• Hi ok right now im upset for the end of the new event. the event was not the deal. was funny we sunk the flameheart ship... just after that a sloop athena 20 came to battle us. and we got cought both with the kraken strait when they where close to us. we sunk them but we were still in the kraken. and a skelly ship and a meg came to attack us. SERIOUSLY??? WAS HELL, our suply was low and we decided to kill the kraken. it a easy challenge when we are a sloop two players. well noooooot AT ALLLL!!!. he didnt died , and the meg and the skelly ship was puting presure on us and this kraken wasnt dying. maybe because the pop was on two ships so he was taffer. well we kepp fight the kraken and the sloop athena came back. we where scewed. they came on boat manage to kill us. (was not hard task with all the pressure we had). we came back we fight but it was a no supply fight and we end up losing it close.
    I can say than the spawn of the kraken on us strait after the event is XXXXXXXX seriously!!! not even fun . and the add of a meg and a skelly ship coming and agro us, SERIOUSLY?? and none of us sloop could get the loot of the event so much the kaken came fast. it have sunk in the sea!!! this need to be fixed the kraken should at least not spawn in the area! and what is about the skelly ship coming straite to us and the meg too when the kraken is on?? with pvp added!!. and here are born very salty pirates here. im soooo pist!!! lol
    still kraken should not follow this event, ***

    • KRAKEN SHOULD NOT FOLLOWING ANY NAVAL EVENT EVER!!!*** ( with the pvp on it for sure the most unfair challenge for one or the other ship) and event like that finish often with pvp, The add of pve coming in numbers in this fight make an unfair and messy and raging situation seriously!!!( not 1, not 2, but 3 monsters, why not more?? seriously????) . can be a fort or a fleet on the map but not the kraken. same for the fleet event not any kraken after the fleet event or give a break to at least loot the floating loot ! such a waist!!!
      this need a fix it not challenging. its a slauther and get out of this is just luck the crew who attack u was bad enought.
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