Why so many Skeletons?

  • I feel there are to many Skeletons popping up and with guns. And they are a good shots. To many kegs. Sometoimes two Skeletons with kegs at same time. Skeltons are harder to kill. We need more ammo to carry instead of just the five shots.

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  • Run them in a circle so they are close and then shoot the keg lol. on the bigger islands i always find an ammo chest somewhere so i can re-up but i usually just fight all the skellies with my sword and save my shots for the keggers.

    The only hard skeletons are the named ones and if you had to, just lead them close to your boat and spam snipe them from your boat where you have easy access to unlimited ammo.

  • @elderterdkin no just shoot the kegs or use 1 skeleton to bodyblock the other shots

  • Skeles are fine if there were other kinds of enemies as well... Cannibals, marauding crabs a tiger or two for example and in general spawns do need to be better paced and less mindlessly relentless, Skeletons should be more prevalent when it's getting dark with them being quite infrequent during day would make gameplay more varied and interesting !

  • The skeletons are not extremely difficult. Shoot that keg and sword the rest.

  • Skeletons were worse during the first year of SoT.

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