Entire game redownloading for every update

  • I play on PC and every time there's a game update it seems that it has to download the whole game (approx 76GB) again. The download speed from the Microsoft Store is around 25 Mbps so I had to leave it downloading for most of yesterday. As it was so late when it said it had finished I just switched the PC off. I went to play just now and it's having to download the whole 76GB again... This is very frustrating - is it supposed to do this?

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  • @mrcheeseuk said in Entire game redownloading for every update:

    I play on PC and every time there's a game update it seems that it has to download the whole game (approx 76GB) again. The download speed from the Microsoft Store is around 25 Mbps so I had to leave it downloading for most of yesterday. As it was so late when it said it had finished I just switched the PC off. I went to play just now and it's having to download the whole 76GB again... This is very frustrating - is it supposed to do this?

    No, it isn't. I have only updates of a couple of GB's each patch.

  • I know that this is an old post but I'm still having this problem. I don't play that often so the game has to update pretty much every time I want to play. The latest update is 81GB so I'm having to download it all yet again. Is there really no way to get around this?

  • @mrcheeseuk How are you initializing the updates; are you using MS Store or Xbox application?

    Remove and reinstall Microsoft Gaming Service

    get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-Appxpackage –allusers

    Remove Windows Store

    Get-AppxPackage windowsstore | Remove-AppxPackage

    Reinstall Windows Store

    Get-AppXPackage WindowsStore -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

    If reinstalling these services doesn't correct your installation issue, then ensure that your Sea of Thieves application is on your default drive and not a secondary drive. In the event you want to keep storage on a device other than your C: drive, then those settings are accessible in System > Storage.

  • @bizi-betiko You are a champion!!! Uninstalling MS Store and then reinstalling it worked! Previously I had tried loads of solutions and none worked. I was getting 1Mbps downloads from the store and also had reinstall whole games (Sea of Thieves) every time there was an update. Fixed both issues. Now I'm getting 25Mbps downloads and I'm able to update games without having to reinstall them. I actually got these instructions below but you put me on the right path
    [mod edit]

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