Twitch Drops

  • So, the latest batch of Twitch Drops including the Hat, Trowsers, Peg leg and D'oh emote have not appeared for me in my available clothing. The drops from the other two times have, but not these. It sucks because I want to wear the cool hat. Anyone else experiencing this? Do I just have to wait more? It's been a few days since the first drop and the other drops from the previous weeks appeared almost immediately.

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  • @pugsamillion Ahoy matey!

    Have you been clicking the Claim button in your Twitch Inventory page?

    They can take up to 72 hours to appear but if they don't appear after this time it is best to submit a support ticket using the link below.

    Contact Support

  • @musicmee said in Twitch Drops:

    @pugsamillion Ahoy matey!

    Have you been clicking the Claim button in your Twitch Inventory page?

    They can take up to 72 hours to appear but if they don't appear after this time it is best to submit a support ticket using the link below.

    Contact Support

    when can i get the d'oh emote in est?

  • @closinghare208 It is avaliable nooowwwwww! :D

  • @musicmee said in Twitch Drops:

    @closinghare208 It is avaliable nooowwwwww! :D

    thank youuuuuuuuu!

  • @pugsamillion Same here - I claimed all the last set of drops, but none have appeared. I got all the others from the earlier sets...

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