Pets... stay on ship

  • New player here. I don't know why it took me so long to play this game, it is fantastic! One quick suggestion. Add a toggle to have pets stay on the ship. I am a pirate, so I HAD to buy a parrot, however I don't like it following me around on islands. its distracting and takes away from the solo adventuring of islands to have this bird phasing in and out and whistling and such. But they are fantastic to the mood of sailing on a pirate ship... and of course its very tedious to equip and unequip every time. I wouldn't mind a toggle that just keeps pets contained to the confines of the ship.

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  • @orcinusdrake
    very good suggestion for sure, maybe add a toggle pet so it ill just spawn into the cage on your selected captain ship.
    Would be very helpful, especially when tucking.

  • he ship. I am a pirate, so I HAD to buy a parrot, however I don't like it following me around on islands.

    No you didn’t have to.
    So you wanted a pet but you dislike them following. I feel sad for the bird. They want to be with you after you bought them and your wanting to leave them on the ship. :(

    islands. its distracting and takes away from the solo adventuring of islands

    Dismiss the pet when you go on land and summon them back once on the ship

  • pretty sure placing a pet on a spot like in the cage, ledge, or in front of the wheel, should make it stay there and stop following, unless you die after doing that

  • @gazgemauch

    They still come with. Stay on ship setting for pets would be welcome.

    But you know what we really need....
    equip multiple fullsized pets

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