Season 8 Disappointment

  • @scott100000000 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    Yet you forget something. What if people like say me want the new season 8 content? What choice do we have but to participate? We're being FORCED to play something we hate! Encourage players to play more pvp? More like encouraging us to hate it more and want nothing to do with it but what choice do we have if we want the new curses or ship decor?

    We're screwed. I have a total of 27 losses last night and tonight! 19 losses yesterday and some losses today. I only got one win. Every fight literally lasts three minutes. I would know cause I recorded footage for a youtube video and every fight was three minutes. We start, hits me with a few cannonballs, either boards or kills me and I end up having to scuttle or I sink. But mostly scuttle cause why delay the inevitable? They're spawncamping, they're on my ship. I have thousands of holes and lost my mast. It's an impossible to win scenario.

    I am NOT having fun!!!!!

    It's a low risk low to high reward situation depending on outcome which is a better scenario than a lot have had it for a long time lol.

    This is a game where one side was taking all the risk and doing all the busy work and they were getting taken out 5 minutes before turn in. The current scenario is a lot less miserable than how it has been for a lot of people.

    I would just space it out so things aren't so frustrating.

    The important thing in this game is not only having fun but playing in a way where it's not a chore, this isn't a job for many of us, it's a passion. Just mix and match content for a chill time.

  • @smoque-ouid said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 wolfmanbush does nothing but be contrary on every single thread he's in he really doesn't care about the game he just cares about spreading his pseudo intellectual mess all over the forum so he can boost his ego and feel a false sense of superiority. he doesn't care that there's actual problems because they current state of the game serves him and his desires and that is all he cares about.

    I have no power here. I post my opinions like everyone else.

    If I were to stop posting here everything happens tomorrow similar to how it happened today, people will post their opinions with or without me.

    I haven't said anything personal about you and it will remain that way. I don't know you, I don't know what you've gone through or how you ended up where you are, I don't have anything negative to say to you or about you.

    I don't get involved in things I don't attach to. If I am putting in effort it is because I am attached to the experience.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @smoque-ouid said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 wolfmanbush does nothing but be contrary on every single thread he's in he really doesn't care about the game he just cares about spreading his pseudo intellectual mess all over the forum so he can boost his ego and feel a false sense of superiority. he doesn't care that there's actual problems because they current state of the game serves him and his desires and that is all he cares about.

    I have no power here. I post my opinions like everyone else.

    If I were to stop posting here everything happens tomorrow similar to how it happened today, people will post their opinions with or without me.

    I haven't said anything personal about you and it will remain that way. I don't know you, I don't know what you've gone through or how you ended up where you are, I don't have anything negative to say to you or about you.

    I don't get involved in things I don't attach to. If I am putting in effort it is because I am attached to the experience.

    Somebody has gone back and read every single thread you’ve ever written?

  • @smoque-ouid a dit dans Season 8 Disappointment :

    @scott100000000 wolfmanbush does nothing but be contrary on every single thread he's in he really doesn't care about the game he just cares about spreading his pseudo intellectual mess all over the forum so he can boost his ego and feel a false sense of superiority. he doesn't care that there's actual problems because they current state of the game serves him and his desires and that is all he cares about.

    From my experience on these forums, this characterization of Wolfmanbush strikes me as definitely unfair. He has been quite consistant in his opinions throughout the years, he's not a contrarian, you guys just happen to be disagreeing with him on this particular topic.

    @scott100000000 a dit dans Season 8 Disappointment :

    Yet you forget something. What if people like say me want the new season 8 content? What choice do we have but to participate? We're being FORCED to play something we hate! Encourage players to play more pvp? More like encouraging us to hate it more and want nothing to do with it but what choice do we have if we want the new curses or ship decor?

    You don't really want the content, you want the cosmetic attached to this particular content. You could make the argument that content is anything added to the game but, while I would play a version of SoT without cosmetic, I would certainly not if it was an empty sea with cosmetics freely available.

    That being said, you have every right to say that you don't like this update (heck, I dislike adventures and don't partake in most of them). Even players that like PvP aren't all happy with it (downtime mostly, grind time too).
    In my situation (+- 15 hours a week, 60-65 % winrate, galleon queue) I estimated that it would take around 3 months to get both factions to lvl 100 if I don't engage with any other content (and don't get burned out), so I really sympathize with newcomers to the PvP aspect of the game as I imagine it would be even worse for them.
    I agree that something should be done to make it more enjoyable for casual players (there should be less downtime and probably less grind needed to reach lvl 100). They are vital for the longevity of the mode (and the game). But I disagree that Rare should implement ways for them to ignore the content while getting the reward. This would set a bad precedent imo.

  • @grog-minto

    I provided him clear video evidence of aimbotting and hes still denying the fact there are cheaters in the game and telling me "they could just be good"

    To me hes on a very bizarre crusade to prove anyone wrong that there can be cheaters in the game.

    So of course I disagree with him when he downplays the unfiar play cheaters are adding into the game.

    Do not downplay cheaters. Add anticheat. No need to tell experienced players "they could just be better than you" when its clear and very blatant cheating thats happening. Its petty and annoying to constantly hear "u dont know they are cheating, give me proof, ok thats not proof they could just be shooting you though 100% vision blocking waves at 100% accuracy 2 tapping you and your crew dozens of times while being total bots in their movement, having very little time played on the game, and still losing because their sailing skills suck so hard"

  • @i-jusa-i said in Season 8 Disappointment:


    I provided him clear video evidence of aimbotting and hes still denying the fact there are cheaters in the game and telling me "they could just be good"

    To me hes on a very bizarre crusade to prove anyone wrong that there can be cheaters in the game.

    So of course I disagree with him when he downplays the unfiar play cheaters are adding into the game.

    Do not downplay cheaters. Add anticheat. No need to tell experienced players "they could just be better than you" when its clear and very blatant cheating thats happening. Its petty and annoying to constantly hear "u dont know they are cheating, give me proof, ok thats not proof they could just be shooting you though 100% vision blocking waves at 100% accuracy 2 tapping you and your crew dozens of times while being total bots in their movement, having very little time played on the game, and still losing because their sailing skills suck so hard"

    If you were accused of wrong doing and there wasn't sufficient evidence to support the claim I would be typing the same things I did in this thread and many others. No matter your personal opinions about me.

    The same goes for the others that have suggested I have malicious and/or self serving motives.

  • @grog-minto

    What are you talking about? I DO want the content. You have to do pvp to unlock it and only just recently did I start unlocking the new stuff, specifically the ship book, banners etc but nothing else yet

  • @the-old-soul800 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    It's day 2 dude.
    The sbmm has only existed for about 2 days.
    Nobody is sorted.
    Think of it as if the game had only just launched, like right now.

    Every single player currently has the same skill rating, because no matches have happened yet.
    Time has to pass with the lesser players losing a lot, the better players winning a lot, and the average players having an essentially random experience, before the betters finally rank up and the lessers rank down away from the starting point.

    The first day of sbmm existing is pretty much the same as it not existing. The first week many people won't be able to tell it's there.
    The first couple weeks it's barely noticable.
    Get past a month, and it starts to actually seem like it exists.
    Multiple months and people are actually quite sorted, except for any new accounts that have to start dead center and deviate the same way everyone did at launch.

    You could wait until after that first month to partake yourself, if you were so inclined.

    in those two days someone already had a curse

  • @scott100000000 I'm talking about the fact that PvP is the primary content of the S8 update. The cosmetics are there to drive people into playing the new content.

  • The MM is trash. I went against the same high skilled player multiple times today. This constant boarding strat is annoying. I dont understand why rope ladders can't be rolled up. Get sailed out of bounds multiple times for no credit at all. Ive stopped him more than a few times but he would only do boarding strats and eventually make it on. Have a long match and die after an hour. Heres a sliver of xp. On lvl40 servant and 15 Guardian. Im about ready to call it quits on this season. At this rate even if i some how got the curse id hate the game so much i wouldnt play it. Im already basically not wanting to wake up in the tavern any more. Why, so I can feed the kill streak of someone WAY better than me? I'm not good so why am I constantly getting people with curses and sweating it out with constant boards? I actually managed to board his ship and beat him a couple times with his own strat but it wasn't any fun at all. Even when ive won a couple in a row im not happy about it. Wow look at the insulting xp i just got, look how much time has passed, look how ive unlocked nothing, that felt like work. My friend has given up entirely and doesnt even suggest activating the hour glass. He also since season 8 started has played less and less. At least the streamers are happy.

  • @hungry-owl3438 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    The MM is trash. I went against the same high skilled player multiple times today. This constant boarding strat is annoying. I dont understand why rope ladders can't be rolled up.

    You'r kidding right? so the only way to make boards is deckshots? feasible but not really realistic for most players, even good players would have trouble.
    Already against decent players, even with ladders its a challenge getting on if you pay attention if your not under pressure from naval already.

  • @ix-indi-xi said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @hungry-owl3438 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    The MM is trash. I went against the same high skilled player multiple times today. This constant boarding strat is annoying. I dont understand why rope ladders can't be rolled up.

    You'r kidding right? so the only way to make boards is deckshots? feasible but not really realistic for most players, even good players would have trouble.
    Already against decent players, even with ladders its a challenge getting on if you pay attention if your not under pressure from naval already.

    Eh, the issue right now is hitreg. I will say most high level play seems to mean towards "board early, board often.". I've both experienced this personally and seen it in a lot a lot of streams.

    This idea of "just guard your ladders," while I agree with it in concept, fails in practice because it only takes ONE hitreg miss and, by no fault of the crew who WAS guarding their ladders, is now likely anchored and vulnerable.

    I am fine with boarding as a tactic to keep pressure on a well executed naval attack. Or as a way to conquer a less skilled crew. But when someone gets shot off a ladder 30 times and is still attempting a bird every 20 seconds because a random fluke can hand them a win easier than good naval tactics then there is a balance problem.

    And nowhere is that more apparent than the multitude of threads from the same "just guard" crews complaining about crating capstans. If boarding wasn't OP, crating capstans wouldn't be a controversial counterplay.

    I don't know what needs to change to rebalance it, but it is unbalanced now. Retractable ladders that drop on impact? So boarding is easy if the ship is under pressure, because every cannon hit drops the ladder and crew is too busy bailing to pull them up again.

    Or make interacting with the capstan take longer, making repeated board attempts against a good crew less rewarding. Not only do you have to get past a hitreg ladder miss, you have to put yourself at risk to drop the capstan. Still fine against a bad crew or a crew under pressure. But a death sentence against a good crew, making boarding not worth one or two attempts (to establish their skill) until you've successfully gotten them under pressure.

    Or some third fix I haven't thought up.

    I don't want to KILL boarding as a legit strat. But it feels like the balance right now is off. Observationally that's what I'm seeing from twitch, exoerience, these forums, and reddit.

  • @hungry-owl3438 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    The MM is trash. I went against the same high skilled player multiple times today. This constant boarding strat is annoying. I dont understand why rope ladders can't be rolled up. Get sailed out of bounds multiple times for no credit at all. Ive stopped him more than a few times but he would only do boarding strats and eventually make it on. Have a long match and die after an hour. Heres a sliver of xp. On lvl40 servant and 15 Guardian. Im about ready to call it quits on this season. At this rate even if i some how got the curse id hate the game so much i wouldnt play it. Im already basically not wanting to wake up in the tavern any more. Why, so I can feed the kill streak of someone WAY better than me? I'm not good so why am I constantly getting people with curses and sweating it out with constant boards? I actually managed to board his ship and beat him a couple times with his own strat but it wasn't any fun at all. Even when ive won a couple in a row im not happy about it. Wow look at the insulting xp i just got, look how much time has passed, look how ive unlocked nothing, that felt like work. My friend has given up entirely and doesnt even suggest activating the hour glass. He also since season 8 started has played less and less. At least the streamers are happy.

    Constant boarding? Was his ship named spagett by any chance? Loves killing you and spamming lots and lots of fire bombs on your ship while you're dead?

  • @strangeness said:

    I don't know what needs to change to rebalance it, but it is unbalanced now. Retractable ladders that drop on impact? So boarding is easy if the ship is under pressure, because every cannon hit drops the ladder and crew is too busy bailing to pull them up again.

    That sounds like a good idea to toy with.

    Idk about you, I mostly play gally and my MMR is up there where I'm facing comp teams on a daily when im queuing up, no one really goes for boards without actual naval pressure first.
    Going for early boards before you have naval pressure if just trolling your own team, good solid gally crews would have 4 guys call out a board early. leaving your team 3 man for 40+ seconds.

    Having a man down 4v3 is a huge numbers advantage on paper, because the link between helm-flex-MainCannon-Bilge is broken in terms of prioritising responsibilities/tasks on hand.
    That being said it's largely dependent on the scenario at hand.

  • Could remove ladders entirely and the sweaty crews would have no problem boarding. With the use of dolphin diving, harpoon boards and accurate cannon jumps many of them aren't even using ladders to begin with.

  • @chronodusk
    After a month of your post, I'm still having the EXACTLY SAME problems mentioned in your post. Firmly disappointed with this new mechanic.
    Many minutes of queuing, reaching hours of waiting to be eliminated in less than 5 minutes, is depressing.

  • @raphaez1n

    1. Switch sides.
    2. If still long queues, go start on a fresh server/stamp.

    Works pretty much every time.

  • @roller-108
    I think its much more higher then you think.
    A lot of casuals are also switching towards the PvP side because of what it offers.

  • @ix-indi-xi said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    I think its much more higher then you think.
    A lot of casuals are also switching towards the PvP side because of what it offers.

    Agreed. Even I’m dabbling in PvP 🤣

  • Reminder to everyone that it takes roughly 160 wins to hit 100. That’s not even half a year if you did one win a day. Not that it solves the problem or anything, but still. A couple wins each day will add up slowly.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    Reminder to everyone that it takes roughly 160 wins to hit 100. That’s not even half a year if you did one win a day. Not that it solves the problem or anything, but still. A couple wins each day will add up slowly.

    The average player by definition has a 1:2 win rate, that means it's roughly 320 total battles. There's 2 factions, so if you want to do both of them that's roughly 640 fights. Take into account the current match making times, time to prepare for said battles, and you are looking at quite a significant amount of time investment per day. Time investment that not many people may be able to keep recurrent on a daily basis.

  • Mm and queue times still not fixed

  • @hungry-owl3438 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    Mm and queue times still not fixed

    Rare hasn't done an update since before the holidays. Why would it be fixed? We need to be patient. There are 2 different fixes that need to happen.

    1. Same faction fighting. I expect this one first.
    2. Cross stamp fights. This will be the better of the two, but I expect harder to implement.
  • @klutchxking518 Yeah and what if you have losing streaks? I nearly lost 60 times and only less than 50 wins.

    This season sucks. It actually made me quit sea of thieves, i'm done with this garbage

  • @scott100000000 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    Yeah and what if you have losing streaks? I nearly lost 60 times and only less than 50 wins.

    This season sucks. It actually made me quit sea of thieves, i'm done with this garbage

    that's not a bad record at all in this content

    there are really solid pvpers that have similar records to this depending on the roll of the dice

    people focus on the extreme records but lots of skilled people took lots of losses in this content, and continue to

    50 wins is awesome

  • @scott100000000 said … only less than 50 wins.

    Pfft and meh! Try sailing in my sloop. Only less than 50 wins. You don’t know you’re born. 🤣

  • @wolfmanbush well some of the wins were people who willingly let themselves get sunk or scuttled out of pity or boredom. I had some wins yeah, mostly against people who were bellow me in skill. I still cant do well in hand to hand combat and I can't aim these garbage cannons.

  • @pumpa-cat said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 said … only less than 50 wins.

    Pfft and meh! Try sailing in my sloop. Only less than 50 wins. You don’t know you’re born. 🤣

    that doesnt make ANY sense...

  • @scott100000000 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @pumpa-cat said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 said … only less than 50 wins.

    Pfft and meh! Try sailing in my sloop. Only less than 50 wins. You don’t know you’re born. 🤣

    that doesnt make ANY sense...

    Because YOU don’t understand it 🤣

  • @pumpa-cat then work on your english

  • @scott100000000 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @pumpa-cat then work on your english

    🤣🤣🤣 🫵🫵🤣🤣🤣

  • @pumpa-cat said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @pumpa-cat then work on your english

    🤣🤣🤣 🫵🫵🤣🤣🤣
    "you dont know you're born" what in the WORLD does that even mean???

  • Holiday season seemed to still give this game a organic activity bump that content really hasn't done in a long time. (getting the game for Christmas, game pass, etc)

    they aren't doing much with the new content but there is more random inexperienced gameplay on the servers more often.

    Slow improvements harms 8 content specifically significantly but releasing it when it was released did give it a nice bump organically with some new pirates.

    For me personally it's been refreshing to glass the horizon and see completely random people again.

    Even with the issues it's still holding on noticeably better than 7 did.

    If they do end up improving 8 in the next few weeks and it keeps the skilled busy beyond season 8 it'll be interesting to see how much random activity they can maintain organically going into season 9 and during whatever content that will bring.

    Have seen a bit more organic fotds which is a decent indicator of activity. Fotds happen more when newer players are around.

    Barrels dropping is popular in the social spaces but it leads to exactly what is obvious, more sinking boats for those barrels, so I think there is improvement to make on that. I've seen more combat since day 1 of that decision, which is fine for someone like me but that is pressure being put on people that aren't cool with it. "Let's try to sink the nearby boat for supps before taking our first dive" is a reality now and that's not great for the whole "I got attacked right away after I loaded in" thing.

  • worst dev team out there

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