
  • Team,

    Good morning, I am a returning player and have to say I enjoy the tall tails, additional pirate ships, quests provided, and the arena.

    I would like to make a few suggestions for Adventute Mode.

    Pvp toggle

    • allow players to toggle on/off pvp as some may be enjoying the story
    • provide a title or highlight similar to the flown reapers flag for those in pvp

    Ship locker

    • allow players to place a couple of items in a protected locker that respawn with ship, similar to players pockets (held goods) that responsibility with then upon death.

    • helpful for non checkpoints tall tails, completing commendations or for special rewards

    Npc fleets

    • create small 2 to 3 ship fleets for the merchants, gold holders, order of souls, reapers etc.
    • provide a different mechanic for each (e.g. reapers attack, merchants go from Port to Port to trade and attempt to flee initially on combat, etc.)
    • rewards could be title,, loot or something unique. e.g. allow the players some form of title for assisting the fleet or sinking it

    Hope this reaches you and have a great week.

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    xbox onegeneral
  • dude. I dont know if you know this but the game is called Sea of Thieves. toggling pvp on and off is just the most stupid idea i've ever heard of. it's a pirate game not a game where you're safe and sound.

  • If you are a returning player, then you already should understand people have whined for turning off pvp for years and thats not gonna happen, they dont even let you exist by yourself when doing a tall tale. they usually ask in the form of a PVE server, the devs said no, so i dont think they will allow a toggling of pvp on or off.

    They are not going to let you save loot either, same as with turning off pvp, its a risk the devs want you to deal with while sailing with other pirates, if your loot gets stolen or sunk, thats just how the game works.

  • All these ideas just make the game too easy and go against the PVPVE mechanics it was created with. The NPC fleets idea is pretty solid though.

  • @elderterdkin said in Suggestions:

    If you are a returning player, then you already should understand people have whined for turning off pvp for years and thats not gonna happen, they dont even let you exist by yourself when doing a tall tale. they usually ask in the form of a PVE server, the devs said no, so i dont think they will allow a toggling of pvp on or off.

    They are not going to let you save loot either, same as with turning off pvp, its a risk the devs want you to deal with while sailing with other pirates, if your loot gets stolen or sunk, thats just how the game works.

    @elderterdkin I was not active for quite some time and did not know of the asks for the first point. If that is the case why not implement a bounty on the pirates that loot other players paid from their own gold once taken? Similar to the original Fallout 76 method.

    Per the loot ok then why not checkpoint the tall tail every time you pick up and object? Similar to the locker but you don't have to do it over and over as you have pvp players

  • @yungkrusty for a xbox player just returning it can be challenging dealing with experienced players, it was a suggestion for all.

    Thanks re fleets.

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