asking for tips abour surviving the Sea of Thieves

  • Hello,
    I am a very frustrated solo slooper that is trying to accept that PvP is just something I have to live with even though it discourages me every time. I am trying my best to be prepared and use all the informations I have while training my defense but most of the time I now get sunk before I can even defend myself because I take too long on islands or forts and my inital look around is useless because a ship, that wasn't there before arrived and I only realise by the time I hear canon balls rain upon my ship.

    what I do know :

    • sloops are very good at manouvering
    • sloops are the fastest with headwind
    • chainshots and anchorballs are very helpful
    • before starting something, check your surroundings (best to just shoot yourself into the air and look around)
    • white flairs mean nothing
    • fireworks also rarely mean anything
    • talking seldom works
    • emissary flags mean in general accepting PvP (don't fly one when you don't want to PvP)
    • not having an emissary flag stops no one
    • defending yourself against a kraken or a skeleton ship just makes you an easy target if someone is near
    • the alliance flag seldom means anything to people as well

    (this isn't meant as passive aggressive and while I am frustrated I don't mean to put it on here while asking for tips, I am genuienly just trying to list what I already tried and know.)

    The most efficient way to be left alone is to be in the devil's roar as far as I know for now but I am honestly not very motivated to keep doing the devil's roar things when there are sea forts and world events, shrines and just better voyages available somewhere else. If anyone has any tips I would be very grateful, thank you beforehand.

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  • You have it all pretty much covered as a solo, if you have someone that can join on you either you or them can keep look out as you rotate bringing loot aboard the ship.

    Doing regular checks around you is key and as a solo you want to do maps of the smaller islands so you have that view area around you.

    When I am solo slooping I heavy focus on long range naval combat if I am fighting another ship to prevent boarders as much as possible (use the area around you for better positioning if possible).

    In terms of talking I use text chat with the TTS option enabled more than I use voice since most times I don't feel like using my voice to talk, and at least this way they can't say I did not make an offer to ally or let them know I have no interest in what they have at the time of streaming or recording the fight if they do fire first.

    Regarding alliances I am always watching the ships I am with if we are sailing together and do periodic checks of my ship whilst I let them do most if not all the work for the gold (50% is better than 0% after all).

    With the emissary flags I generally do checks for reaper bones ships before putting one up and if its one that I have scouted and sunk then I can put one on or just grab the loot I need and only put it up at the time of hand in since I have no need of rep anymore just gold.

  • @th3xr34p3r thank you, I'll note that down. I appreciate the advice.

  • If you don't feel that you are naturally good in naval combat against bigger crews, where you would sink bigger ships with ease. I suggest try everything available and avoid a 'fair, side to side fight'. Sail past skelly forts with inventory full of chainshots curseballs fire bombs etc. Sail against the wind and attempt to board them, set them on fire. Pray for RnG.

    I find sea of thieves to be one of these games where you will have a hard time against good players if they outnumber you. There are many tactics for example in FPS shooters, where you can out smart and out shoot equally good competition, even if the numbers are not in your favor. I personally struggle to understand a way of doing this, or if there is one in SoT.

    I don't see (insert a very good streamer) winning against (insert 2 very good streamers) unless some RnG comes in to his favour, like a Kraken for example.

  • If ships are rolling up on you that you didn't notice, you spent way too much time doing your task without checking your surroundings. You need to remember to regularly stop what you're doing if it's taking too long to look around for other ships. Are there ships in the area? What are they doing? How much time would it take for a ship that you do see in the distance to sail over to you? If a ship has been sitting at an island for a long time, are there any mermaids nearby or rowboats that don't look right - this could be a sign that someone is trying to sneak aboard your ship.

    A lot of ships appearing out of nowhere are the result of you having tunnel vision on your dig, riddle or bounty voyage. Training yourself to stop and check your surroundings more often is a pretty valuable skill to pick up.

  • I think what flipped the switch for me boils down to 2 things

    I truly and fully embraced "whatever happens, happens" I live in the moment and I adapt constantly to the server. I don't fight it I just do it. No matter what happens. Then I move on to see what happens next.

    I trained myself to stop stressing. Frustration in the moment happens, emotions in the moment happen, that's life but I don't stress about it I just let it go and move forward in pursuit of my goals, in pursuit of gaining more knowledge about the environment that I can use to make decisions that make more sense for my goals.

    I don't constantly look around me, I'm not constantly checking for tuckers, I don't worry about what is going to happen because it's out of my control. I stay focused on my objectives, on my goals. Not being stressed about it, not constantly worrying allows me to be more efficient, more consistent.

    I do what is efficient and consistent. I adapt and I do what I want to do. Over time I hit goals but in the moment I am doing what I want to do. On the server I am on or on a different server.

    If I lose I lose, if I get spawn camped I move on, if a server is a pain I move on. If people are a thorn in my adventure I move on. Then I let it go.

    I realize that random is going to giveth and taketh away. I embrace it and just refuse to put energy into worrying about it.

    I don't expect anything I just accept the randomness of it all.

  • Leave the island if you're there more than 10 minutes.

    Sell often.

  • The early times are the hardest, try to get one of your friends to play the game with you, if that isn’t possible use Xbox’s looking for group function I believe you can use it on pc too (idk if steam has something like this I’m assuming it does). And like I’ve read on other posts don’t get upset when you sink it’s an opportunity to learn. Hey if all else fails shoot me message and maybe I can hop on with you!

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