Just let me rant

  • (Xbox controller only server)
    So, my galleon crew was sunk and defeated by another galleon crew in the most bull way. A player called [mod edited] managed to board our ship and drop our anchor. The whole crew kept wailing at him and chasing him as he ran around. I could hear my sword strikes landing multiple times as I was chasing directly behind him. But he kept teleporting around, lagging so badly that we couldn't keep our eyes on him.

    So many times I would land four sword strikes, but he wouldn't die, he would just disappear and reappear a little ways away. If it wasn't for the lag teleporting, [mod edited] would not have killed a single one of us. The whole crew was yelling that he was impossible to hit with all this lag.

    I actually feel like he was cheating, exploiting with lag somehow. There is no way that he should have been able to teleport around us like that. It couldn't just have been my connection either, since it was the whole crew that saw him flickering around.

    Every other crew that we fought legitimately was fun and engaging. We would board their ship and have no problems engaging in close quarter combat. No lag, no teleporting. But as soon as he was on our ship, we were swinging our swords at thin air and he was teleporting like Nightcrawler.

    I feel as though the problem was twofold. One, was the obvious lag problems we suspiciously encountered. The second was that actually landing a sword strike didn't slow him down in the slightest. He was running and jumping like a lunatic. Even when I heard my sword strikes land, I couldn't tell because he didn't pause for an instant. I really, really want the sword stun to return, at least some. There was no way he should have been able to wade through our cutlasses slashes while eating. We couldn't lock him down at all. That just feels bad.

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  • This is not the way to go about this. Do not name and shame players on the forums. Report the players and add any proof you may have with it.

  • @bloodredtyrant

    sigh.....I want to take this post and run with it because of a lot of things said on the forum but I won't.

    First and foremost edit your post. You can edit it by click the ship wheel at the bottom right of you post.

    Remove the players name because it is against forum rules. Then make a support ticket about it and report them on microsoft also.

    Its better if you have a clip of it.

    You can set that up by going to your xbox live settings and looking for a setting that lets the system record a set amount of time in the background. I think it ranges from 5-10-15-30 minutes. What it does is whenever you press the "record that" button it will save the last (however long you set) minutes of your game and save it to your harddrive.

    Create a Youtube account if you don't have one already and give the link in the report after you make it.

    Better luck next time man.

    SIDE NOTE Chances of hacks are low however, just a heads up the hit registration for the game has been horrendous. The new update hasn't helped at all either. Most servers are having a lot of issues with people lagging in and out of the game. Another thing is that most players play on different regions. I have a friend from Australia that plays on my servers with 250+ ping. When I play on his servers I am also playing with 250+ ping. We get called out for hacking A LOT because of the teleporting and hits not registering.

    Could just be lag and latency issues. If you still think its hacks then just create the report.

  • @bloodredtyrant Naming and Shaming is not tolerated on the forums as per the Forum Rules and as such has been moderated from your post.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums. If you believe a post or thread violates community standards, please flag it for moderation.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Customer Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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