More Outposts working for the Reapers

  • As much as I enjoy the thought of a single spot rewarding the multiplier, you know... for the PVP FACTION (snort), I must say I think the design idea is severely lacking.

    We got the spooky outpost with the nice ambience and skybox but it feels too forced after all and it does not suit the theme of pirates who want to control the piratlife in the entire SoT
    ... to just hang out at a single outpost instead of spreading out.

    So why not put spooky, a little skelly styled outposts into the game similar to that one station in the Arena, just more worn down and spooky, maybe smaller and have two or three of them in the game.
    And everywhere you can sell in your loot with the multiplier.

    I do feel the Reapers are just at a complete disadvantage from a pure PvP perspective.

    ° They are always visible and will more or less alert others just for being Reapers ( yeah there are these kind of people who totally forget all other kinds of ships can still attack you as well )

    ° They must use advanced tactics and sneaks to actually catch vigilant people most of the time and even then, if the innitial ambush is repelled, a chase will ensue which can take so long only the gods know how long
    ^ And while runners with a ship of the same seize can always just bypass random outposts and savely sell in for no risk. But the Reapers? Everybody knows their only true point of interest. Its just unfair! (x2)

    The Reapers hideout is very cool. I also like how it has been progressed in creation over months now and you could gradually witness the changes leading to this.
    This really helps to create the feeling of a living, breathing world.
    After all Rare could just not do this and suddenly put some kind of big faction house somewhere.
    ( Like the map-centre I believe? Did it came suddenly? Oh well thats another story. )

    But one outpost alone is not enough. Being a Reaper, even if you are one of these pure PvE farmer Reapers, its just not balanced how you take like 75% of all the PvP risks and others can stay hidden and sell their stuff in at various locations.

    But the same "non PvP faction people" have these massive PvP advantage on their side of being able to PvP ambush reliable at the only location with a multiplier.
    Does not truly makes much sense to me.

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  • @odyssee-mit-tee I really love all the points you made and I definetly agree that the reapers need more than one spot because its so easy to put a keg in the reaper doorway now and just blow it for an ambush so this would be a great addition

  • @odyssee-mit-tee I thought maybe you have to fly an emissary to see reaper emissary on the map table...that would at least help reapers to get the rank up while fighting ... now, with some attacking reapers without having a flag on is just an annoying waste of time
    I'm fine, that you can rank up with's slow that way anyway
    This faction needs more work for sure, these are just my 2 cents

  • i think the whole point of reaper stuff is for it to be contested ..

  • @odyssee-mit-tee

    The concept of a single spot to sell is that people can camp the Reaper Hideout in order to steal from you. Why do you think there are cannons on the hideout?

  • @feeklmatter said in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    i think the whole point of reaper stuff is for it to be contested ..

    Of course it is! The whole concept is to strongly encourage player confrontation by creating a bottle neck where people can anticipate and fight each other. That's the spirit of that faction. If the Reaper's hideout is too hot for someone, they can always decide to go turn in elsewhere for regular rep. Being able to hoist and take down reapers flag at any outpost is already enough.

  • Sorry but camping is not confrontation it is camping.
    Never like these parasitic, cowardly and kinda toxic existence called campers.

    Again this just reinforces my argument that people who do not flash the reapers-flag, are actually STRONGER REAPERS for comparable less risk.
    Why is that? Because they are allowed to have a reliable ambush point with maybe a megakek or two and if they succeed, they can swiftly bring their nearby hidden ship along...

    ... hoist the Reapers themself and sell in AT RANK 5 if their targets did not sold in beforehand for most of the time.
    This is just disgusting. Of course it is fun for those who can pull it off, does not make them more Reapers though.

    What is a Reaper? Someone bringing PvP to the sea's? A pirat? A thief?
    Or just a dirty, lazy camper hoping for naive victims?

    Never will I ever be ambushed at Reapers and do you know why?
    Because I never play alone. And I will always sail extremly careful towards the Island and have my experienced comrade check it up first. If there is even a rowboat with a suspicious "spawn angle", he will row it off.

    Meanwhile I will take my sweet a°° time to not sail towards the Isle.
    And when its far enough away, he will come back and then I have him shoot over once more, to find the inevitable Mermaid which either pops, or not.
    Not that we ever needed to do the rowboat example. I just know how the game mechanics work.

    But it really is annoying to check the island for the most repulsive kind of gamer which I hate the most after all.
    Not the guy with skill, not the overlords, not the nolifers, tryhards, or normal toxic ragers... no.
    But those lazy, uncreative and always angry individuals, who swear the most after you have survived their sole tactic.

    ALSO~ I noticed how the flags you take from other players give MUCH reputation in comparisation to their money. Which is very good.
    Players hunting for the Flags truly make the Reapers proud. They bring the piracy back to the Sea of Thieves.

    And they do not just turn a single island into a meatgrinder for people with no bigger skills, who cannot even contribute by offering a flag after you have purged this sc°m from the island. =)
    Those are not Reapers. Those are the humanoid rats living in the shadows of the Reapers culture and buildings. Rejects.
    Like rejected applicants who had the reapers SPIT fly into their face after saying
    " You are the dirt under our fingernails.
    Away with you before we decide to loot your corpse! "

    People who do not want to bring the PvP back to the Sea's together while never rising a flag, they do not deserve to be recognized by the Reapers.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee TLDR, what does your little rant has to do with needing multiple drop off points for reaper stuff?

  • @bloodybil sagte in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    @odyssee-mit-tee TLDR, what does your little rant has to do with needing multiple drop off points for reaper stuff?

    Basically three things. One selling point for the reapers multiplier
    ° does not encourage adventourus PvP but rewards uncreative camping
    ° it does not mirror the overall theme and ideology of the Reapers as a violent, faction trying to asserting either its dominance or presence in the SoT
    ° it allows the wrong people to rise up to even Rank 5 while taking almost no risks

    Ultimately, as it is now it rewards once again the people with the most reallife time windows and those who can invest the most time.
    I had several scenarios now in which I turned away from Reapers hideout again and "threatened" with the Shores-of-Gold play, just to see most people give up comparably quickly... and even leave the hideout completely.

    The current system is for lazy ratpeople who hope to catch some leftovers that fell from the table.
    Those are not proud and fearsome pirates. Chronic hideout campers are despicable.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee

    I’m curious, how do you feel about tuckers on ships? People hide out on the enemy ships just to steal from others. Personally, I find that boring especially since you can simply take a more direct way of stealing.

  • Reaper's Hideout being the only location for the Reaper's Faction is fine. There's no need to give more locations, because then at that point why not just put the Reaper's on every current outpost.

    1 location means if you're chasing a Reaper ship, or are being chased while having it up, means you (or they) either have to cut losses and sell at other outposts either after being chased very far/spot being controlled (in whatever way occurs), or you (they) are known to everyone else as to where you have to go to sell what you get when you finally decide to sell.

    There's no real reason to make more locations.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee
    The one selling point for the Reapers Bones faction increases the risks of losing treasure. It does mirror the overall theme and ideology of the Reapers as a violent faction, as you have to sometimes fight to deliver treasure to them. You don't have to go to the Reaper's Hideout to deliver treasure, as there are seven other outposts spread across the map. The "wrong" people who rise up to Rank 5 did take risks, as they fought and could have lost, but they won, permitting them to go to Rank 5.

    TL,DR: The Reaper's Bones faction is all about strats, fighting, and being the better pirate.

  • @bloodybil said in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    @odyssee-mit-tee TLDR, what does your little rant has to do with needing multiple drop off points for reaper stuff?

    It doesn't, as the OP is just salty about losing his castaways to better pirates.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee Camping is a poor strategy that usually only works against really bad or really new players. Concerning having only 1 drop off point for reapers, I have never been camped once on the island itself, but have many times intercepted people on their way there or been attacked on my way there aswell. One drop point makes increased PVP chances.

    What is your problem with this then if you claim to never be ambushed? Surely this is not a rant as a reaper yourself, since having more players coming your way one way or another wouldn't be an issue.

    Your emotional outburst against campers and disdain towards their cowardice sounds weird coming from someone claiming to turn around at the sight of a potential fight to go hide in the shroud though...

  • A good grade 5 reaper will effectively clear the map of emmisaries.. Although i made it to 75 reaper after 4 days of the release, i still run reapers to pvp a bit. I might do some pve to get to grade 5, but being able to see every other emmisary on the map at all times, is a HUGE advantage. If you have a 4 man crew, you can send out 3 people on a rowboat to get close to the emmisary ship, and bring in the galleon for the finish.

    I like how it is right now, but one thing i must admit. Non-emmisaries should not be able to see reapers on map. Let other emmisaries see the reaper emmisary, Sure.. But people who doesn't run a flag, will not be seen by a grade 5 reaper, so they should not be able to see the reaper either.

  • @supersnipper60 sagte in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    TL,DR: The Reaper's Bones faction is all about strats, fighting, and being the better pirate.

    Campers are not pirates. If no one would come to Reapers, those losers would have nothing to ambush. It is a disrespectful way of playing.
    As it might be with any other target you may say, with the exception that you must actually go out there and attack those targets elsewhere.

    ° Around 'Thieves Haven' is an obvious target for ambushs with Athena loot
    ° FOTD has a pretty big signal that shouts "come and get me"
    ° ^ ... same as any other fort or shipbattle.

    Yet those are obvious signs. Everyone knows it is supposed to be this way.
    With Reapers hideout it is not! They do not want to proclaim to be a target.
    And they tell to go out there and remind all those "adventurer"-factions that these seas belong to pirates and not adventurers!

    Do Goldhoarder/Soulsorder/Merchant flags ever come to the hideout personally without being stolen first? No - they don't.
    They are the result OF THE TRUE REAPERS OUT THERE WHO GOT AND CAPTURED THIS FLAGS and they are not for cowardly and uncreative losers to take!

    For lazy, arrogant self-entitled nobodys who think they even have the right to breath when they have not!
    The current systems encourages the wrong people. Not like I encounter them that often anyway so why do I even bother?
    Ah yes I remember: Because these people are disgusting as sh°°.

    Oh well I will keep checking the hideout before approaching like the paranoid ptsd player that I am. Whatever I will find there lurking for me, is trash. I will rather dump everything into the sea around Tribute Peak before loser rejects ever profit from me even once. In case I can't beat them. Which does not happen too often.

    Looks like this system is not foolproof after all.
    And ultimately... who needs the multiplier truly if those loser campers seem to have more reallife time as I have.

  • I have never been camped once on the island itself, but have many times intercepted people on their way there or been attacked on my way there aswell. One drop point makes increased PVP chances.>

    Its good if you are someone who generally enjoys PvP. Which is situational for me personally.
    And no more details towards that.

    I am one of those people who is offended by people who bring nothing to the table but PvP and are lazy, cowardly degenerates who want to take no risks and are salty as hell if they cannot take stuff others earned.
    " The true essence of the game? " Pff, dunno.

    Campers are cowardly trash in all kinds of games.
    I hate these type of players quite some time now. Maybe I am... "prejudiced".
    Those players are just disrespect given form.

    @supersnipper60 sagte in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    It doesn't, as the OP is just salty about losing his castaways to better pirates.

    Just because it happened to you does not mean it happened to me.
    I do not need to have this happen to me in order to not absolutely despise these lazy, cowardly and uncreate TROLLS & Griefplayers from the start.

    Also I do not respect them even as people. The same way an Orc from Tolkien has not the same rights to expect from the natives of middleearth.
    They are just natures mistake to even be allowed to exist.

  • @mbserious sagte in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    I like how it is right now, but one thing i must admit. Non-emmisaries should not be able to see reapers on map. Let other emmisaries see the reaper emmisary, Sure.. But people who doesn't run a flag, will not be seen by a grade 5 reaper, so they should not be able to see the reaper either.

    Maybe it's the visibility in the first place that is the whole mistake here.
    It would be nice if even non-flag ships drop at least something like a flag if they are sunk, like 'the ships nameplate' for example which is worth half an emissary rank 1 flag.

    But truly the whole mess starts only because of the visibility of the Reapers ships from the start. This started the whole camper mess.

    Camping is not Adventuring.
    It seems many secretely lazy campers here seem to disagree with their lazy plans being foiled from the get-go but I will not budge from this stance.

    [mod edited]

  • @odyssee-mit-tee
    The way you go out of your way to describe people who play the game in a "sneaky way", I would rate you not above the level you use for them. Also surprised you're seeming to get away with it.

    Also enough salt that all your comments about you not falling for that, makes that not very believable.

    It may be better for your heart to take a short break though.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee How do trolls from Tolkien and Reaper's Bones outposts relate to each other?

  • @supersnipper60 said in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    @odyssee-mit-tee How do trolls from Tolkien and Reaper's Bones outposts relate to each other?

    Just as Trolls from Tolkien, more outposts for the Reaper's Bones shouldn't see the light of day ... ?

  • Ahoy @odyssee-mit-tee,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @marrl sagte in More Outposts working for the Reapers:

    failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


    I must maintain a respectful tone in front of people who talk trash and assume I am just raging over a successful gank of my person, sure.
    May these trolls be reminded as well then.
    The respectful tone is not there with "these people".

    Just because they have no skill and can only camp.
    Rare should be aware that games being too rewarding towards campers often see a massive drawback in activity, if the thing becomes a trend.
    I am just disgusted by these peoples existence way before it becomes a real problem for a lot of other player on the seas.

    And all those forum-defenders of these playstil can bring to the table is mockery and well disrespect of course.
    They are not pirates. They are nothing! They are the stuff that ruins a game.
    Helping those people is unwise.

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