Servers down? or No? been trying for 3 whole hours.

  • Is anyone able to play this game right now? I got home 3 HOURS ago, and have been trying to log in constantly, only to have a "Lavenderbeard" message saying services are temporarily unavailable and to try again. I checked the Beard messages page, and Lavenderbeard is usually "Server maintenance", however no maintenance is scheduled. I checked my Firewall, and it's letting SOT through, and there are no antivirus issues. So either they have the servers down and didn't bother to update their status page (which has said everything is fine the whole time) or something else is seriously wrong.

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  • Well it's 4 hours now. Either this is so common that everyone is thinking "heh, he's been playing for only 125 hours and this is the first time he's run into this? How lucky he is" or everyone assumes I somehow got in the game in the last hour? Nope. been trying, no dice.

    Status page still says everything is fine. Yet nobody even took the time to say "yeah, I'm in the game now, you're having an actual issue and the servers aren't down at all" or anything.

  • OK, it looks like it wasn't Sea of Thieves OR the servers, but some weird lock up of Xbox Live. This is the first game I've played that uses it, and apparently it got stuck and I had to log out and back in to get it to work right. Maybe they could put a note of that on the "Beard messages" page?

  • @redwoodtheelf I just managed to load in with no problem. (Steam Version)

    Are you still experiencing an issue?

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Servers down? or No? been trying for 3 whole hours.:

    @redwoodtheelf I just managed to load in with no problem. (Steam Version)

    Are you still experiencing an issue?

    Looks like I figured it out about the same time as you came by. I hadn't thought it might be a third party program like Xbox Live that was causing the issue.

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