Arctic Update

  • Hopefully a Dev sees this as I think this is a killer idea. Similar to how the map was expanded eastward to make way for the devils roar, I would like to propose that the map be expanded southward to make way for an area that contains snowy islands, glaciers, maybe even a frozen over outpost.
    Other things that could go along with this are:
    Finding frozen variants of treasure.
    Storms would be a whiteout blizzard instead of rain.
    A frosty effect on you ship.
    More mountainous islands.
    Foggy breathing
    Frozen varieties of skeletons.

    Cosmetics could range from Eskimo looking coats to an icy pirate curse

    Thought I would throw the idea out there.

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  • @tidephoenix So a frozen area doesnt make much sense since the game takes place in the Caribbean. Also I am not sure the servers can handle more... They are already having a rough time.

  • I love that 4 years on we still get these topics.
    I also love the search feature...

  • Going off of what I have seen people say over the years from the social side it would appear unlikely to happen

    the reality is that if they made a voyage similar to vaults/shipwrecks/veils for the area it would be more popular with casuals and adventuring pvers and people that dig the vibe more than most of their content that they hype up and then doesn't get activity.

    In all my time in open crew and around people not part of the social network there haven't been many that I have met that would have some sort of anti-ice area view, most of them would like participate more in that than a lot of where the game has been heading.

  • Can we start locking Ice Biome requests the same way we lock PVE-only-server and Safe Zone threads?

  • Someone just found Falcor's video again...

  • The whole sea of thieves is in the tropics, and a well established area of the tropics at that, an entire ice zone would make no logical sense. A very small cluster of islands cursed to be frozen could maby be argued if its made clear that it was a magical disaster, but a whole zone that is just ice would break the feel of tropics.

  • I believe the Dev said we couldnt expand the map anymore, least not outward but Down was possible...maybe even Up?

  • @burnbacon said in Arctic Update:

    I believe the Dev said we couldnt expand the map anymore, least not outward but Down was possible...maybe even Up?

    This still gives me hopes that we'll get a island event covered in snow like they changed outposts for events and a bird boss to fight! <3

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in Arctic Update:

    @burnbacon said in Arctic Update:

    I believe the Dev said we couldnt expand the map anymore, least not outward but Down was possible...maybe even Up?

    This still gives me hopes that we'll get a island event covered in snow like they changed outposts for events and a bird boss to fight! <3

    I would be absolutely OK with a brand-new map accessible via the Tunnels of the Damned that was frost-covered; it leaves the main Sea of Thieves sacrosanct and opens up the possibility of our characters exploring other "Pockets" in the Devil's Shroud containing unique regions. An Ice biome could be the Devil's Roar analogue to a region themed around piracy in the North Atlantic, with regions based on North America, England and France, and Scandinavia in addition to the region covered in permafrost.

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