Trying to get my fiancee to play her first video game ever

  • im trying to get my fiancee to start playing this game. it would be her first ever videogame but she loves PotC so i think it would work!
    I am a life time gamer so I am worried that I wont be good at teacher her how to play since she basically has zero experience with any gaming.

    Would appriciate any tips on what to show and also how to help a player new to the game and to gaming in general!

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  • @picknickman first show her how to move and then let her try a bit on her starts with the maiden voyage anyway, so let her discover the island a bit...don't tell too much, she'll find out or asks by least I did it that way, worked fine...but my gf watched me play the game a few times before, so she knew some stuff...

  • @schwammlgott Yeah i think its a good shout to have her watch me play a little first. might help!

    I got bot mouse/keyboard and controller what do you think is easier for a newbie to learn how to play on?

  • my tip depends on how social she is, my fiance is not too much, once she gets to know someone its all good but she is not as open as I am so sailing with randos is not really fun for her.

    So my tip is play with her solo if she is not very social and if its the other way around look for cool minded people and do that.

  • Just start with the basics, maiden voyage, the gold hoarder tutorial, how simple ship physics works like sail angles. It’s best to avoid any and all ships you see and not do any oos voyages as those take more skill.

    The merchant alliance is probably the best company to start with since it teaches sailing. Then gold hoarders which will teach maps and riddles. After those are learned, she can move onto Order of Souls which will teach PvE fights.

    You can also try alliance servers like Athena’s Vanguard. This specific one is the only one rare supports. However I’ve never tried it so I don’t know how it works.

    You could also look in the Official Sea of Thieves discord where you can find more new players to crew up with, or a more helpful guide than any of us here.

  • @picknickman sagte in Trying to get my fiancee to play her first video game ever:

    @schwammlgott Yeah i think its a good shout to have her watch me play a little first. might help!

    I got bot mouse/keyboard and controller what do you think is easier for a newbie to learn how to play on?

    In my experience, most newbies prefer mouse/kb, movement is easier for most of them with that...I guess she has to try, what she likes more

  • I play this game with my wife and it’s great. We laugh, we communicate easily, and we make the occasional friends on the sea. When we succeed we can cheer together and when we lose everything I can get a hug. Happy sailing and good luck.

  • [Mod Edit]

  • @glannigan I hope you are trolling. What does someones gender have to do with being able to play a video game?

  • @beatrman This is what im hoping to achive with her :)

  • @glannigan sagte in [Mod Edit].

    Sounds like you really know more unicorns and sasquatch's than girls...😉

  • @picknickman said in Trying to get my fiancee to play her first video game ever:

    @glannigan I hope you are trolling. What does someones gender have to do with being able to play a video game?

    I was actually trying to be helpful.

    [Mod Edit]

  • @glannigan I would not go for a reaper flag and full on pvp with her from the start no. But there is alot more in this game than that. In what way would she not be able to handle a tall tale? Your view on women is very condesending I must say.

  • @schwammlgott said in [Mod Edit].

    Sounds like you really know more unicorns and sasquatch's than girls...😉

    Lol, ok forget that fact that I said “Girls” and let’s focus on the part where he said “never played a game before”.

    All I’m saying is you got to start with the super basics. Asking someone who never played A VIDEO GAME before to start with an FPS would be like asking your Great Grandma to play Madden!

    It will be so overwhelming you risk turning them off to gaming forever!!!

  • @picknickman

    You all gonna get me in Forum jail!

    Forget the woman part. The focus is Never Played a Video Game Person.

    Baby steps, gotta crawl before you walk!

  • @glannigan i mean it's fine you can move on now I have made this post to get helpful tips on how to introduce someone to play this game not candy crush or triva games.

    It's pretty obvious you are trying to bait a fight here.

  • @glannigan sagte in [Mod Edit].

    Sounds like you really know more unicorns and sasquatch's than girls...😉

    Lol, ok forget that fact that I said “Girls” and let’s focus on the part where he said “never played a game before”.

    All I’m saying is you got to start with the super basics. Asking someone who never played A VIDEO GAME before to start with an FPS would be like asking your Great Grandma to play Madden!

    It will be so overwhelming you risk turning them off to gaming forever!!!

    That's why my first reply was, that he first should teach her how to move and then let her discover a bit on old sailors island

  • Maiden voyage. Do everything. Get feel
    Of controls.
    As you sail out of the maiden voyage area, check out the ship. Get feel of how it steers and such.

    Main game. Stick to the west side of the map. It tends to be clear and pretty and easy to see other players coming from afar. Island are also better.

    Above all. It’s a pirate game, and “a game”. Don’t get upset over losing your loot or sunk.
    (Also disable other crews audio/text) if worried about hearing or seeing rude messages.

  • After the Maiden Voyage the game throws everyone into the deep end of the pool.
    It is a shared world and we all have to adapt and endure the same dangers, for there is no difficulty setting.
    Know that Rare had your girl in mind when they designed the game. They knew SoT would attract people that never played an online game before, let alone a video game.

    That being said, it can be very easy to avoid other ships if you scan frequently and detect them from miles away.
    Bring a thick skin, dont hoard loot, and dont take anything seriously.

    You may also want to try Arena sloop matches for combat training.

    SoT is a many layered experience, I hope she discovers something compelling, fair winds to you both.

  • positive energy attracts positive energy and negative energy attracts negative energy

    gaming isn't hard it's just learning the basics and then applying it consistently to sessions. This game is easy from a basics standpoint. You learn to sail you do some shooting you pick up loot and sell it that all comes with time and she will naturally pick it up. Nothing to worry about there

    this game is more about what are you going to put into it and that determines what you get out of it.

    If someone goes out there expecting perfection from the sea or from other pirates they will be disappointed every day but if someone goes out there looking to find ways to enjoy the moment and be entertained by random chaos and the personalities of others they will find it.

    I look at it as every positive thing that happens happened because of hurdling the negative and moving on from it.

    Maybe I lose a ship full of loot but it lead me to an ancient skelly. Maybe I lose even more loot but that moment lead me to an open crew that was motivated and efficient and we grind out even more loot or end up getting something done on my commendations that I've been waiting forever to find.

    One second earlier or later and something good may have never happened.

    Not so much that it happened for a reason just that it put me on a path to where I could benefit in a different way so there is no wasted time or terrible experiences. It's just a thing that lead me to a better thing.

    She gets the be whatever she wants to be here. It doesn't matter if she doesn't play as skilled as others or that it may take her a while to pick up the basics of the controls. That will come with time. There is a fantasy world that awaits her arrival. All that will matter in the end is that you both got to share the time and experience adventure together.

    Tips for the sailing together part:

    Don't stress out over self imposed obligations that have you feeling like you want their experience to be perfect. Nothing is perfect just enjoy the ride

    No micro managing. Nobody wants to be micro managed let her figure things out and create her own style of play. Help when asked and Captain the ship but telling people what to do a lot doesn't help anyone and creates tension

    Set time aside to play without her however you enjoy playing. Get your preference time in that way the focus can be on adventure without expectations or setting the pace to high

    Stay calm cool and collected. People don't work better when surrounded by impatience and escalation.
    Keep tasks simple don't direct to do multiple things you pick up the slack and carry her until she is ready to take on more ship responsibility. I'm big on starting new people out with repair duty. It's simple and it's highly useful. They get to contribute in an important way and there isn't a lot of confusion as to what to do. You carry the rest of the weight in intense situations

    If you're into competitive banter with other pirates set that aside. Escalating verbal sparring will just lead to people taking low blows which will put negative energy in the air and may cause her to not want to deal with it.

    Be reassuring and appreciative. As long as the crew is contributing they have value and are important to any minor or major victories out there. This is crew maintenance. Crews have to be taken care of just like anything else.

  • Honestly I feel this won't end well.

    FPS as her first foray into video gaming is going to be a difficult endeavour, and will most likely end in her frustration and unwillingness to try again. I could be wrong though.

    Sounds silly but Minecraft is a perfect learner FPS if you wanna get her used to the genre

    My wife now plays Destiny 2, Deep Rock Galactic and Sea of Thieves with me. Introducing her with Minecraft and Rocket League was the key!

    Anyways good luck with it

  • @wolfmanbush Great advice with lots of things I will take to heart! Thank you very much!

  • @glannigan Ahoy!
    Please be respectful when discussing your fellow pirates. You might want to refresh your memory of what's expected of Pirates here on the forum.

    By the way. I am a girl and have been playing all types of games for the past 40 years. And I can whip a few back sides in the process :D

    @picknickman Have a look at Loads of hints and tips there for new players, men and women alike :D

  • @glannigan I have edited your posts. Those views have no place within our community and a warning will be placed on your account.

    SoT is for everyone. There are players of every gender and identity. We will not tolerate this sort of language or attitude and further infraction will result in a temporary ban on the Forums.

    Respect your fellow pirates, encourage new players to the seas and welcome them when you see them.

    @picknickman I hope your partner has a wonderful time on the seas and you have many wonderful adventures!


  • @picknickman said in Trying to get my fiancee to play her first video game ever:

    @wolfmanbush Great advice with lots of things I will take to heart! Thank you very much!

    Another thing you can try is a party boat at least once a week

    if she has friends or family that you can get to play as well you can once a week (more if they end up enjoying it) set up a time and date like a saturday night and run a galleon entirely to have a good time.

    Whenever I play with people from my personal life or when I'm trying to help casual players I met on the sea find a good time I'll set up a party boat and try to bring in chill people that will vibe well and won't get weird or stress others out then just have a good time. No server hopping just take whatever server I land on then put on the most ridiculous cosmetic concoctions and go do a vault. keeping it light and fun

    This allows people to have a lot of stress free fun and I can focus on what I need to do while everyone else can talk and laugh and have a good time.

    Imo if you're gonna hook her that will be how to.

  • @wolfmanbush fantastic idea! I have moved country and she has not met alot of my gaming friends that live back home! Yet I talk about them with her since I see them as normal friends, a concept that might be a bit strange to someone that is not used to online friends! Would be an awesome way to introduce her to the guys and vice verca :) thanks for the great shouts!

  • @picknickman Make sure you pop back at some point and share some of your adventures Here

  • @lizalaroo and thanks for the post and the link will definatly check it out!

  • @lizalaroo Will do:)

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