please make how you pick a pirate in the start better

  • ok so as someone that has bought multiple pirate change potions it is infuriating how i cant just make my character instead of having to pick out of a selection

    instead i think you should get a set of sliders like in multiple other games, like ARK for example, however it should be to an extent so it stays within normal looking pirates in the sea of thieves style

    so please RARE, make the pirate selector better

    signed, Gearish

    (PS, im sorry if my grammar and formatting is bad, im not the brightest when it comes to that kind of thing)

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  • @gearish8934 said in please make how you pick a pirate in the start better:

    ok so as someone that has bought multiple pirate change potions it is infuriating how i cant just make my character instead of having to pick out of a selection

    instead i think you should get a set of sliders like in multiple other games, like ARK for example, however it should be to an extent so it stays within normal looking pirates in the sea of thieves style

    so please RARE, make the pirate selector better

    signed, Gearish

    (PS, im sorry if my grammar and formatting is bad, im not the brightest when it comes to that kind of thing)

    This would actually result in less variety of pirates, as people have a tendency to pick features that they consider handsome, beautiful, or sexualized - while the rest of the features are discarded and ignored.

    ...and most pirates are far from pretty. They're typically nasty, grungy, dirty, scarred, misshapen things. The way things are now essentially ensures that at least something will always be imperfect, or that you'll have to put in the time and work to find something near perfect (and most don't have that kind of patience).

    IMO, the last thing we need is a bunch of Pirate Barbies or Chip & Dales. 😉

  • It's understandable that this is a common request but I personally support the design of the feature that currently exists for a few reasons.

    It's interesting as it is imo. Our characters are cartooney but they are still realistic in design to some degree. We don't have fantastical features which means that customization is mainly confined to what people feel is more attractive/socially acceptable.

    I personally find randomness to be more interesting to the environment than attractiveness/appeal to the individual or their perceived views of how others view their character related to attractiveness/appeal.

    I think that the randomness of design creates an environment that assists the embracing of what may be perceived as imperfections and within that, uniqueness. Which is something I personally find useful in a shared environment where people are unique in many ways.

    There are also many young people that play this game and in my personal view I think randomness of somewhat realistic appearance is valuable as it creates an environment where appearance is focused more on style than facial/body design.

    I don't think people are required to or should feel pressured to agree with me on the above but I do think the current design contributes to a healthier and more interestingly unique shared environment.

    A different view than mine that I think is valid and is something that I have considered is that customization also allows a form of freedom of expression and more immersion. I think that the ability to spend as much time as a person wants to while selecting random characters, and the ability to re-roll a character leans significantly in that direction already. People may not get exactly what they want but there is a reasonable option and outcome there for people that are primarily focused on appearance of their character.

  • @galactic-geek I think the freedom to choose what he or she finds beautiful is more important than valuing variety, I don't change my character precisely because I know that I won't be able to recover a similar model later without taking hours...

    If I want, for example, to recreate characters from other media, such as Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard, or some from Sea of ​​Thieves itself, the current model makes it difficult, I think forcing individuality is a bad thing

  • ok so as someone that has bought multiple pirate change potions it is infuriating

    That sounds like a personal issue...not the game.

    i cant just make my character instead of having to pick out of a selection

    That is what you are doing to be frank. Making/Picking from a randomization.

  • @lleorb said in please make how you pick a pirate in the start better:

    @galactic-geek I think the freedom to choose what he or she finds beautiful is more important than valuing variety, I don't change my character precisely because I know that I won't be able to recover a similar model later without taking hours...

    If I want, for example, to recreate characters from other media, such as Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard, or some from Sea of ​​Thieves itself, the current model makes it difficult, I think forcing individuality is a bad thing

    There's an irony to your reasoning though (no offense). You see, having the freedom to choose what is or is not beautiful can also have a negative trend - for example, a certain party of people who once started to believe that blond-haired blued eyed individuals were perfection - and everyone else, not so much... The thing is that variety is what helps create even more individuality. If left to our own desires, then trends will develop, and not all will be good. By having the individuality of variety we start to gain an appreciation of many things that are different than us, and that helps everyone in the long run.

    Also, recreating a favorite fictional character may be an awesome thing to do, because of course imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it lacks individuality because it's something borrowed. If everyone is Jack Sparrow... Well, you've seen the doldrums - it ain't pretty.

  • i like the randomness, although i would like to at least be able to set a gender filter.

  • @galactic-geek I raised the issue of beauty because that's what you mentioned, but it can be any other aspect, be funnier, stronger or weaker, among others... The freedom to choose your appearance is important in a game where customization and roleplay are an essential part.
    I don't think you should confuse the freedom to choose traits in a character with these negative tendencies. In my game I would choose different characteristics every time I switch, sometimes someone strong, sometimes someone weak, age variation.

    As for taking on a character's personality, aren't people entitled to that kind of fun?
    I don't think this will have much impact on the overall experience of the game.

  • @lleorb said in please make how you pick a pirate in the start better:

    @galactic-geek I raised the issue of beauty because that's what you mentioned, but it can be any other aspect, be funnier, stronger or weaker, among others... The freedom to choose your appearance is important in a game where customization and roleplay are an essential part.
    I don't think you should confuse the freedom to choose traits in a character with these negative tendencies. In my game I would choose different characteristics every time I switch, sometimes someone strong, sometimes someone weak, age variation.

    As for taking on a character's personality, aren't people entitled to that kind of fun?
    I don't think this will have much impact on the overall experience of the game.

    For the record, in life, you don't get to choose your appearance. By that, I mean you. Sure you can alter your hair, your clothing, etc., but you will always be you. In that sense SoT does exactly the same thing. You get a base to start, with limited choice, but after that, how that pirate changes is up to you.

    The key difference (in-game) is physique versus style. The former can't change. The latter, however, can...

    In any case, you do get to have a choice - it's limited, but if you're patient and persistent, you will eventually find something within the ballpark of what you're looking for. And if not? Or if you're unhappy with your selection after some time? Or if you happen to be lazy, impatient, or just plain give up? Well, there's a potion for that.

    As far as personality is concerned, that's not an issue - your pirate can have whatever personality you want it to have.

    As for impact? That's not for us to decide, because it's not our product. It's Rare's - the decision is solely theirs. Considering numerous requests similar to yours have been made over the years, and virtually nothing has been done about it tells me that their stance is clear and not likely to change anytime soon. But good luck! You do you. 😅

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