Why god am I eating raw food

  • So why is that when I have let’s say 4 bananas and 1 uncooked fish. (On Xbox controller) I select the radial- swipe up for food to eat. Instead of my guy choosing a healthy banana. He whips out the uncooked fish in mid battle.
    (On controller you have to hit “start” and view your inventory to switch the fish away for a banana- making you character FREEZE like and idiot getting swung on)

    Is this a choice you would make in real life? Would you reach for the raw food with no health benifits that will make you vomit? No. So why does my dumb pirate eat the raw food instead of the 4 bananas? What a ridiculous issue.

    Your cooked food/ fruit should be the first thing to pop up when selecting food. Because common sense lol.

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  • @originalmage57 said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    So why is that when I have let’s say 4 bananas and 1 uncooked fish. (On Xbox controller) I select the radial- swipe up for food to eat. Instead of my guy choosing a healthy banana. He whips out the uncooked fish in mid battle.
    (On controller you have to hit “start” and view your inventory to switch the fish away for a banana- making you character FREEZE like and idiot getting swung on)

    Is this a choice you would make in real life? Would you reach for the raw food with no health benifits that will make you vomit? No. So why does my dumb pirate eat the raw food instead of the 4 bananas? What a ridiculous issue.

    Your cooked food/ fruit should be the first thing to pop up when selecting food. Because common sense lol.

    It's a last-in-first-out system, so if you picked up the fish as last item it will be in your hands first; just select food again and you have your banana.

  • @originalmage57 You can add 'Food' to a button on your controller. I have mine bound to Right-stick click and can just press it to cycle through available food without the need to open menus.

    I have left D-Pad for cannonballs too for the same reason.

  • @triheadedmonkey all my buttons are already bound to things like text chat- voice chat and throwables. Doesn’t take away from the point though haha

  • @originalmage57 said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    @triheadedmonkey all my buttons are already bound to things like text chat- voice chat and throwables. Doesn’t take away from the point though haha

    Sounds like you are choosing to have other options available than food cycling. The food system has worked like this since they added more fruit than bananas.

  • Raw food still health, very little.

    But the choice is in the settings, bind to a key and cycle. Pick what is more important, throwing/chat or food switching.

    Pirates dont care what they eat or vomit.

  • @originalmage57 I can see why you say this is an issue, but lets say you have 1 reserve piece of food like a pineapple and 4 pomegranates. You would prefer it goes straight to the pomegranates instead of wasting the pineapple. To help you can remap your button binds to make it easier to pull out food. Also since you're aware of this, pull out your preferred food before going in to battle. It will go straight to bananas instead.

  • My own personal controller layout is food on Left d-pad, planks on Up d-pad and bucket on Right d-pad. I've opted to remove the Pirate Chat option in favor of more proper utility. But this is a choice and of course you're free to run your own layout as you see fit. But therein lies the heart of the matter. Choice. You have chosen your favored abilities and I have chosen mine. I personally don't need an ability to use the Pirate Chat ability over being able to cycle my food to a more favorable item. So do with that info as you will. :)

  • @aerotsune i see. So the matter isn’t an issue as long as I give up another useful thing, for something that should be obvious.
    Which makes total sense.

  • @originalmage57 Except what constitutes as "useful" is subjective. I use a mic, so the pirate chat wheel is useless to me.

  • @originalmage57 said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    Why god am I eating raw food

    -1) Because you're carrying around raw food during battle.

    -2) Because you haven't set a keybind for food.

    I want to easily and quickly select the food I want for the situation I'm in. Having food as my RB allows me to do just that in the heat of the moment. Whether that's a banana, a pom, a mango, some Kraken meat, whatever, I can quickly cycle and get what I want based on the state of my health bar.

    Priorities fellow pirate. Priorities.

  • @aerotsune said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    @originalmage57 Except what constitutes as "useful" is subjective. I use a mic, so the pirate chat wheel is useless to me.

    ...and yet using a mic can still give away your position to opposing crews due to outside sounds being picked up accidentally - unless you use an input for push to talk. 😅

  • ...and yet using a mic can still give away your position to opposing crews due to outside sounds being picked up accidentally - unless you use an input for push to talk. 😅

    @galactic-geek And that changes what when wanting to use pirate chat which also would do exactly that? :)

  • To be fair, there could be a compromise in that each time you select Food on the Radial it would cycle the available options in your inventory. Cause there is a limit on inputs, so there can still be a world where some compromise can be met. People can still elect to setup hotkeys as they see fit (I don't have this problem cause I have food assigned as I have deemed it personally important enough to take a hotkey), but the functionality of them can still be baked into the game in some way as well - your hotkey just makes it faster.

  • To be fair, there could be a compromise in that each time you select Food on the Radial it would cycle the available options in your inventory. Cause there is a limit on inputs, so there can still be a world where some compromise can be met. People can still elect to setup hotkeys as they see fit (I don't have this problem cause I have food assigned as I have deemed it personally important enough to take a hotkey), but the functionality of them can still be baked into the game in some way as well - your hotkey just makes it faster.

    A fair idea and I'm happy to pass it along. :D

  • @redeyesith said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    To be fair, there could be a compromise in that each time you select Food on the Radial it would cycle the available options in your inventory. Cause there is a limit on inputs, so there can still be a world where some compromise can be met. People can still elect to setup hotkeys as they see fit (I don't have this problem cause I have food assigned as I have deemed it personally important enough to take a hotkey), but the functionality of them can still be baked into the game in some way as well - your hotkey just makes it faster.

    What ?

    So, you have all fruits on you. Select food and see you have the pomegranate, do some things and get hurt a lot - select food and you end up with a banana ? Doesn't that make the system worse ? Or do you mean selecting food in quick succession would cycle the food ?

  • @originalmage57 The way I see it, you can already access throwables via the radial, so there's no need to bind it. I have it set to food because that's the only way to switch food items w/o opening a menu.

    I have:
    D-Pad Up - Food
    D-Pad Left - Push to Talk
    D-Pad Right - Text Chat
    Right Stick Button - Toggle HUD (for screenshots, which I do ALOT)

  • @lem0n-curry quick succession. So, you pull the Pom and without putting it away you go and select Food again and it cycles to your Coconut (or whatever was next in line). If you swap it away for something it it will pull up the same item that was last loaded as normal (so you can still set in advance what you'll want first, much like now).

  • @redeyesith very well said

  • @originalmage57 said in Why god am I eating raw food:

    (On controller you have to hit “start” and view your inventory to switch the fish away for a banana- making you character FREEZE like and idiot getting swung on)

    No you don't matey!
    If you have your food item bound to a button press (which it should by default), then you press it multiple times and your pirate will just cycle through the food in your inventory.

    You will also notice that whatever item goes into your inventory LAST, is the FIRST thing that comes out.
    This will be because our inventory is held in a stack, which works on a last in, first out basis. It is easiest for the system to just pop the last item off the top of the stack.

    On another note, check out this thread from a month ago: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/141973/never-auto-select-raw-meat-with-food-hotkey-if-you-have-other-food

    You might find some responses to your post there.

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