DA sails = Noob?

  • @dlchief58 you are bad if you think that da sails have no effect, i would love to fight you some time and settle this so we dont have to posture.]

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

    So you believe that someone using a sail that objectively gives more vision making you be able to see from the wheel on a galleon makes a player a bad sailor? Wouldn't a bad sailor be the one who actively chooses to use a sail that inhibits more vision than another? I am not saying that DA sails are necessary to sail well, but they do give an objective advantage that is pretty substantial on a brig and galleon.

    If you are a good sailor, you have no need for those sails and KNOW they give no real advantage...especially in combat. Any advantage is minimal and situational at best.

    You must sloop, but yes they aren't necessary, but they do give a significant advantage on brigs and galleons

    And if you are skilled at sailing, the "advantage" is still negligible...even on those ships. Nothing significant about it. Move along, nothing to see.

  • @lackbarwastaken What has this got to do with the discussion at hand, again? Or are you just trying to poke, prod, and start arguments?

  • @valor-omega please for the love of god rare all mighty let me settle the score with my enemies.

  • @lackbarwastaken Disputes are settled on the waves, not the forums, savvy?

  • @lackbarwastaken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @dlchief58 you are bad if you think that da sails have no effect, i would love to fight you some time and settle this so we dont have to posture.]

    @valor-omega seems like he wants to settle it on the seas to me lol

  • @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

    So you believe that someone using a sail that objectively gives more vision making you be able to see from the wheel on a galleon makes a player a bad sailor? Wouldn't a bad sailor be the one who actively chooses to use a sail that inhibits more vision than another? I am not saying that DA sails are necessary to sail well, but they do give an objective advantage that is pretty substantial on a brig and galleon.

    If you are a good sailor, you have no need for those sails and KNOW they give no real advantage...especially in combat. Any advantage is minimal and situational at best.

    You must sloop, but yes they aren't necessary, but they do give a significant advantage on brigs and galleons

    And if you are skilled at sailing, the "advantage" is still negligible...even on those ships. Nothing significant about it. Move along, nothing to see.

    idk, being able to see from the wheel seems like a pretty big advantage to me. No matter the skill level having the helmsman hop off the wheel to see or having crew roughly communicate boats positions is a waste of time and/or communications when you could simply not with the sails. You can do whatever you want and use any sail you want, but it is an undisputable fact that DA sails give an advantage.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @dlchief58 you are bad if you think that da sails have no effect, i would love to fight you some time and settle this so we dont have to posture.]

    I do not suffer fools in chest beating contests. Save it for the more insecure pirates as I have nothing to prove to you....but you sure seem to.

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 You saying so doesn't make it true. Any advantage is negligible for an experienced sailor as they don't stay stuck to the wheel.

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 I was referring to his comment to a different user about them using the sails to red sea run. To which, I still have zero clue how that plays into this current discussion lol..

  • @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 You saying so doesn't make it true. Any advantage is negligible for an experienced sailor as they don't stay stuck to the wheel.

    You saying so doesn't make it true. The advantages are substantial for an experienced sailor as they often stay on the wheel.

  • @dlchief58 its wild how I didn't say that the DA sails are the end all be all game changing goat pog champ second coming of Jesus. They are simply a small, noticeable advantage. The red sea running comments are in reference to pithyrumble being a well known red sea enjoyer.

  • @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:

    You're both bad sailors if you think they "help"

    you can get good enough to sail in chill scenarios without DA and have similar results, but that really just isn't true for pvp. having more information without needing to leave helm during a pvp encounter will always be an advantage... full stop. whether it is a significant enough advantage that you feel you can't switch sails is up to the individual, but it will always be an advantage to get free information.

  • @robby0316 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    I’m not sure if I missed something or if maybe it’s just angry arena vet slander but when did dark adventurer sails become noob sails?

    Alliance Servers.

  • @targasbr said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @robby0316 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    I’m not sure if I missed something or if maybe it’s just angry arena vet slander but when did dark adventurer sails become noob sails?

    Alliance Servers.

    I have the entire DA set minus the hull that I got from doing merchant alliance and ashen vaults. Plus DA weapons and clothing.

    It’s sad if having the most expensive items in the game implies alliance server. Which is why I’m anti alliance. I don’t like other crews benefitting from my work. Every alliance I’ve ever been in ended with me earning 600,000 in a day by myself via ashen vaults and my alliance crew making maybe 30-50k. For me alliances are very one sided. I also am pro x box servers so I don’t use discord. Which is where the cancer of alliance servers exist

  • I’ve got 37 days at sea and I’m 2 mil away from the DA sails, mostly grinding solo and saving my coin. I want the sails ‘cuz I like the way they look. It’s a personal goal with personal meaning; I suck at PvP, I’ll probably never “git gud” by the community’s standards and will probably always be looked down on as a “noob” as a result, but I discovered long ago that measuring myself by someone else’s yardstick is a fool’s game. I could care less about whether the alliance servers are devaluing the expensive stuff because I’m not trying to impress anyone else, I’m just makin’ myself happy.

    So, rock the sails you like, let the insults roll off your back, don’t judge someone else because of your own biases, and see ya on the sea!

  • @robby0316 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @targasbr said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @robby0316 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    I’m not sure if I missed something or if maybe it’s just angry arena vet slander but when did dark adventurer sails become noob sails?

    Alliance Servers.

    I have the entire DA set minus the hull that I got from doing merchant alliance and ashen vaults. Plus DA weapons and clothing.

    It’s sad if having the most expensive items in the game implies alliance server. Which is why I’m anti alliance. I don’t like other crews benefitting from my work. Every alliance I’ve ever been in ended with me earning 600,000 in a day by myself via ashen vaults and my alliance crew making maybe 30-50k. For me alliances are very one sided. I also am pro x box servers so I don’t use discord. Which is where the cancer of alliance servers exist

    Unfortunately it's a reality we all live, I myself got all items based on a lot of risk/reward, to see that a player who doesn't even know not to drop the anchor has the same items obtained with zero effort in a Server Alliance. It's unfortunate.

    I used to be an Xbox player, now I'm a PC player, and it's a fact, the vast majority of Server Alliances I've seen are actually made in Whatsapp groups where the vast majority are Xbox players. But unfortunately it is still quite common on PC as well.

  • When I see a ship with those sails it's always a sign of a fight. I have made successful alliances even with reapers, but never with anyone using D.A sails. Most of them don't even collect loot if they sink you. Why would they if they had the gold to spend on those?

    They may give a vision advantage, but they give away a lot in intention and are a declaration of hostility.

  • I like the Dark Adventurers set, it looks really really cool in my opinion. But I guess I'll have to buy every piece except the sails.

  • DA sails don't stand for much anymore, however for the first month or two they meant you were most likely up against, or were an experienced and capable player.

  • @unleet1 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    DA sails don't stand for much anymore, however for the first month or two they meant you were most likely up against, or were an experienced and capable player.

    I mean spending 8 million gold on sails obviously means something. it doesn't mean they're dripping sweat, but they're at least intermediate players and not on their first voyage.

  • @sally-kraken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    When I see a ship with those sails it's always a sign of a fight. I have made successful alliances even with reapers, but never with anyone using D.A sails. Most of them don't even collect loot if they sink you. Why would they if they had the gold to spend on those?

    They may give a vision advantage, but they give away a lot in intention and are a declaration of hostility.

    I'm always gonna press x to doubt when I hear people talk about pvp'ers just letting loot sink. I've played with a wide range of sweats with more gold than they can spend and it is exceedingly rare that they want to let non-trash loot sink. pvp'ers like to flex and gold is the number to flex.
    Let's be honest, you aren't alive to see what happens to your loot... you just saw some streamers let loot sink (because they have to keep content rolling instead of moving loot for an hour) and constructed a narrative in your head that every pvp'er just wants to inflict pain on you and watch your loot despawn. stop the weird propaganda.

  • @captncarmichael
    Agree. It was a "flex", at least initially the first month. lately it's pretty standard to see them, means nothing anymore concerning skill level except like you said, they probably aren't complete newbies.

  • Idk if "noob" sails is accurate.

    "Crutch" sails fits though.

    Idk. I strategize my fights so I don't need to chase much & when I do, I rarely sail directly behind the other ship for extended periods. Now that could be perceived as a noob move.

    I've never once had them equipped, won a broadside & thought to myself "thank god for those DA sails." Other factors had more of an impact.

    Some folks (not saying all) forget the fundamentals and lean on them so badly that they sail into rocks without them. They're not novices. Just washed.

  • @robby0316 sea dog sails still the best sails

  • DA sails are allegedly better, but let me ask you this - if you have to raise other sails slightly to achieve the same result, and it doesn't lose speed, doesn't that make them easier to use because they become faster to raise and lower as a result, making every other sail objectively better than DA sails? I mean sure, you can also raise DA sails a bit more too, but when you're already seeing the horizon, do you really need to see any more?

  • @galactic-geek Just raise your sails all the way up then it doesn't matter what type of sails you have.

  • I wouldn't say so my friend.

  • It's honestly a cosmetic cliche just like how ''reaper pajamas'' was/is still a thing.
    DA is either sweats or players that managed to grind to 8 mil to flex but are bad at PvP... Really you have everything in between.

    DA just means a player has played long enough to accumulate 8+ mil gold where they could afford DA sails, nothing more/less tbh.

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