Duke's Moved Again...

  • Ahoy Maties!
    I popped over to Kraken's Fall today and guess what?
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    Duke's missing!
    He's not there anymore!

    So, I searched and searched, until I finally tracked him down on Wanderer's Refugee!
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    And he's gone nuts.
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    He keeps yammering about finding something important and how the Skellies want to slay him or something.
    He also mentioned something about finding stuff scattered throughout the seas, I can't make any senses of it.
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    Do you sailors think he's on to something?
    Let me know of if ya find anything suspicious.
    Oh, and while we're on the subject of suspicious behavior; somebody's moved all the barrels...
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  • 4
    questioncommunityjust for funscreenshotstory & lore
  • There's something happening here
    But what it is ain't exactly clear
    There's a man with an eye patch over there
    Telling me I got to beware

  • @wolfmanbush I think I got, but just in case tell me the whole over again, I wasn't listening.

  • something fishy is happening

questioncommunityjust for funscreenshotstory & lore
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