • @pumpa-cat I did not know that, thank you for telling me

  • @pumpa-cat Aren't you acting against the rules by calling more experienced than you players losers? This is toxic behaviour, if you dont have enough knowledge about the topic you better stay away so as not to sign your own incompetence and look silly

  • @sweetsandman You probably lying on Rare response because Rare doesnt provide any further information on their actions with hackers lately. The problem is there is no way and no instruments for us players to effectively determine if another player using ESP, "wallhack", aimbot or he just simply good at shooting. There's only two ways to find evidence, either i go to hackers place with videocamera and crawl into his window to shot footage of his screen which is illegal or Rare implement proper anticheat which detects third party software active while playing SoT. Simple as that, there's no other way, report system doestn work since there is no spectator mode...

  • @malyartv said in Hackers:

    You probably lying on Rare response because Rare doesnt provide any further information on their actions with hackers lately. The problem is there is no way and no instruments for us players to effectively determine if another player using ESP, "wallhack", aimbot or he just simply good at shooting. There's only two ways to find evidence, either i go to hackers place with videocamera and crawl to his window to shot footage of his screen which is illegal or Rare implement proper anticheat which detects third party software active while playing SoT. Simple as that, there's no other way, report system doestn work since there is no spectator mode...

    This is not accurate. Responding to reports with a follow up is what they are known for which is why the people that gather and report sufficient evidence of wrong doing are typically satisfied with support.

    When people criticize support it's often from a lack of sufficient evidence or the one that was reported was not found to have been violating rules, or people are not happy with the consequences that were decided.

    Obviously it's not guaranteed to happen but they have a long time consistent record of doing it.

  • @wolfmanbush "This has now been passed to our Security team for further investigation. Please note that, as this will be investigated internally, we are unable to disclose the eventual outcome of the report"

    Well, this is what i and others get in answer, i dont know much from this other than just this seems like "its not my business" and i dont want to waste time on reports anymore. As i said before there's always be insufficient evidences because simple ESP hacks are hardly detectable by anyone except anti cheat software, no need to further discuss on this obvious thing

  • @ghostpaw I think you're misinterpreting what SweetSandMan said. They aren't saying that there are no hackers, only that without evidence it's impossible for any 3rd party to judge either way for a given accusation.

    I've been accused, many times, which makes one a bit wary when reading about others experiences - I don't know their skill levels and game experience, so I don't know whether or not their judgement is correct. (obviously in some situations it's very blatant, but for others it definitely isn't)

    Hacks are clearly a problem, and one that's on the rise, but I'd wager it's still less of a problem than the forums make it out to be. (People don't post when they've had a normal experience in game.)

  • @malyartv said in Hackers:

    @wolfmanbush "This has now been passed to our Security team for further investigation. Please note that, as this will be investigated internally, we are unable to disclose the eventual outcome of the report"

    Well, this is what i and others get in answer, i dont know much from this other than just this seems like "its not my business" and i dont want to waste time on reports anymore. As i said before there's always be insufficient evidences because simple ESP hacks are hardly detectable by anyone except anti cheat software, no need to further discuss on this obvious thing

    I don't wanna know specifics as that's between you and support but depending on the report that could make sense for them and to combat an issue of cheating and/or exploiting.

    but they still often respond to people with reports against individuals.

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