Invert Aim - Is backwards when fishing.

  • I'm having a hard time fishing in this game. I play with invert aim mouse and keyboard.

    However this also is un-inverting fishing making fishing un-inverted and backwards.

    It should be with Invert Aim on
    Pull Mouse Down, Fishing rod goes up.
    Push Mouse Up, fishing rod goes down.

    However it is the opposite of this.

    Suggest either adding a fishing invert aim option, or don't apply the setting to fishing in the first place. Since it seems to be inverted by default, and inverting makes it un-inverted.

    Additionally: Invert Aim setting is also broken/backwards when the ship is underwater in pvp matchmaking.

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  • Yes please! Fairly new player here and fishing Y-axis using a mouse on PC is unintuitive for me. I would also like the option to invert Y for fishing specifically.

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