Adding names of ships on hulls

  • The title says it all.

  • 5
  • I want people to be able to graffiti my hull

    option for people to turn it off if they don't want it or support it

    some sort of paint ball that works like fireworks but it will put paint designs on a boat.

    Then random people can randomly paint my boat with bananas and animals.

  • @wolfmanbush

    2 coconuts and a banana...

    You sure?

  • My hull always has so much damage that I often can't see which skin I have equipped so can't imagine a name would last long 😅

  • You already get the name on the front, back, and in a notification marquee! And now you also want it on the sides too!? We get it! You want us to know who you are! But the thing is, we already do! 😅

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